The Homecoming

All's Fair in Love and War

Nicole and Nathaniel had been talking animatedly for hours. Secrets were told, and questions were asked.
footballfan55: so who are you going to homecoming with?
brokenhearted: no one yet
brokenhearted: brb

iluvmyjewfro: if i asked you to homecoming what would you say?
brokenhearted: umm... yes?
brokenhearted: wait, are you asking me?
iluvmyjewfro: yes. cause im taking you even if you have a bf
brokenhearted: haha ok then.
brokenhearted: but as FRIENDS
iluvmyjewfro: mmk. i have to go but ill ttyl
iluvmyjewfro: bye
-user iluvmyjewfro has signed off-

brokenhearted: k, im back. matt asked me to homecoming.
footballfan55: cool. so your going with him?
brokenhearted: yeah, but as friends
footballfan55: sweet. damn. my moms being a bitch. ill c ya later.
brokenhearted: mmk. c ya.
-user footballfan55 has signed off-

With a sigh, Nicole pushed her chair away from the desk. The instant she said yes too Matt, she felt trapped. It was like he was demanding her to go with him. She hasn't even seen him all summer! School hadn't started yet either, so why would he ask her so early?
With a final sigh, she signed off.

Sleep didn't come easily that night. For the first time in months, she felt alone. She cried. Volleyball tryouts were over and she would find out the next day if she made the team. Matt asked her to homecoming, and she didn't even like him that much. They were only friends because her friend was friends with him. As these thoughts drifted through her mind, she lost track of them and sleep claimed her.

-the next day-
It was the last day for her to go to the gym. Her last day of tryouts/conditioning. The girls all sat in a circle in the middle of the gym. The coaches stood silently with their clipboards. And man could those clipboards be frustrating! THe coaches just standing there like they could knock you down in a single blow. The clipboards with the results. Those final results.
Those names were called. Those girls got the jerseys. Nicole was not one of them. She looked around the circle. She noticed that Jenny's name wasn't called either. Disappointment was plastered all over Jenny's face. Well, Nicole wasn't that surprised . She'd skipped the past three years of volleyball. And she was only a freshman, so there was three more years for her to make the team. The girls who were cut were released from the practice, and she went to go catch up with Jenny.
"Hey, Jen. Sucks that we didn't make it."
"Yeah I know! I can't believe it!"
Nicole could. "Yeah, so who's picking you up?"
"I'm going to Ricky's football practice. You should stay and watch with me."
"Uhhm ok. It'll be over at like, three right?"
"Ok, I'll stay."
They made their way over to the practice field, and set their stuff down on the bleachers. Nicole looked out onto the field and saw him. Nathaniel was out on the field.
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