Sequel: Frozen Tears

Fallen Worlds

  1. Prologue
  2. Chapter 1 Sleepover
  3. Chapter 2 Crash
    This is when a tragic event truns Selene's world upside down.
  4. Chapter 3 Nightmare
    Selene slowly begins to learn of her past and what she is.
  5. Chapter 4 Funeral
  6. Chapter 5 Decision
    In this one, Selene and Sky finds out what happens to Selene.
  7. Chapter 6 A New Start
    Things start to get better for Selene. But will it stay like this?
  8. Chapter 7 Snow Fight
  9. Chapter 8 Movie
  10. Chapter 9 Dream
  11. Chapter 10 New Faces
  12. Chapter 11 Broken Friendships
  13. Chapter 12 Recovery
  14. Chapter 13 Secrets
  15. Chapter 14 Truth
    This is when Selene finds out about her life and about Sky
  16. Chapter 15 Renewed Friendships
  17. Chapter 16 Taken