Sequel: Untitled Two


Chapter Two

I was overtired, I was so overtired that I couldn’t sleep (maybe the coffee hadn’t helped), so I went through to the kitchen again and clapped my hands, to have the room illuminated far too brightly for the middle of the night, I was going to have to tinker with the software on the computer at some point.

I couldn’t help but feeling that I was missing something in my life. I mean, teenagers are supposed to be drug-fuelled, smoking alcoholics – going out to parties at every possible moment. And then there was me. I had never ever been the average teenager by any means. Obsessively compulsively tidying everything at every possible moment, farting about with stuff that didn’t really matter. Part of the problem was that I hadn’t really had human communication all week, and that I needed to give someone a ring. So, at half past midnight I decided to ring Eleanor, her parents wouldn’t be mad with me, they treated me like their son. It was only Eleanor herself that could be the possible problem.

The phone rang about seven times and on the eighth it clicked and a very croaky voice answered. “Hello?”
“Oh no!” she said in that jokey voice that she puts on when I ring her all hours God sends, “Anyway, how have you been?”
“Oh not bad, got chucked by Josh though.”
“Oh, I am sorry Richard, I know he meant alot to you.”
Bloody hell, alot? He meant the fucking world to me and he left me for someone who had bigger muscles. What a wanker. She echoed the last three words I had said to myself down the phone.
“So this means that you can go on with your life and find someone else?”
“I am NOT currently trying to find anyone else.” I let out a world-weary sigh.
There was a long pause.
“So why did you ring me?”
When I came to think about this, I didn’t actually know why I had rang her at all.
“I can’t sleep.”
“Well neither can I if you keep on ringing me like this.”
“Oh God, sorry, I’d better be going anyway.” I hung up.