Her Escape

He Is Back and Ready To Attack!

That night at the show Jade was instructed to mirror Garry and or Brian, to learn how to manage/ tour manage and band of such a magnitude as My Chemical Romance. When she escaped, just for a moment to enjoy the show from the side, she looked into the crowd and there he was.

The guy from the New Orleans show that had caught her. He looked exactly the same. He was searching the sides of the stage. As his eyes caught Jade’s a million thoughts raised through her head. She froze unable to comprehend the situation at hand. Those glowing green orbs of pain. which sunk into her blood and chilled her senses. Familiar, terrifying eyes, that frightened her innocent unsure blue eyes.

He started to walk towards her. She did the only thing she could think of, witch was to run. Back stage she found Brian
“The guy…the guy…from the New Orleans… he is here…he…he…saw me”
She can barely talk, out of breath and mentally tortured.
“It’s ok. Calm down. He can’t get passed security” Brian put his hand on her shoulder and continued “Come on lets get you out of here”
He brought her to the guy’s dressing room.
“Here, stay here till their done with the set.” He said turning to leave
“NO! Wait you can’t leave me here alone!” she desperately called
Brian nodded and pulled out his radio.
“Hey this is Brian. I need to security guards and a aid in the My Chem. Dressing room. ASAP. Over” He now turns to Jade
“I’ll stay with you until they get here”
“Thank you”
She sits down. Putts her head in her hands and just breaths.

Minutes later there where two guards and an aid coming hastily down the white brick hallway. The bigger of the two guards asks
“What’s up?”
Brian pointing at Jade, “Stay with her until the guys are done with their set, then escort them to the bus and make sure no one else besides the guys gets near her. (Looking at the aid) can you get her some coffee?”
All three nod their heads as Brian leaves. The aid runs off for the coffee, and the guards walk into the room and lock the door behind them. They settle on the couch and look confused at Jade who is now sulking, he face still lost with-in her hands.
“What’s the matter?” one of them ask, seeing how distressed she was.
“Well there is a guy that has been to the last two shows and last time I went crowd surfing and he caught me and wouldn’t put me down. I felt like I had seen him before, but it wasn’t a good feeling. And now he is here again and he was looking for me. You probably think I’m crazy but I can feel it…he’s trying to hurt me.”
She is barely able to finish her sentence because she is to upset.

There is a double knock at the door and she jumps. The guards get up, one goes to open the door while the other stands in front of Jade.
“Who is it?”
“Joe, the aid. I brought coffee”
He opens the door and the guy is standing there, the guy from the New Orleans show.
“THAT’S HIM!” Jade yells.