Sequel: Streets

Mont Blanc

Chapter Seven


I could not believe how furious I was with my mom and dad. Fucking bringing me on holiday with that tramp. Who the fuck do they think they are, they know I hate him and he’s a geek. Why the hell do they think they can just do that. I was sat on my bed, where I had been for hours after Zack left. I noticed he hadn’t come back, not that I was paying attention, just that I saw him go out, and I hadn’t seen him come back, and my window faced near their door so I would have noticed. It was drawing along eight o’clock. I still hadn’t slept, coffee being the culprit.

I watched as the darkness that was night sweep across the mountains, making it all look so peaceful. But me, I hate peaceful, why be here when I know there is a party at Matt’s house, well it’s a permanent party at Matt’s house, girls coming and going at all hours, the fridge always full of beer. Why have this when I could be getting some serious ass.

I saw the Baker’s come outside and head for our door. I heard them knock and Mrs Baker’s panic stricken voice shrill through the cabin. I walked of my room to see what all of the fuss was about.

“Oh, Brian, have you seen Zack?” my mom asked

“No, why?”

“He has been out for hours and hasn’t come back.” Mr Baker said sadly

“I’ll go look for him.” I offered getting my coat.

“Thank you.” Mrs Baker whispered

“Don’t thank me, its not like I care for the little cunt, I just want have a walk anyway, I will just make sure I look in all the gaybars and chess clubs on my travels.” I said smuggly as I left the house.

I walked up the side of the mountain to see all the people had gone. I was actually really curious as to where he was. I continued walking up the path through the mountain, until I came to a spot off trees. I looked closely, there was a squirrel eating an apple, well picking chunks and eating it. I looked behind the squirrel to see a black snowboard with purple markings on. I swear I had seen it before. I walked over to it to see there was a boot attached to it, I followed the boot up to the bloody figure that was Zack.

“What the fuck have you done now.” I muttered to myself as I moved away the branches. I saw he was still breathing, just unconscious, his face covered in trickles of blood. I removed his boot from his board and moved up to him. He was I’m an awkward position. It didn’t look like anything had broken, his head was just injured. I picked him up and lifted him over my shoulder and picked up his board. He wasn’t heavy but he wasn’t light either, I made sure his head wouldn’t bleed anymore from the position, but it looked like the bleeding had stopped from the dry clumps in his hair.

I carried him and his board back to the lake where I walked into my cabin, to check his mom and dad weren’t there, which they wasn’t, so I walked up to his cabin. I knocked on the door and sighed loudly. I cannot believe I just saved him, normally I would have left him to die. I continued knocking until realising that there was nobody in. They were probably out looking for him.

I walked back to my cabin and stepped inside.

“Hey, did you. Oh.” I heard my mom say looking at me

“Where are the Bakers?” I asked

“Out in the town looking for him.” my dad explained

“Oh, I’m gonna take him to my room.” I said walking off

I walked into my room and placed him on my bed, putting his board in the corner. I put the blankets over him and put a pillow under his bloody head. What the hell has he done to himself?