Status: Due to loss of inspiration, on Hiatus until further notice. Sorry

Here With You

Coming To The Realization

As Matt grabbed my hand and we walked away from the dorm houses and to the school I opened my mouth and yawned. Being human took a lot of energy. And staying up in the day to hang out with Christy these past three days wasn’t helping.

“You really need to sleep more.” Matt commented.

“She’s only here four more days. I’ll live.”

“Saph, haven’t you noticed that you are already having trouble staying awake? I’m sure if you weren’t pretending to be something that you aren’t, like say a human, it wouldn’t be that bad.”

“I am half human, remember? Besides I really don’t want to explain that I am half vampire to her.”

“Humans know we are real. They just don’t know who we are.”

“I don’t care. She still thinks I’m the Sapphire she grew up with.”

“You are.”

“Uh-huh only back then we thought that I was 100% human. Which isn’t true. I’ll be fine. It’s only four more days.”

“Yeah, four more days. You at least need blood.”

“No way am I taking the risk of her finding out about that.”

“Then come over after school. Say that you had to stay late.”

“Matt no.”

“Fine. Lunch time.”



“Nevermind. I forget, everyone you know is a vampire so you don’t have to worry about things like this.”

After school we were walking back home when I realized that if Christy ever happened to be watching out the window as I approached with my friends she’d know we were different. I mean it was pitch black and we weren’t using any form of light. When the moon was out I could claim that. But it wasn’t tonight.

That is when it hit me. Two months ago. The day Sarah showed up. The dream. I froze and refused to move, which made Mary, Lilly, Matt, Zacky, Brian, and Sarah stop and look at me. Was the dream a warning? Sarah went to school here now. Christy was here.

“Sapphire what is it?” Matt asked.

“The dream.” I chocked out.

“What dream?”

“Two months ago, when Sarah showed up. I had a dream. I’d fallen asleep and I had this weird dream. Sarah was a vampire and was with us. Christy was visiting. That much has really happened. But then there was some chick I’ve never saw before. She was saying something like watch your back. A warning. I thought it was just a dream.”

“What else happened? What did she say?” Mary asked.

“What did she look like?” Lilly added.

“I can’t remember. I thought it was just a dream. I didn’t think anything about it.”

“What’s going on?” Lola asked walking up with Travis at her side.

“I’m just freaking out.” I managed to force out.

“I repeat, what is going on?”

“Two months ago Sapphire had a dream that Sarah was a vampire too, Christy showed up, then some girl she’s never saw before was here and gave a warning about some kind of danger.” Mary told her.

“And everything except this mystery chick has came true.” Lilly added. I’m not sure what everyone talked about after that. All I know is that Dani and Jimmy showed along with Rave, Victoria, and their guys.

“Saph! Snap out of it!” Matt’s voice finally broke through.

“C-could it mean something?” I asked.

“I’m not sure. But you can’t worry about it right now okay? Christy is waiting for a human Sapphire, and well you are turning back to normal rapidly. Not that I’m saying I prefer you as human because then you are just acting. But you can’t think about this right now. Unless you want to tell her.”

“Let’s go. I guess I’ll worry about it later.” I shook myself and started back towards the dorm house. Inside Christy was sitting on the couch watching t.v.

“Hey Sapphire!” She said looking over.


“You seem different. How did you see on the way back? It’s pitch black out there. The trees close to the house shadow to moon.”

“It’s um a talent.”

“Oh okay.” It was around then when I realized this wasn’t right. I didn’t need to hide what I was. It wasn’t fair to me or to her.

“Christy that’s not true. I have no problem seeing in the night.”


“Don’t freak when I tell you this.”


“I’m half-vampire. And everyone here is either half-vampire/half-human like me, or full vampire.”

“So that explains a lot.”

“You aren’t shocked?”

“Um no. We have all heard the stories and face it I don’t have a hard time believing something that I haven’t saw.”

“Good point.”

“So do you have any special gifts?”

“Uh yeah, I can call the elements and use them and see the bad in people.” Her jaw dropped.

“Has anyone else been able to do that? Ever?”

“One other.”

“Wow! Lucky you!”

“Not really. I just want to be normal. But that plan fell through.”

“How can you not think it’s cool?”

“I just wanted to be normal, like everyone else.”

“And if she was normal she would want to be able to do stuff like that.” Sarah added in with a laugh.

But all through that night I couldn’t stop thinking about the dream. Just trying to remember what the mystery girl had looked like. But it was of no hope. I just couldn’t remember. So the only thing that left was just to wait and see.