Sequel: Untitled Two


Chapter Twenty-Five

I woke up on the same floor that I had passed out on. I was starting to wonder if I was ever going to get out of this alive. Maybe the last time I would ever see daylight was when I was walking to this hellhole.

I suddenly remembered what she had been saying to me. And I cursed at her using the worst language that I knew. She then walked over to me, so that her little pink slippers were right in front of my face. She looked down at me.

“Oh dear, looks like someone didn’t go to finishing school,” She beamed again using that inane grin, “We’d better do something about that.”

She picked me up off the floor. She was an incredibly strong woman for her size and age. She picked out my phone, wallet, and keys out of my pockets. She examined the phone.

“It’s such a shame that these are such bad influences on your lives. Not teaching you how to spell when you ‘text’ each other. You just couldn’t care less about the beautiful English language, and these make you antisocial.”

She was by this time shaking my 3G iPhone and she let it rest on the floor. Before kicking it and I watched it skitter away and hit the opposing wall at the end of the room.

“That had important things on that! Everyone’s birthday’s! Everyone’s numbers!” I started to protest, it rang in the corner, using the personalized ringtone that I used for Darren. “And he’s calling me!”

I sprinted over to it and picked it up. I saw that gorgeous photograph that he had sent me of him looking over the Eiffel Tower. I stabbed answer.

“Darren, it’s me, you’ve got to help me, there’s a mad woman, tell MI6. There’s a car down Carrengdon Road! Tell them it’s Darren. It’s a Rolls Royce. You’ve got to help me!”

Birgit snatched it out of my hands and hurled it into the pool. She clapped and rubbed her hands together.

“Well, that’s solved that minor inconvenience that we had there. Who is Darren?”
“Do you really think I’m going to tell you anything?” I murmured.
“I will repeat the question. Who is Darren?”
“He’s my boyfriend.”
“Oh REALLY?” she started to laugh, “and the fact that half of your generation is sexually confused anyway is enough to make me chuckle.”

I gave her a cold, hard stare.

“Oh, don’t look at me like that, you know that it’s completely unnatural.”
“No it’s not, you vile bitch.”
“That’s quite enough of that thank you. I am not a female dog.”

She kicked me in the groin, and then as I lowered myself to the floor in pain she kicked me in the head. Several times. I passed out again.