Status: Due to loss of inspiration, on Hiatus until further notice. Sorry

Here With You

Everything Is About To Change

“Sapphire get down here! It’s breakfast!” Her voice floated into my bedroom, making me cringe. My dad had married Claudia two and a half years ago. Something had always felt wrong about her to me, but I never could place what.

“I’m coming!” I yelled as I looked over at my window, thinking about sneaking out of it and getting a dough-nut or something on my way to school.

“Now young lady!” Her orders just pissed me off. She acted like she was my mother, which she obviously was not.

“I said I’m coming!” My temper spiked again as I finished my make up and took another look in the mirror. “What did I do to deserve living with her?” I asked myself.

“Hurry up Sapphire, mom is getting mad.” Cynthia said from outside my door.

“She is not my mom.” I growled opening the door.

“Sorry.” The 14 year old girl looked away.

“I’m sorry kid; I didn’t mean to scare you.” Mike and Claudia had adopted Cynthia a year and a half ago, when they couldn’t have a child of their own. Needless to say I’d grown close to the kid.

“Let’s just go before she freaks.” I felt bad for her; she came out of an abusive home, and then was forced to live with Claudia. The kid has shitty luck.

“What took so long? The food is getting cold.” She tried to act warm and motherly towards us, more bullshit.

“Sapphire you really need to listen better.” Mike acted all fatherly. I rolled my eyes before scarfing down my breakfast. I was almost 17 and had just started my senior year. Cynthia had just started her freshmen year.

“Do you girls need a ride to school?” My eyes met Claudia in disgust. She hated me, I hated her.

“No. Christy offered to give us a ride.” I noticed that Cynthia had also finished her food quickly. We got our stuff and went outside. It wasn’t long until Christy pulled up. The girl was always in a good mood, the opposite of me. The fall Miami weather was still nice outside. I watched as we passed houses as Christy and Cynthia talked happily and hair and make-up. I didn’t care. I sighed as I saw the beach in view.

“Who sighs when they see a beach?” Christy asked out of no where.


“Why? I don’t get it.”

“Two words: Huntington Beach. One other word: Mom.” Small glimpses of California flashed before my eyes.

“What is that whole story anyway?” Cynthia asked.

“Mike and my mom split and my mom got custody for a while, and then Mike hired the best lawyer in the state and got custody of me. I was too little to speak for myself. Then he moved me out here.” I looked back out the window as the car filled with silence. I didn’t mind it though; I really didn’t want to talk right now.

At the school I took a deep breath, knowing that I would soon be facing the entire school of people whom most of them I could not stand. I was at my locker when someone walked up. I looked up and my eyes met Trevor’s.

“What do you want?”

“To talk.”

“You don’t know the meaning of talk.”

“So feisty.”

“Go away. I do not want to deal with you right now.”

I think by now everyone in the school knew about Trevor and I’s history, and I didn’t like that. In fact I was trying to forget that he even exists. Easier said than done I suppose. He and I had went out a few times. Then all hell broke lose the end of last year.

He cheated on me with some cheerleader, I found out. In my fit of anger because of what he had done to me, instead of just breaking up with me like a decent human being, I dumped his sorry ass in front of almost the whole school.

They say opposites attract. They do, but it didn’t work. I don’t think you could find two people as different as Trevor and I who actually liked each other at one point. If I liked something, he hated it. If he liked something, I hated it.

“Why not?” He smirked.

“Leave or I will kick your ass Trevor.” I growled. He turned around and left. The day passed slowly. When I woke up that morning I never expected it to be the day that would change my life forever. After school I went strait to my room. After dinner I disappeared back to my room again. It was around 9:30 when they called Cynthia and I down stairs.

I had never trusted either of them, but I honestly didn’t think they were this mean evil. I felt something was wrong, and I mean horribly wrong. I got worried, but didn’t have a chance to react. Before I knew it, I was being beat by both of them. I remember hearing Cynthia crying, begging them to stop beating both of us. After that everything went black.
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