Sequel: Untitled Two


Chapter Eighteen

“Why me though?” I was confused.
“Because you are the one who last had connections with the woman that we are investigating.”
I was rubbing my forehead, partially to wake myself up, partially out of confusion. He must have detected the latter.
“Go into Warwick Avenue Station at half past two, there will be a man facing the tracks, ask him if he has any spare egg sandwiches. Bring no-one.”
“But it’s my tutoring tomorrow!”
“You will receive your tutoring once you arrive.”

The phone clicked off.

God. MI6. What could they do with me though? This wasn’t some kind of joke. I could tell, it was far too serious and solemn. And they seem to know everything about me. And no-one knew about what me and Darren had been up to. Not even Eleanor.

I ambled back into the bedroom, I wanted to turn on the lights to see what I was doing, but I couldn’t for fear of waking him.

I slowly lowered below the sheets, and pulled them over myself. I faced the ceiling hearing the gentle ticking of the clock and the air conditioning system throughout the house.

Darren was well and truly asleep. I decided I should try and be as well. I closed my eyes, and went straight out like a light.