Sequel: Untitled Two


Chapter Ten

The end of the evening came, I had managed to completely cane everyone’s arses (apart from Darren’s) and had come second, behind Josh, who had ambled in half an hour late expecting a lane to still be available, and Charlotte said that he could share her go, which technically meant that Charlotte won, but still.

I was saying goodbye to everyone and was starting to look like an over-laden Xmas tree with the amount of presents that had been placed around me, when Darren said that he would help me carry my things home. I mentioned that it was an hour long commute. He said he didn’t mind. I asked if he was sure. And he said that he had never been more sure of anything in his life.

I couldn’t bloody well refuse to that now could I?

So we stopped off at TESCOs and I bought a large amount of milk so that we had an excuse to walk out of the doors with more carrier bags than they should have given us.
I finally was able to stagger onto the Threshold still looking like a pile of bags which had developed a pair of legs due to Genetically Modified Foodstuffs. And Darren didn’t look much different, which sort of helped a bit.