Status: Due to loss of inspiration, on Hiatus until further notice. Sorry

Here With You

A Surprise Visit

“Uh-huh I really believe you Matt.” I told him, the sarcasm heavy on my voice as we sat in Sociology waiting for the Professor.

“Well you should.”

“I wouldn’t push your luck over there Matt.” Ashley laughed as she and Brandon walked in and took their seats.

“I’m just saying that I’m sure if she wanted to that she could call the elements to here right here if she wanted to.” Matt responded.

“Good morning class.” Professor Kimberlin’s clear voice said as she walked into the classroom. Everyone’s attention quickly snapped up to her. “We have some exciting news for all of your this morning.”

I quickly wondered what the news was, since in the months since I’d been here at the school no one had ever said those words. Not once. It had been two months since Sarah’s truth had been revealed now and she was happily adjusted to the school.

“As it is that time of the year once again, I’m sure many of you can guess exactly what this exciting news can be. And if you are guessing that it is time for the annual Star-view Academy winter dance, you are correct. The dance will be held on December 30 at 9 p.m.”

I glared over at Matt, who had obviously known about the dance and hadn’t told me. He looked over and knew immediately why I was looking at him this way. “I’m sorry.” He mouths out. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

“No if you will turn your text books to chapter four we will get started.” I flipped the pages until I got to where I needed to be. Class seemed to fly by and soon the bell rang. At lunch almost every girl in the school was talking about the upcoming dance.
“Aren’t you excited about it Sapphire?” Ashley asked me finally as she and Hollie talked about it.

“I don’t dance. Ever.”



“Wow.” Then she turned her attention back to the conversation about the dance.

“Sapphire are you okay? You look kind of tried.” Lilly commented.

“Yeah and you seem like there is something going on.” Mary added.

“Thanks guys, now I don’t have to tell her she looks like shit from lack of sleep.” Dani said with a laugh.

“I know I do. It’s just I’ve been having these weird dreams and I have this feeling that something or someone is coming. Something or someone who doesn’t belong here.” I admitted before taking a drink of my water.

“Is it a bad feeling?” Victoria asked

“No it’s not a bad feeling, it’s just like someone out of place. I don’t know. Maybe I’m just going crazy.” I shook my head.

“You are not going crazy.” Rave told me from across the table.

“I don’t know Rave, she might be.” Mary laughed.

“Yeah you never know with Sapphire. She is element girl.” Lilly chipped in before the three of us burst into laughter.

“I really don’t get what is so funny, but okay.” Lola shrugged.

“Element girl?” Matt asked looking at Lilly.

“Can I help you Matt?” She asked as she noticed he was watching her.

“Element girl?” He repeated.

“Yes Matt. Element girl. You know she does have an elemental ability.”

“Okay then. Nice, Lilly, nice.”

“I think it’s funny.” I chipped in, feeling better as the laughing fit died down.

“Well you know, we try.” Mary smirked. For the rest of the day I tried not to think about what could possibly be giving me the out-of-place feeling. Thanks to my friends it was easier than I expected. Until the next afternoon.

“Maybe we should pour water on her.” I heard Mary suggest.

“Or we could pull her out of bed.” Lilly added.

“How about we just open the blinds and let the light shine in. That should wake her up.” Dani’s voice chipped in.

“Or you could just except the fact that I’m right here and I can hear you three talking?” I asked as I covered my face.

“You have to get up! Now!” Mary told me.


“Because we woke up when we heard a knock at the door. Which is really weird considering it is like 1:30 in the afternoon and everyone is asleep. So we went down to see and it woke your mom up.” Lilly said before taking a breath.

“And it is a human girl! Human! At a vampire school! Who’s name is Christy.” Dani finished. This turn of events made me spring up in bed and stare at them in wide-eyed disbelief.

“Christy? You are sure?” I asked. They all nodded. “What the hell is she doing in California, much less here at the school?! This isn’t right! She’s human damn it! How am I going to explain that I’m a vam-” Lilly clamped her hand over my mouth.

“She doesn’t know you are a vampire. Your mom told her nothing. So just play along for now. No go! Get ready!” Mary instructed before they left my room. It took me all of 10 minutes to get a shower and get dressed before running down stairs.

And sure enough, sitting in the living room. on the couch, next to my mom. Was Christy. A very oblivious Christy, who had absolutely no possible idea that she was at a school for vampires, in a house full of them, and sitting a few feet away from one.

“She will be so happy to see you.” My mom told her, even though I knew that she already knew I was standing on the bottom stair. That was one thing about living 24/7 with other vampires, you become very silent in movements. At least to humans.
“I hope so. I’m really sorry that I didn’t call or anything. It’s just my parents didn’t tell me the plan until we were at the airport.” Christy said sweetly to my mom.

“Holy crap, you know her?” Sarah whispered. I nodded.

“Ah Sapphire, there you are.” My mom turned around and smiled at me and Sarah.

“Whoa I didn’t hear you! You sure have gotten quiet!” Christy exclaimed as she jumped up and ran over to hug me. I was going to have to work on being human while she was here, that was for sure.

“Yeah Christy I missed you too.” I said as she hugged me.

“Wow.” Sarah mouthed out from behind her.

“Wow, this is quiet the school. You have classes at night?”

“Um yeah.”

“Sapphire sweetie can I talk to you in the kitchen for a minute?” My mom asked.

“Yeah.” I followed my mom into the kitchen before I asked. “So what’s the story?”

“I don’t know yet. You can tell her if you want to.”

“I’d rather not. I mean how is that going to sound? I’ll just have to act human for a while. How long is she staying?”

“A week.”

“I have no idea how to do this. Great.”

“You’ll figure something out.”

“I hope so.”

“You aren’t really that non-human Saph, if that helps.” Sarah chipped in.

“Other than the gracefulness, and silent-ness, the whole I prefer the night well I’ve always done that, and I prefer blood to food once a week. Nothing weird at all.”

“Just walk your normal pace, avoid using abilities, say that you’ve just gotten better balance, that kind of thing.”

“I can try, If all else fails I will tell her. Well this will be an interesting week.” When we walked back into the living room, all the girls were staring at Christy with varied expressions. Mary, Lilly, and Dani- amused. Ashley and Hollie- confused as hell.

“Cynthia what are you doing here anyways?” Christy asked.

“I live here. As it turns out I’m only six months younger than Sapphire and we are half-sisters through the sorry-father-excuse. And my name is Sarah now.” She told her with a laugh.

“I’ve missed a lot haven’t I?” Christy asked.

“Oh trust me, you have no idea.” that is when the laughter began.

“Sapphire even has a boyfriend.” Sarah stated as she reached for the remote.

“Thanks for spilling the beans right away sis.” I told her.

“Oh no problem. That’s what I’m here for. This is going to be good.”