Sequel: Untitled Two


Chapter Twenty-Seven

We arrived at the water treatment plant. Black clouds were looming and the air was damp and sticky. It was already dusk. And some streetlights were starting to turn on.

She got out of the car and came round to my side. She took me out of the car and wheeled me along to the entrance. She already had a keycard and was scanned in and let through straight away. She must have been planning this for months, but that’s what the man had said behind the desk, they had been worried about her for months.

She wheeled me over the step and just before the door closed I got a glimpse of her leaning out the gun from the gap and shooting the Rolls Royce in the front wheel.

“Posh fuckers.” She exclaimed as she closed the door.

That had been my last chance of a quick getaway. What the hell was going to happen now?
She let me stand up when we reached a seemingly never ending set of stairs. I was so glad to finally able to be free. But she instantly produced the gun again and my animal instincts told me that I had to keep walking. I realised that these metal steps were going up and outside.

We reached the top of the steps and I found that we were on a metal grate over all of the tanks for the water. I looked below and saw swilling water. Endless and endless churns of it going round and round and round.

It was here that it started to rain. And it was now that I decided that I would try and make my break for it. I ran up to her and tried to grab the gun, firing two shots into the air. She somehow got me down to the ground and she dug one of her heels into my stomach. I crawled back but facing her in agony.

Torrents of rain were now falling, and you could see straight through my shirt. I was soaked to the skin.

Darren appeared.

Within seconds he was soaked through as well. I started to mouth at him to tell him to stay back. When Birgit turned round to see who I was talking to.

It was at this point that I noticed that Darren had turned pale white and looked as though he had seen a ghost. It was silent for what seemed like hours apart from the relentless rain.

“Nan?!” He suddenly said.
“Oh my darling!”
She ran over to him and attempted to give him a huge hug. He pulled back.
“What are you doing to Richard?”
“You mean, you know him?”
“Richard is my lover!”

Now it was Birgit’s turn to look as though she had seen a ghost. She stumbled back and was hanging onto the railings as though her life depended on it. By this time, I was just returning to standing position.

“Get the bottle!” I shrieked at him.
“What bottle?”
“The chemical bottle!” I screamed.

It was at this point that he gave her a hug and they went really close for a few seconds.
Maybe they were partners in crime.
Maybe they were working together.
Maybe they always had been.