Children of Hyrule


Sheik went to get his horse, PharrĂª and met us outside the town gates. The baby dragon cried and squirmed inside it's cage.

"Rave? You think you can lay the dragon on Epic?" Sarah asked.

"Huh? Oh sure," I said. She took the dragon out of the cage, throwing the metal trap into the town's moat, and laid it on my horse.

"It's a boy," Malon said.

"A boy?" me, Sarah, and Sheik said.

"Yea see," she pointed to its backside.

"Well what shall we name him?" Sheik asked as we rode Hyrule Field to Kokiri Forest. The sun was setting on our backs, giving the road to the forest a golden look; untouched beauty.

"Let's give him a proper, famous name," Sarah suggested.

"Link?" Sheik said.

"Mikau?" Malon suggested.

"Ganon?" I said sarcastically.

"I was thinking more of the lines of Falkor," Sarah said.

"Falkor? The Luck Dragon?" Sheik asked. "But this is no Luck Dragon."

Luck Dragon's were a rare and powerful breed of dragon. Long ago, even before the Great Link legend, there was a legend of the most powerful Luck Dragon aiding the three Goddesses to escape an evil magician.
We reached Kokiri Forest and I put Falkor into a saddle bag. We rode to the ledge which led to the Lost Woods. I detached the saddle bag and we climbed the vines which were on the side of the ledge.

"Be careful Raven," Sarah warned. "We don't want you to fall."

I just nodded because climbing these vines with this dragon on my back was too tiring. I was the last to reach the top and was exhausted.

"Breathe Rave," Sheik reminded me.

I took a deep breathe which burned my lungs, but the second one was pure heaven. We started hiking into the Lost Woods. Left, right, right, left, left, right, left, right, left and there! Our hideout. It had four trees and two stumps were in a circle in the middle of the clearing. Flowers were scattered across it. I opened the saddle bag and Falkor hopped out of it. He fluttered around for a bit. Then he started to wobble towards a patch of flowers which soon broke out to a full blown awkward run.

"Falkor!" Sarah sang, running and scooping him up. "Falkor," she pointed to him. "Sarah," she pointed at her chest.

She sat down in the flowers cross legged and invited us over. We all sat down in the flowers.

I petted Falkor. "I'm Raven," I said pointing to my chest. "You're Falkor," I pointed to him. Sheik and Malon did the same thing.

"Falkor?" Sarah said. He blinked a few times. "Falkor ..." she said again. He blinked again. "Falkor!" she sighed.

It was quiet. Then ...

Falkor? he said. He connected to us.

"Falkor," all four of us said.

Falkor, he smiled.


Sheik and Malonleft the woods after a bit. Malon had to manage the ranch and Sheik had to guard the princess. Me and Sarah stayed where we were, to comfortable to get up. We would have to leave soon anyway though, the Warden would be looking for us.

"Come on RayRay. Goodnight Falkor, we'll visit you tomorrow," Sarah petted Falkor.

Gone? he tilted his head.

"Only until the morning. We'll come first thing okay?" I said. Falkor nodded. I smiled and kissed his head.

"I'm glad we bought him," Sarah smiled.

"Metoo. We should do something about those venders."

"Like what? Report them? The royal family has more important stuff to do."

"I know, but still," I sighed as we jumped off the ledge and landed on our feet. We got to the orphanage, which was the Hero of Time's house. Since he was an orphan too, they decided it was best to make it into an orphanage. Besides me and Sarah, there were three other orphans: Sido, a 12 year old boy; Mayis, a 6 year old boy; and Rikus, a 9 year old boy. Of course at 16, me and Sarah were the oldest, besides the Warden. The Warden was a gentle, old woman who was a herbist. Her real name was Lily Izmadaught.

"Sarah, Raven, you almost missed the curfew," the Warden said.

"Sorry, ma'am," we said.

"It's okay, now go to sleep."

I slipped into my bed and Sarah went to kiss me goodnight.

"Goodnight, Raven Noson," she kissed my forehead.

"Goodnight, Sarah Nodaught," I kissed her cheek.