Trying To Break Dawn

Trying To Break Dawn

“Garra….Garra” a five year old me yelled while I ran through the streets of the sand village, my purple pigtails flying behind me. I finally found him at the park sitting on the swing, crying. “What is the matter, Gaara?” He just sat there not saying a thing, just kept on sniffing but, I knew that he got bullied again. “I’” I was struck dumfounded. “You have me Garra!” “But what if you go away, Dawn?!” he started to yell but he’s voice got stuck in his throat. I had to think about it for a minute but then the only logical thing popped in my head. “We will get married!” now it was his turn to look dumbfounded. “what?” “We will get married so that we will never be apart, and we will always have each other.” Garra just simply smiled showing his missing tooth in the front.

The next day Gaara came running to me holding a necklace that he made “I didn’t have money so I made you this cus if we get married we have to give something to the other person” I giggled “I was going to find you but you were to quick, I guess” and with that I pulled out silver ring that I got out of the fifty-cent machine. “Here!” and so I put the necklace on and he put the ring on his thumb cus that was the only finger it would fit on. So with that we started walking down the street hand and hand.


{Fast forward to Jr. High}
I was pushed into a puddle, and I felt the water starting to seep into my uniform and onto my long hair making it start to tangle. I look up at Gaara to see a different person than the one I knew. He was now officially a ‘cool kid’ since he pushed me, a ‘loser’, but I will always love that redheaded boy who once gave me a toothy grin. I got up soaking wet now and walked away feeling betrayed but at the last minute turned around and gave the biggest grin I could muster and a peace sing. “Haven’t broke me yet!” this of course would piss everyone off but they deserve it and most likely later that night I would get beat up but, that is a chance I’ll take.


{Senior Year}
I get in fights all the time now because I won’t take crap anymore. Gaara and I don’t talk at all now and I’m making a name for myself. I fell in love with fighting. The adrenaline and the power behind every punch excited me. I am now 18 and am going to graduate soon. I have few friends and a lot of enemies. I know I’ll regret it someday but I will protect the victims of the bullied and I’ll punish the bullies! Even if that costs me a beaten body. I still have Gaara’s necklace and I’m heartbroken that our friendship turned out to be so weak that he would betray me like that, but it only made me stronger. Sometimes I wonder how it would be like if we actually did end up getting married but I guess that will never happen. Him being ‘Mr. Badass’ and me again being ‘Ms.Outcast’

It was late and I was walking home from a club where I had been dancing and drinking, I wasn’t drunk but I felt the buzz. I was wearing a tight purple shirt that stretched across my good size chest and a tight jean skirt with kickass boots. I was intoxicated with the night smell and was whirling around in circles having a good old time, when I was suddenly pulled into an alleyway and thrown on the filthy ground. I got a little pissed about having my fun ruined but I was in good spirits, so I got up and dusted myself off. I looked up at the miserable group in front of me and counted a fast 6 six people. “Heh…an ambush.” They kinda looked familiar but couldn’t quite place they. “we are the guys you fought with last month.” “AHA! You’re the assholes that kept picking on that young freshman thang!” They got really pissed at that comment and started to throw kicks and punches. I dodged some and started to fight back with punches, kicks, biting, anything I could come up with. One of the bastards tore my favorite club shirt and I knocked him straight out with a punch and a kick in between his legs, he went down hard. It lasted about another 15 minutes before the last one fell. I was bruised and could feel a black eye forming. My skirt got torn and my boots scratched, I doubted I could even wear the shirt again because it got ripped up so badly. I just finished ripping it till it was just an inch under my boobs. It took me a few minutes but I got up from the hard, dirty ground and started to limp home. Then it started to rain. “Just GREAT!” I yelled. Today was just not my day. Also, to make my day even ‘greater’ I was passing the park where I ‘proposed’ to Gaara. “..Dawn..?” I heard my name and looked up wondering what in the world is a person who wasn’t me doing out at this time of night. What I saw startled me, it was Gaara. He was wearing some jeans and a light jacket with the middle open, and he was sitting on the same exact swing that I found him on 13 years ago. “Gaara what the hell are you doing out here?” I almost shouted until I saw what was in his mouth. “is that pocky?” “yeah you want some?” I smiled at the thought of me and Gaara sitting at a kiddy park eating pocky in the rain. “yeah.” So I sat down on the swing next to his and he gave me a few of the chocolate sweets. I knew he saw the bruises because he kept giving me side glances at my torn clothes and busted up body. “what happen?” he nearly whispered. “got in a fight, the fuckers ambushed me” he gave me a startle look and I almost laughed at the face “heh don’t worry I won.” “but at what cost?” he asked it like he didn’t want me to answer. “why do you fight, Dawn?” I got a little agitated at this and got up to start to walk away but he grabbed my wrist. “I fight because I don’t have a choice, if I didn’t everyone would walk all over me and give me crap and I don’t think I’m strong enough to handle that from someone else again!” I screamed at him. He looked down and lightly let go of my wrist. “I’m……sorry…..please don’t leave” he whispered. I looked away, but sat down all the same and stole some more pocky from him. “You know I’ll never leave you, Gaara, you re the one who always leaves me” I said. He looked away and ran his hand though his red hair. At that moment I saw something sparkle from Gaara’s pinky finger and almost fell out of the swing laughing. He gave me a funny look and I pointed at his pinky “you still have that thing!?”
“well YOU still have the necklace!” with that I had to be silent.

“hey Dawn, why did we turn out this way?”

“what do you mean? Why didn’t we get married and started to hate each others guts or why are we eating pocky in the rain?”

“I never hated you I just wasn’t good enough for you”

“Gaara if you aren’t good enough for me then I think I’ll die a virgin”

“you’re a VIRGIN?!!!”

“OF COURSE!” I screamed/whispered

“you know when I saw you walking home just now and I saw how much pain you were in I couldn’t stop myself from saying your name.”

“Gaara you wanna know a secret?” I said with a smirk, getting over the virgin question.


I stood up from the swing and stood right in front of him, my redhead love. “What ar…..” and before he could finish his sentence I bent down, grabbed the sides of his jacket and slammed my lips onto his. I could tell he was startled but I wanted this for a while and I will no longer tolerate not knowing how it was to love Gaara and to see how it felt for his lips to move against mine. When I pulled away our eyelids were half closed. “I always loved you” I barely whispered. I straighten up and turned around to leave because I knew that if I stayed I would want to love him forever and always. After I took my first step away from him, I heard the swing he sat on clank and Gaara turned me around fast, grabbed a handful of wet hair and smashed our lips together. I felt his tongue run across my lips and I opened obediently. I closed my eyes all the way and savored the sweet taste of the rain and pocky on his lips. His other hand lowered to the small of my back and my hands wrapped inside his jacket and pressed against his back. We relunctly pulled away. “Dawn….I have loved you since you gave me this ring.” I smiled and tackled him. He fell in the mud and I kissed him as passionately as I could and then we burst out laughing.



“lets get married after we graduate.”


“we were going to anyways and I want to wake up to you and I want to do what ever I can to be forgiven about when I pushed you in jr. high! Plus I’m addicted to your kisses”

“Gaara, you are already forgiven and of course I’ll marry you, as long as you keep giving me your kisses.”

If a stranger saw us now what they would see was two crazy teenagers kissing in the rain and rolling around in the mud, laughing. The other thing that they would see would be pocky scattered every other direction, forgotten.
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i worked hard on this, and comments would be nice! i actually dreamed something like this.