The Homecoming

The Beginning

By no standards was Nicole in the least bit popular. All through grade school she was teased and made fun of for her looks. Most girls shunned her, guys never talked to her. She got asked out as jokes and was made fun of by the whispers of cruel children.
In a short description, at first there were only three guys that made a big impact on how she would act around guys later in life. Nathaniel, her soon-to-be best friend was kind to her from the start. From the moment they met at her cousin's party, they got along. They talked for as long as the party went on. She liked this boy.
And then, oh man, and then there was HIM. His name was Carter Anderson. He was the most amazing guy she had ever laid eyes on. She believed there was a connection between the two of them, I mean, wouldn't any girl think that of a guy that flirts with her on the first meeting? They laughed, he showed off, they almost hugged. The look in his eyes when he left her was almost that of depression. She like liked him.
And then, there was Ralph. A charming little boy, he was only a year younger then her. He made her laugh the most. His floppy brown hair and hazel eyes made her automatically attracted to him. He was adorable, talkative, and very... different. She liked him too.
For a year she waited to meet them again. Enduring criticism from friends that she was imagining the connections between her and the three boys, she waited. The party came again. Again, she had the time of her life. Again, she thought they liked her. For half a year, she endured an almost solitude life, with the exception of two very close friends, Jennifer and Anna. They were, and still are loyal friends. Then, on the day she went to tour her soon-to-be new school, she saw Nathaniel. They talked, they laughed, they got along.
Once again, a few months after seeing her soon-to-be new school, she saw Nathaniel, yet again. All through the night they snuck glances at one another.
A few days later, they started talking through IM and texting. She really got to know him. She showed up at a couple of his baseball games, talked to him for hours. They really connected. He was the only guy she had ever gotten this close to. Not even her first boyfriend knew this much about her, and she thought she loved him.
And then, of all things, came Aaron. He messed everything up. He did this to her. He made her say I love you. He took the meaning away from those words. He tried to go to fast. He went for the rebound. For the longest time, she's been scared of falling to hard, or moving to fast, and everything else that could leave her heart forever broken. Is there anyone that will, or even try, to fix this?
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I know, it's a long first chapter. But I wanted to give some background info before I began to actually get into what would be happening next. This is based on a true story. It's somewhat of a diary, so try to understand that this is coming from a teenage girl during her freshman year of high school.