Afraid Of The Light

The World Broke Her

Sally didn’t get any more phone calls after that. The voice she heard on the other line hung up on her after telling saying he would ‘see her very soon’. She was so scared; she didn’t want to walk out of the house anymore. Depression made a permanent home in her life, and school was making it worse.

She couldn’t manage to walk through a hallway without receiving stares and whispers from people. It was only last week that she heard a girl whisper in the hallway “She’s the one that was raped. I hear she’s knocked up now as well. There’s her whole life in the gutter.”

Tears began to fall down her cheek as she thought of everything that was happening to her. Her work began to pile up and she was under so much pressure. She wasn’t going to get rid of the baby, but she didn’t want it to suffer through life. As much as she hated the man who did this to her, she could not ruin someone else’s life.

Sally sat in her room and stared at the walls. She was humming a random tune when Amy stepped into the room. She smiled weakly at her friend, and tried to say something, but her voice failed her.

“Sally, you can’t go on living like this. It’s going to kill you! You’re not eating, you’re always inside, and you have dark circles under you eyes!” Amy said worriedly. “Amy, I’m fine. I could care less anyway. I should be dead. My whole life already ended anyway. People are out to get me, and all I can do is sit here, intruding on your house. I’m only endangering you and your family as well Amy,” Sally said, her voice flat and her face pale.

“You’re not the Sally I knew before. The Sally I knew would be ready to take on the world, to prove the world wrong. To fight the awful disease she has and help her baby survive. She would laugh in the face of all the people who said she couldn’t do it. What happened to that Sally?” Amy said, her voice growing lower.

“The world broke her a long time ago…”
♠ ♠ ♠
Hi Everybody!
Okay, so I'm now co-writing this story alongside Sakura.
I also managed to help her edit all the previous chapters to make this cool story more enjoyable to read.
I also decided it was my turn to post a chapter up.
I hope I do this story justice.
xx Lilly