Sequel: Streets

Mont Blanc

Chapter Four

I brushed off the fact that I blatantly saw him looking at my ass and sat back down. I saw him get up to go to the bathroom. Thank God. I sighed and pulled the pillow and blanket out from the holder thing above my head. There was only one in there, which means he probably wants it. Oh well, he can suck my dick, I don’t care. I cannot believe that I have been on the plane for only half an hour it seems like years. I looked out of the window to see we were now flying high above the clouds. The stars were up in the sky shining down on the plane.

“Do you want to go to the bathroom?” I heard Brian ask.

“No, why?” the comment he made actually sounded kinky.

“So I don’t have to keep on standing up.” he said. He had a point. I got up and made my way to the bathroom. I looked around the plane to see it was the strangest plane I have ever been on. There were three columns of seats, all with two seats in a row. How the fuck I got seat three I don’t know. I stood inside the metal bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. Pretty hot if I do say so myself. I did my business and walked back to my seat to find Brian with the photo album on his lap.

“What are you doing?” I did not like the fact he was going through my stuff

“Just looking. Why the fuck did you bring this along anyway?”

“I was going to throw it in the lake.” I said truthfully as I sat down

“Why?” he asked sadly

“So I don’t have any more memories about the fact that you and I were ever friends.” I said, a bit to harsh than intended

“I don’t understand why you hate me so much.” he said flicking through the photos.

“Because you have changed. Where did Bri go? I went on holiday and when I came back you didn’t want to know. I get beat up everyday and you just watch, don’t help me, don’t help them. You just stand there and frown. You know everything about me, I am still Zacky, I haven’t changed a bit. Your like a whole new person.” I said

“Well I cant help that I made new friends. I don’t want to be boring, Zack, I want to live life. Have an adventure, and you sure as hell aren’t gonna do anything like that. You never take risks. Why, Zack, why?” he said putting the photo album back.

“I do take risks. I took risks when I told you shit. Because you go and tell everyone else.” I said, he knows what I’m hinting at.

“I didn’t tell anyone that your gay, they worked it out for themselves.” he hissed

“Yeah right.” I said turning my head and looking bank out of the window. It is so hard to ignore someone who is sitting next to you.

“I don’t care anyway. At least I actually have friends.” he said. I turned to him and saw him put his iPod on. That comment hurt. I moved my entire body angle so that my back was facing him. I felt a tear slowly fall down my cheek. Its his fault why I’m here, me with no friends. If it wasn’t for him then I would still be popular, but I don’t want that, that’s not happiness. That’s getting drunk with people you don’t know and spending the next day regretting it.

I closed my eyes and leaned my head against the seat, I could feel sleep overpower me.


I awoke to someone shaking my arm. I looked around to see the plane saw all sideways and my head was moving up and down slightly. It took me about a minute to register that I must have fallen asleep and rested my head on Brian’s chest. I lifted my head and heard him mutter a quiet ‘thank you’.

I out of the window to see the sky being filled with sunlight, “What time is it?” I asked

“3am, we are landing in a minute,” he said confidently “It looks like our parents are still friends.” he said pointing to his mom who was engaging in deep conversation with my mom.

“Yeah. Why’d you wake me up anyway?” I asked

“You needed to put your seatbelt on. There was no way I was going to touch anywhere down there, I don’t know what I’ll catch.” he said smirking.

“Just give it up Brian, everyone knows you want a piece of this.” I said laughing. If there was something that really wound him up, it was people saying he was gay.

“Ew, that’s disgusting, keep your faggy comments to yourself.” he scoffed

“Well you didn’t care when I told you I was gay.”

“Yeah, because you were twelve, I didn’t think that when you were sixteen you would still be gay.”

“Whatever. Dick.”

“I was talking to your mom earlier when you were having your wet dreams about me,” he laughed. I wasn’t having wet dreams. Dick. “And she said that you were staying in the cabin down by the lake, number 4, guess who’s in number 5.” he smirked.

Like this holiday cant get any worse.