Sequel: Streets

Mont Blanc

Chapter Seventeen

They all sat, staring at me, like I was some toy. Jimmy was the first to say something.

“Okay, Rule number one, you only date girls that do a sport, any type of sport, but mostly cheerleading, softball, things like that, you never date someone lower than that.” He said smiling. Brian had broke that rule.

“Rule two, you don’t really want to be dating them for longer than about a week unless you want it to be serious. If your with them for a fuck, only fuck them once, a second time and they think that they are married to you.” Matt said, obviously having done that. I looked at Brian, noticing that the other two weren’t looking at me, so I held up my left hand and twiddled my ring finger while pointing back and forth between us. He laughed slightly and winked.

“Rule three, you never bad mouth your friends behind their back, it is such a girly thing to do.” Brian laughed, then looked at Jimmy with his eyes wide, as if to say ‘go on’.

“Oooookay. Rule number, erm, four, you don’t do heroine. I know it’s a drug, but why would you want to fuck your body up like that. Yeah, do other drugs, but heroine leaves nasty scars and kills like a bitch if you miss the vain.” he said pointing to a rather large messy scar on his left arm.

“Dude, that’s a shit rule.” Brian laughed

“Yeah, just because you were too stupid and jabbed the needle in the wrong place.” Matt laughed

“Anyway, yeah, if your gonna do it, stick to stash.” Brian laughed. I smiled at him and he smiled back. I actually think that this might work.

“Rule Number five, don’t feel bad for cheating. Its not like your going to marry them. Heck, Brian here has never had a relationship he hasn’t cheated in, have you Bri?” Matt said patting the back of a very panic stricken Brian. I looked at him frowning. He looked me in the eye and rapidly shook his head, his eyes pleading with mine to forget the comment that was just spoken. Our eyes never broke contact as I felt my trust in him go down to a tiny level.

“Guys, I need to start unpacking and shit, so if you could go and drink someone else’s beer, I would be grateful.” Brian said.

“Okay, dude, I need to get back, I am going out with Val tonight anyway.” Matt said as he stood up.

“Yeah, I have a date with, no, I don’t really have a date.” Jimmy said sadly.

“Oh well, there’s plenty of fresh meat at school, go fishing with some of them.” Matt laughed as they both walked out of the house. Once I head the front door slam, Brian ran over to me and hugged me.

“Hang on a minute.” I said pushing him away. A moment ran though me when I wished I wasn’t here. I wished that I was back in the snowy mountains, Brian to protect me from the cold, where there were no secrets and no lies, no sneaking around. I looked at him, his face looking guilty and slightly embarrassed.

“Just so you know, I would never cheat on you, heck, your probably the longest relationship I have had in months. I swear to God, if I ever cheat on you, you have the right to chop off my balls.” He said

“And then make you eat them, raw, without sauce.” I said back playfully. He smiled and wrapped his arms around me once again. I smiled, knowing that now he would never cheat on me; knowing how valuable his balls are to him.

I smelt him again and laughed.

“What?” He asked as he pushed me away slightly.

“You fucking stink.” I said. I walked to the front door, me following in his footsteps, to flick the lock across.

“Well lets take a bath then.” He said looking at me with a mysterious grin on his face. I smiled and walked with him to his bathroom.

“Man, this place looks so different to when your grandma lived here.” I laughed

“I know, we had squatters for a while, seriously, they were here for fucking months and didn’t go, I think one of them must have died or something because one day they were there, the next they weren’t, that’s why I put the fence up, in case they decide to come back.” he said smiling. He bent over to turn on the taps and quickly rid himself of his clothes. I copied his actions, placing my clothes over the radiator on the far wall. Once the bath was two thirds full, I stepped in, hissing slightly at the heat. I reached and turned the taps off, shuffling forward. Brian stepped in behind me, his legs either side of my waist. He smiled and leaned back, pulling me down with him.

“I like this.” I said

“It’s a bit uncomfortable, but yes, likable indeed.” he chuckled

“How come your taking art?” I asked out of the blue


“Your taking art, and you cant draw to save your life.” I laughed

“Oh, because, in art you can do fuck all, when in the other lessons your sat writing shit, remember when we had that paint fight earlier on in the year?” he asked

“Yes. You and your friends began throwing the paint at me.” I said, saddened by the memory.

“Well no you going to be the one throwing the paint, babe.” he laughed.

“I am not going to be throwing paint at anyone, I know how it feels to be singled out and laughed at.” I snapped, sounding more harsh than intended.

“Sorry. You know after this, I am so going to bed.”

“Its only like five.”

“Yeah, but all that sex wore me out. Its okay for you, my hips fucking kill.” he said. I blushed red, I don’t like it when our sex life is bought up, even between the two of us.

I reached down and grabbed the shampoo that was next to the tap.

“Why the fuck do you have kiwi shampoo?” I asked

“I like the smell of kiwi.” he said unconvincingly.

“Okay! It was the cheapest shit in the store.” he laughed. I opened the bottle and smelt the contents. It was actually pretty nice. I laughed and poured some into my hand, the bottle making that squeaking noise; signalling that it was nearly empty. I washed my hair and then rinsed it. I then saw another bottle, the same as the shampoo bottle, but the stuff inside was a cloudy colour. I picked it up and looked at the label.

“Why do you use conditioner?” I asked

“How else do you think I keep my hair so soft.” He said touching his still dry hair.

“Oh my gosh.” I said smiling


“YOU ARE GAY!” I laughed
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry, its a short filler, but at least its something.

I will not be able to update until late sunday, English time, obvs. So I wrote this ASAP, so my readers are happy =]

I like happy readers.