Status: Due to loss of inspiration, on Hiatus until further notice. Sorry

Here With You

The Bad In People

It was a normal setting in the cafeteria for us. Everyone was talking which only added to the noise already caused by everyone in the school talking. Okay well almost everyone. I actually felt like I belonged here, like my friends actually wanted me here. Which was something that I wasn’t used to feeling.

I’m not saying that Christy didn’t make me feel welcome, but she definitely wasn’t anything like me, in anyway. I felt accepted for who I was here. “Lilly I’m dead serious! One of them has kept count.” Mary watched Matt and I closely.

“Then how do we force it out?” Lilly asked her.

“I haven’t got that far in the plan yet.”

“For the last time guys I don’t how many times I’ve used the elements.” I told them, again. They both turned their attention to Matt.

“I’m not keeping track either.” He told them.

“She probably isn’t keeping track.” Dani said.

“Who wouldn’t want to keep track?” Rave asked

“I don’t know who to agree with!” Victoria chipped in.

“Same here.” Lola added. Not paying attention to the current semi argument at hand I grabbed Matt’s hat off his head.

“Hey!” he laughed. I put it on my head before he took it back. It had been about two weeks since I found out about my element ability.

“Hi Matt.” The sleazy voice said.

“Did I hear something?” Mary asked.

“All I hear is a bitchy, preppy, backstabber.” Lilly added.

“Agreed!” Dani snapped.

“What do you want Heidi?” Matt asked.

“What do you think?” She walked up behind him and put her hand on his shoulder.

“don’t touch me.” He snarled. I looked up at her.

“He has a girlfriend, and that’s me. So you might as well give up.” I heard everyone laugh at the look on her face.

“Remember he was mine first.”

“And yet I’m his girlfriend now.” I thought about calling fire and scaring her but suddenly a strange feeling overcame me. She looked different not. It was hard to explain. I could see spots of emptiness now. Then it hit me. I was able to see the bad in her. Wonderful, more things to make me different.

“Let me see what she is really interested in Matt for.” I thought. She didn’t change, she didn’t tell me, I just know. She wanted to use him, she just wanted his blood . Heidi thought of him as her pet.

I blinked hard several times and everything went back to normal. Matt was arguing with her now as she told him more lied.

“You just want to use him. You only want his blood.” My voice cut in.

“That is not true!” She yelled.

“Yes it is.” She stood there dumbfounded for several seconds before leaving. Everyone stared at me as if they were wondering how I knew that. I could have said that it was just a guess, but there was no point in hiding the ability now. But I wondered what was next? Would I be able to read minds?

“How do you know that Sapphire?” Ashley asked, breaking the silence.

“Well other than the obvious reason of it is Heidi.” Mary and Lilly corrected. Everyone else nodded their heads in agreement.

“Well apparently I can see the bad in people and know what they are really after. Because I don’t have enough to deal with right now let’s throw in another ability shall we!” I took a drink of my soda and a bite of food.

“That is cool!” Mary chirped.

“No awesome is a better description!” Lilly corrected her. Mary nodded her head in agreement and I looked at both of them.

“Maybe.” I shrugged.

“What do you mean maybe?” Matt asked.

“Okay well let’s see I haven’t been here a month and I can already do things that no one else can. Do you know how scary that thought can be? What if I mess up and screw something up?”

“You won’t.”

“And you know this because how?”
“Because I believe in you. I know you won’t mess up. Don’t stress over it so much.” I rolled my eyes as calmly as I could. It’s not exactly like I could control my emotions. Oh sure I can use the elements to my advantage, I can see the bad in people, oh and know what they really want.

But when it comes to controlling my own emotions, oh no. That’s impossible. Now someone tell me I’m normal. See, no one can. Because I’m not normal. Being normal would be too much to ask for.

The rest of lunch was a complete blur, and I wasn’t really paying attention. I was concentrating too hard on thinking about what I could do other than the elements. In between classes was also a blur until I walked into art.

“Sapphire, snap out of it!” Mary, Lilly, Dani, Rave, Victoria, and Lola all told me.

“Why is it that I can do all of this?” I asked with a blank expression.

“Because you are gifted.” Mary added calmly.

“Steal my line Mary.” Lilly complained at her.

“You know, you two should really stop that.” Dani laughed at them.

“I have to agree.” Victoria chipped in.

“Me too” Rave said.

“Me three” said Lola .

“Hello class.” The teacher said gliding into the room with a smile.

“Hello” The entire class echoed.

“Today I want you to draw a picture of a wolf and a tiger. Both are different, and yet kind of similar. It will be good practice for drawing similar and different animals. The back ground can be of your choice, so let’s get started.” She warmly announced.

I went to work on my drawing. I mixed the black in gradually with the silver to make it’s coat. The eyes were my favorite part to draw. They seemed so life like, as if they were looking back at you. I moved on to the tiger.

I decided on a white tiger which would stand out nicely with the background I was going to choose. I had decided to put them on either side of a pond that sparkled underneath a shining moon, and reflected the stars.

I had always loved drawing and I guess that it was a natural thing for a vampire. It was creative, which meant we were pretty good at it. I always lost track of time in this class, and it never felt long enough.

I let my drawing take me over and I couldn’t think about anything put the drawing before me. With each stroke of the colored pencil my mind was father away. I finished just in time and class got out.

After hanging out with everyone for a while I went to my room to clear my head. I turned on Metallica and laid back. I felt myself getting very sleeping, and before I really knew it I was asleep and deep in a dream…