Children of Hyrule

I Got Soul But I'm No Soldier

"So where are all your friends?" Hilda asked.

"Two of them have their bleed period, and one is working," I said.

"Ah. And where'd you get Falkor?" She asked, buying two Zora Ice Creams. "Which one?"

"Chocolate is fine. Me and my friend Sarah brought him from a vendor. He was in a cramp cage and sickly looking," I said taking the ice cream. "Thanks Hilda."

"Hrm isn't that illegal to keep them in those conditions?" Hilda asked. "Yes I believe it is."

"Yea but what can we do? I'm a Kokiri and you're a pheasant," I sighed.

"You never know. What's wrong with being a Kokiri?" She asked.

"People think small of us because we live in the forest. All because we don't live in the towns doesn't mean we're savages."

"That isn't fair. They shouldn't be degraded. Our Hero of Time was Kokiri by birth."

"Yea I know."

"Prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrincess?" a soldier came running. "Kokiri, have you seen a girl of sixteen, with long blond hair. About neigh high?" He asked.

"No sire," I shook my head. He nodded and left. I turned around to see that Hilda had gone to get some more food.

"The princess is missing I guess," I said to her.

"You guess?"

"A soldier was just looking for her," I said.

"Really?" Her eyes widened.

"Yep. Owell."

She nodded her head slowly. "So what does your friend do as work?"

"A bodyguard for the Princess actually."

"A bodyguard?" She seemed interested in that.

"Yea. See he's the last---"

I didn't get anymore than that because these big, ugly boars with these monsters on them came charging into the town. Screams louder than anything erupted when two people were trampled under the giant hooves. One of them, the biggest Warpig, picked up Hilda. I saw Sheik running towards the Warpig at full speed. The Warpig laughed and another one trampled him under his boar. Sheik made a fist and out of the first knuckles his poisonous thorns came out. I saw the animal step on Sheik's arm and I heard the bones splinter. I heard on big crack for his leg, and many small crunches for his chest. When I boar went to crushed his throat, I set up my slingshot and shot the beast in the eye. The big boar fell down dramatically. The townspeople attacked it on sight. The biggest Warpig started charging out the town. I ran after it: it his brother almost killed Sheik and he had Hilda. I could still see him when I reached Epic. I jumped on her and we charged towards the Warpig. He met up with about seven more of them and Falkor landed on my shoulder.

"Getting faster at flying, aren't we?" I shouted at Falkor because I couldn't hear over the blood thundering in my ears. Falkor just nodded and got this real angry look on his face. My adrenaline was pumping courage in my veins. But was good was courage if it killed you? I ready my slingshot and Falkor breathed fire---no Fyre---on the deku nut. I shot it at the closest one, bringing my foes down to seven. Falkor sped up, biting the closest one on the shoulder.I shot another boar in the eye with my slingshot, bringing the beast down and crushing his rider's left side. Falkor had the warpig he had bitten down and bit through its neck. He jumped on another one, and we were now fighting five of these ugly monsters. I rode right up next to one and took out my Deku Sword. I swung it hard and high, cutting the ugly brute in the face. Blood squirted on my green tunic. Three plus the lead Warpig was left.I shot my slingshot again and while it was in the air, Falkor breathed Fyre onto it. It hit one o of the smaller warpig in the base of its spine, but didn't do much damage. He rode up to me but I sliced his throat with the Deku Sword. That left me open to one of the two remaining weaker warpigs which knocked down Epic. I fell off her and rolled to the boar it was riding's legs and slashed at its heels. The boar fell down, but the warpigs was still peachy. I was so focused on this one I forget there were still two more. The other small one brought his mighty hammer down on my shoulder. It felt like a thousand pieces of burning glass flew into my shoulder. Broken, or smashed, no doubt. But I turned around swung my sword into his eye. I switched my sword arm, because the hammer damaged my left arm which I use for my sword. Then I stabbed him in the chest as far as my sword would go. Then I saw Falkor head butt the last of the small warpig in the chest. Or I thought it was Falkor. This dragon was way too big.

"Falkor!" I cried.

Don't worry Raven. Me and Farid have this one. Save Hilda.

I nodded and ran towards the big one. I shot my slingshot once more, in the boar's eye. White matter squeezed out of the socket; the eye was gone. The Warpig gave a tortured cry and leaped off the boar. It had Hilda on its shoulders.

"Don't worry Hilda. I'm going to save you!" I said as I saw the Warpig raise an ax over its ugly head. I charged and put my sword into it's belly. It squealed but showed no signs of stopping I dragged my sword, rolling out of the way of his ax and sliced up under his arm. He dropped Hilda on the ground. It was a high height, but from what it seemed she was alright. The Warpig lifted his ax again, but I slung my slingshot and hit him up his nose. Another Deku nut, my last one, went up the other nostril, blocking air from coming in. As stupid s this creature was, he forgot he could breathe through his mouth.I took this as an advantage to plunge my sword into his back, down his spine. He howled in pain. He grabbed his ax one last time and swung, two fast for me to block.

"Naryu's love!" Trixie flew out of my shirt again. The ax bounced back and almost hit the Warpig. I got up and shouted "Din's Fire!" The Warpig was a blazed. Soon it stopped rampaging; it was dead.

"Raven! Are you okay?" Hilda ran to me. "Your arm---"

"It's fine. Falkor!? Epic!?" I called. My trusty horse galloped next to me, she was fine. Falkor flew and sat on my shoulder. The other dragon landed next to us.

"Ow Falkor off," I brushed him off. Falkor gave me a look of sadness. "They crushed my shoulder," I explained. Before we could say anything else, soldiers appeared. They came closer and closer until they reached us. One look at me and they lasooed Epic. I got up and grabbed my sword, but they hit me in the gut and knocked me down. I tried to get up but a big man lifted me up, tying my hands together. Then we rode to the castle.