Afraid Of The Light

Cold Night

Sally continued walking endlessly in the Chicago slums. She avoided the main street, as she knew the cops would be after her. She found a pay phone right next to one of the sleazy bars. She called her friend Amy in New Jersey. Amy moved away when they younger but she was the was only one Sally could turn to.

“Amy, please help. Do you remember that murderer that I told you about...'' and she told her the story, tears rolling down her cheeks and falling onto the ends of her long black hair.

After she hung up on Amy, she turned to walk into the bar. The strong scent of alcohol hit her and she began to feel dizzy. Sally didn’t notice the drunken man advance on her. She screamed when she felt a hand grab the back of her shirt. The inebriated man let out a cackle as his grubby fingers began to unbutton Sally’s shirt. She screamed and tried to push him off. He ignored her and worked faster at the shirt. She began to cry and beg him to leave her. He began to get fed up and punched her in the jaw, knocking her out. The last thing she saw was his crooked smile before every thing was black.

Sally woke up lying on a bench, in the middle of a park. She was cold and looked down at her bruised body to find her clothes ripped. She slowly sat up and saw that her crotch area covered in blood. Tears began to blur her vision as she realized the worst had indeed happened. She was raped. A disgusting feeling filled her as she bent over and put her head on her knees. She was so tired. She began to slip into a deep sleep when she felt two pairs of arms grab her.

She woke up in a large fluffy bed in a room with light blue walls. She saw Amy walk in the room and memories of the past night began to fill her head. “Sally, you’re awake,” Amy said as she approached the bed. She engulfed Sally in a big hug. Sally began to cry into Amy’s shoulder as Amy rubbed her back. “It’s going to be okay, Sally,” Amy said, holding onto her tighter. “No, no it’s not. I feel awful. I was r-raped, Amy. I feel like a piece of trash,” Sally cried.

The two girls sat there, still holding onto each other, never letting go.
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i thank lilly666
for giving me ideas and i thank ur comments *as if theyre any, she mumbles*
c u at the nxt chapter