If you are not the one

Chapter 3

“Where have you been?”, Amber demanded the moment I walked into the school building after skipping two days.

“Home.”, I answered evasively, walking quickly to my locker.

I had to be there and gone before Gerard showed up, so I practically ran there, shoved my books in and walked back to Amber’s locker, sighing with relief. She was glaring angrily at me, but I just ignored her, staring at the floor.

“Why haven’t you answered our calls?”, Amber asked.

“Because my phone was switched off.”, I replied.

“And the times we called to your house?”

“I didn’t feel like talking.”, I said, playing with the zip of my bag.

“Hey stranger. How are you?”, Mikey asked when he reached us, pulling me into a tight hug.

“I’m good and you?”, I lied.

“I’m okay. Are you still coming to the party tonight?”, he asked as the rest of our friends arrived.

“Yeah.”, I answered.

Luckily the bell rang just as Gerard and Lynn-Z arrived, and I hurried to History, waiting around the bend for Lynn-Z. We walked in silence to class, I didn’t know what to say to her. I was a bit angry that she had told everyone that I was sleeping in class.

“So, my parents had decided that we weren’t moving here permanently. I’m going back on Sunday.”, she broke the silence, her voice filled with sadness.

“Oh, that sucks. Poor Gee.”, I said sympathetically.

“Yeah, I know. I’m gonna miss you two so much. You have to promise that we’ll keep in contact.”, Lynn-Z demanded tearfully.

“Of course.”, I said with a smile while we walked to our seats.

I managed to avoid Gerard the whole day, and didn’t talk to him at lunch. I sat as far away from him as possible, making it impossible for conversation. After school I ran to my locker, shoving all the books I didn’t need into it, and taking those that I had homework of. I slammed the door shut, and walked to my brother’s car.

“What’s going on with Gee these days? Why’s he so grumpy?”, Kevin asked when we drove out of the parking lot.

“Probably because Lynn-Z is going back to Canada on Sunday.”, I replied.

“Oh, poor guy.”, he said, and the rest of the drive was silent.

I ran up to my room when we got home, and immediately jumped into the shower, adjusting the temperature until it was scorching hot. I stood in the shower until all my muscles had relaxed, and got out, wrapping a big towel around my body. I dried myself and blow dried my hair until it hung in shiny locks down my back. I dressed in the black leggings and red shirt I had bought, and slipped my feet into my favorite black pumps.

I put on eyeliner and lip gloss, and curled my lashes. I smiled at my image, and sat down at my desk, pulling my bag closer. I did my homework until it was time to go.

“Come on, Shell, time to go!”, Kevin called when he passed by my room.

I grabbed my black jacket and purse and walked down the stairs. My heart was pounding loudly, thrumming in my ears. I hoped Kyle would convince Gerard, and that he wouldn’t try anything with me. I got into Kevin’s car, trying my best to relax as we drove to Amber’s house.

“Behave yourself. And I’ll know if you’ve been hanging out with college guys, remember I have my contacts.”, he said threateningly before I got out of the car.

“Whatever, Kev.”, I said, slamming the car door and heading up to Amber’s house.

“Hey Shell!”, Mikey said when I walked into the house, and pulled me into a hug.

“Hey Mikes.”, I said with a bright smile.

“Where’s your boyfriend?”, Irena asked with a wink when she came to say hello.

“I don’t know. If he’s not here yet, he should be here any moment.”, I said, smiling widely when I saw Mikey’s angry glower.

“So, the thing’s still coming.”, Mikey stated with a sour expression, and at my confirming nod, he spun around and stormed out of the hall.

“Is this the new social gathering or something?”, Chelsea asked when she walked in the front door.

“No. Oh, and before you go find Mikey, beware, he is in one foul mood.”, I replied, hugging her.

“Why?”, Chelsea asked surprised.

“Because Shell’s boyfriend is still coming.”, Irena replied with a smirk.

Chelsea giggled as we walked out on the terrace where the party was already in full swing. Mikey saw Chelsea standing with us, and pulled her away onto the dance floor. Irena had gone to stand beside Ray where he was standing with the other guys around the fire. Gerard looked up when she joined them, and saw me. I saw him start to walk towards me, but he stopped dead in his tracks when a voice spoke loudly.

“Babe! Here you are.”, Kyle said from behind me, and spun me around so that I was facing him.

Before I could do anything, he was kissing me and forcing my mouth open. I had no other option but to kiss him back. I felt his hands explore the length of my body, and locked my hands behind his neck, digging my fingernails into his skin. That made him pull away, and he swore under his breath.

“Do you want something to drink?”, he asked, slinging his arm across my shoulders.

“Sure babe.”, I replied, kissing his shoulder, and licking him slightly.

I smiled when I felt the goose bumps raise on his body, and dragged my nails softly across his back.

“I thought you were innocent.”, he whispered into my ear, nipping my earlobe.

“I am. This is all just play.”, I whispered back, kissing him along his jaw line.

He walked off to the refreshment table, and Chelsea, Irena and Kate practically ran over to me.

“Shell, his gorgeous!”, Irena exclaimed, staring at his butt where he stood debating over which drink to take.

“I know.”, I replied with a smug smile.

“Where can I get one?”, Kate asked playfully.

“Guys, you already have boyfriends. Leave Shell’s alone.”, Chelsea scolded them, also unable to take her eyes off of him.

Kyle strolled back to us, swinging his hips slightly, and the three girls walked off, winking suggestively at me. I saw Gerard walk towards us, with my four other friends tagging along behind him, all with murderous looks on their faces. Luckily Kyle reached me before they did, and I pulled his head closer, kissing him. Without taking his lips off of mine, he placed the drinks on the table, and circled my waist with his arms, pulling me as close as was physically possible. I pulled my head away and kissed up his neck until I was just underneath his ear.

“Act jealous and overprotective.”, I whispered, nibbling his earlobe.

“Ahem.”, Gerard cleared his throat when they reached us.

“Yes?”, I asked, pulling away from Kyle, who was still busy planting kissed in my neck.

“Aren’t you going to introduce us to your boyfriend?”, Gerard asked, nodding his head in Kyle’s direction, and eyeing him with a weird expression on his face.

“Guys, this is Kyle. Kyle, this is Gerard, Mikey, Frankie, Bob and Ray.”, I said when he finally lifted his head, and pointed to each of them when I said their names.

“Nice to meet you.”, Kyle said with a friendly smile, pulling me close into his body.

“Yeah, you too.”, Gerard replied, and the other four just smiled coldly at him.

They turned and walked away, and Kyle began to kiss me again. I pushed him away, and took a sip of my drink. It tasted funny, but I ignored it, and gulped it down.

“You have no idea how I wish this could be real.”, he whispered in my ear, and I kissed him softly on his cheek.

“When this works out, I will owe you for the rest of my life.”, I said quietly, staring at my feet.

“And if it doesn’t? Will you go out with me, then?”, he asked softly, gently lifting my head and staring into my eyes.

I could feel the furious blush rising into my cheeks, and gave him a small smile. He took it as encouragement, and leaned down, kissing me softly. We stood there, with him holding me as it grew darker.

“Let’s dance.”, he said when a slow song came on, and pulled me onto the dance floor.

“From this moment life has begun
From this moment you are the one
Right beside you is where I belong
From this moment on.”
Kyle pulled me close, and circled my waist once again with his arms. I put my arms behind his neck, and leaned my head against his chest as we swayed. More couples had come onto the dance floor, and I closed my eyes as we swayed, his cheek resting against my head.

“I give my hand to you with all my heart
Can't wait to live my life with you, can't wait to start
You and I will never be apart
My dreams came true because of you.”

“I think I’m falling in love with you, Shell.”, Kyle whispered against my hair.

My head whipped up, and I saw his serious expression as he looked down at me. His eyes were shining as I took my arms from behind his neck, and splayed my fingers across his chest. I could feel his heart beating wildly, and I stared into his eyes. We stood like that, staring at each other, not noticing that the song had ended.

“Shell, dance with me?”, Gerard asked suddenly beside us.

I jumped in surprise, and looked back at Kyle, who let me go with a reluctant expression. He walked off of the dance floor, and Gerard took me in his arms, pulling me close as another slow song came on. He started leading me away from the rest of the couples, and took me to a small clump of trees where no one could see us.

“Gee, - “, I began, but he pressed his hand lightly against my lips.

I almost melted at his touch, and he pressed my back to a tree, his arms resting beside my head. I licked my lips nervously, and watched as his eyes followed the movement.

“Shell, I – I love you.”, he said, staring into my eyes.

My breathing hitched as I took in his words. This couldn’t be happening, not two guys in one night. But this was Gerard, and I loved him. I didn’t love Kyle, I barely even knew him.

“Do you really mean that?”, I asked uncertainly.

“Yes. I don’t know when exactly I realised that I loved you as more than just a friend, or my little brother’s best friend, because we weren’t ever really friends, but we talked. Lynn-Z was just a distraction. I didn’t want to admit that I had feelings for you. I guess I was scared that you don’t feel the same about me, and I guess I was right in being scared. You obviously like this Kyle dude a lot if you were kissing him like that. I just wish that I had told you sooner.”, Gerard said sadly.

I was having trouble registering what he was saying, and then I heard
Lynn-Z’s voice calling his name. He swore under his breath, and walked away from me without a second glance. I looked out from behind the tree, and saw them kissing passionately. My heart hardened, and a ring of ice appeared around it. I walked out from behind the trees and went back to Kyle, who was searching through the dancing couples with his eyes.

“There you are. I’ve been searching for you.”, he said, sighing with relief.

“What’s that?”, I asked, pointing to the brown liquid in his hands.

“It’s brandy.”, he replied confused.

I grabbed it and downed the whole glass in one breath, gasping when it burned my throat. Kyle was staring at me in surprise, his lips parted invitingly, and before I knew what I was doing, I pulled his head down and kissed him. He responded immediately, his tongue gliding over my bottom lip. My own lips parted and his tongue slipped in, exploring my mouth.

“What does this mean, Shell?”, he asked, pulling away suddenly, and staring into my eyes.

“Just what you want it to mean. Where can I find more brandy?”, I asked.

He took my hand and led me to the refreshment table, pouring brandy in a glass and holding it for me to take. I ignored it, and took the whole bottle instead, taking large gulps while I led him to the side of the house.

“Come, sit down.”, I said, sitting down and pulling on his hand.

He sat down next to me, and looked at me while I emptied the bottle. I wasn’t feeling so good. My head was spinning, and everything looked hazy. I put the bottle down next to me, and turned my whole body so that I was facing him, but lost my balance and fell backward. With a slight chuckle, Kyle leaned over me with his whole body, and stared into my eyes.

“Kiss me.”, I whispered hoarsely.

He looked undeciding for a while, but gave in and kissed me passionately. I pulled his head closer, deepening the kiss, and felt his hands slip underneath my shirt, caressing my hips. We got completely lost in each other as the kiss became even more passionate. My hands were tangled in his soft hair, and we tried to get as close to each other as possible. He was lying on top of me with his whole weight, and I had difficulty breathing.

“What the hell is going on here?!”, someone exclaimed angrily.

Kyle jumped off of me, and I saw Gee standing there, looking furious. I giggled hysterically, trying to get up. Kyle held out his hand and I took it, and he pulled me up. I swayed on the spot, and started to fall forward. I made myself ready for the impact, but instead a pair of strong warm arms catched me, pulling me close. I looked up into Gerard’s hazel eyes, and hiccoughed loudly. His eyes widened incredulously as he stared at my face.

“Have – have you been drinking?!”, he asked furiously.

I giggled, and nodded, leaning my head closer to his and trying to kiss him. His lips touched mine lightly before he groaned and pulled his head away. I heard Kyle growl angrily, and felt someone tugging on my arm.

“Let her go, Gerard. She’s mine.”, Kyle snapped.

“Just how much did she drink?”, Gee asked, holding my arms tighter.

“She drank a whole glass and emptied the bottle of brandy.”, he admitted, still holding onto my arm.

“Oh, great. You should go, you’ve been a bad enough influence on her.”, Gerard snapped, pulling me closer when my knees started to give out from underneath me.

“Let me just say goodbye to her at least.”, Kyle pleaded unashamedly.

Gerard sighed, and I turned my head to look at Kyle, who bent down and kissed my bruised lips softly.

“I love you, Shell.”, he whispered before walking away.

Gerard scooped me up in his arms, my body already going limp, and walked back to the party. I heard the horrified gasps, and feet pounding. The pounding echoed in my head, and I groaned in pain.

“What happened to her?!”, I heard Amber ask, her voice filled with worry.

“She had gotten hold of a bottle of brandy, I think Kyle gave it to her, and I found him ontop of her at the side of the house. I think you should call her mom and ask her if she can stay over at your house, but I’m taking her home with me.”, Gerard said, and I felt the rumble in his chest as he spoke.

“Okay. Guys, you can contininue partying, no one’s dead.”, Amber said, and I heard the music go back on.

“Gee, are you sure it’s a good idea to take her back home with us?”, I heard Mikey ask.

“Yes, don’t worry I’m not going to do anything. And Lynn-Z and I are over, so I would like to be there when she wakes up. Hopefully she’ll remember what I told her. I just wonder what made her start drinking.”, I heard Gerard said.

“Well, you’re kind of an idiot, brother. I guess it was behind that clump of trees where you confessed your love, and then seconds later you walked out and started making out with Lynn-Z. She saw that, and I don’t blame her for wanting to drink after that. I would feel the same it Chelsea did that.”, Mikey said reproachfully.

“Oh man. How the hell am I going to explain that one? You gotta help me.”, Gerard pleaded.

“Nuh uh, you’re in this one on your own. Don’t be surprised if she doesn’t want anything to do with you.”, Mikey said.

“But I love her.”, I heard Gerard say, before everything went black.
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