Status: Due to loss of inspiration, on Hiatus until further notice. Sorry

Here With You

Three Little Words

“You sure you don’t want to spend a few more days in vampire school?” I asked Christy the morning she was supposed to leave.

“Yeah, I promised my folks I’d be back this afternoon.” She replied.

“Damn it! You’re human reactions are hilarious to watch!” Mary told her.

“I have to agree.” Lilly added in.

“You know the reactions are kind of funny to watch.” Dani admitted.

“You guys’ vampire reactions are funny to watch.” Christy announced.

“Oh shut up Christy. It’s not my fault that I glow red when I get pissed.” I told her as she looked over at me.

“Honestly Sapphire had she came any closer you would have burnt her.” Victoria laughed, but it was the truth.

“Maybe even to death.” Rave chipped in.

“But no, she had to stand back.” Lola complained.

“And don’t forget Heidi’s genius conclusion that Christy is a human.” Sarah laughed.

“I’m not a human though, I’m a turtle.” Christy added with another laugh.

“Come back and see us okay?” My mom’s voice said.

“Okay I will.” I glanced at the clock and grabbed my dark sunglasses as Christy grabbed her bag. I said that I would drive her to the airport this morning. Human goodbyes are so strange to me know. It felt very different.

The second I got back to the dorm house I knew that something was about to happen. Mary, Lilly, Dani, Victoria, Lola, and Rave were all sitting in the living room with smirks on their faces. Sarah was standing in the doorway of the kitchen with the same smirk.

“Oh shit.” Was the first thing out of my mouth.

“Sapphire while you were gone we decided that you need something.” Sarah announced. I did not like where this was going.

“We know that you said you don’t dance. But there is a dance coming. And Matt is very willing to take you.” Mary continued. I began back towards the door to make my escape as I shook my head no.

“And we decided that you need to go.” Lilly added in.

“And that means that it is time to take you shopping.” Lola smirked.

“For a dress and shoes.” Rave finished.

“Today. And we will drag you by force if we have to.” Dani informed me. I backed up quicker for the door.

“No! No! No!” I told them as I shook my head. I was almost out the door when I felt Dani grab one of my arms and Sarah grabbed the other one.

“We warned you that we would use force.” Sarah reminded me as I tried to get away. I sighed knowing that it was no use. They had won this battle before it had even begun. There was 7 of them and only one of me. I was screwed.

“You’ll thank us.” Victoria assured me.

After the one little escape try I went along with them without trying to get away. It would only end badly. But I did make it clear that I didn’t want to be there. Ha ha, I’d thank them. Sure I would, the day that pigs start flying.

“Is Matt in on this?” I asked as I followed them into a store.

“He doesn’t know we are forcing you to come shopping. We told him that you wanted to go though.” Sarah informed me.

“You guys didn’t.” I almost growled.

“We did.” Mary told me.

“Joy for me.” I rolled my eyes. They each had a dress that they shoved at me and pushed me towards the dressing rooms. I tried all of them on and successfully pointed out something I didn’t like about each of them. I thought this might discourage their upbeat mood about this. I was wrong.

If anything I made them more determined. Which only meant that they shoved twice as many dresses at me in the next store. It was going to be a very long day. We finally ended up in Hot Topic, and I think they were wearing down. No one was happy with me.

“What is it that you hate about the idea of going so much?” Sarah asked.

“I don’t dance. I hate dresses. There is two.” I said firmly.
“So wear a skirt.” Lilly complained.

“Yeah then wear a skirt. It’s not going to kill you.” Mary interjected.

“Ugh fine!” I threw my hands in the air and went to pick one out. The had won. I was tired of finding something wrong with everything. I picked one out and then they had me pick shoes. We were finally able to leave.

“No see, that wasn’t so bad was it?” Dani asked when we got back.

“I’m still mad at all of you for forcing me to go.” I told them.

“You’ll thank us.” They all chorused.

“Sure I will.” I headed up the stairs to put the new stuff in my room, then I fully intended on heading next door. Which I did.

“Hey Sapphire!” Jimmy greeted me when I walked in. Dani was in her usual place beside him on the couch.

“Hey Jimmy. Is Matt in his room?” I asked.

“Yup.” I went upstairs and knocked on his door.

“Come in!” He called. He was sitting on his bed messing with his guitar. “You don’t look too happy.”

“I’m not. I was just dragged off to go shopping for the dance. By force.” I sat down.

“I thought you wanted to go.”

“Nope. They lied.”

“Oh. Well then I guess we aren’t going?”

“I’m afraid if I don’t show they’ll drag me.” He laughed but nodded in agreement.

“Do you wanna go catch a movie?” He asked out of no where.

“Okay that sounds fun.”

“Let me just grab a shower okay?”

“Okay. But why do you need a shower?”

“Smell this.” He pulled the tee shirt off and tossed it at me as he head for his bathroom.

“Ew. What did you do?” I asked as I threw it in his hamper.

“I played a game of basketball with the guys right before I came in to finish that song.”

“And you didn’t change your shirt?”

“I figured out how to finish the song.”

“Babe that shirt smelt like sweat really bad.”

“Then be glad that I didn’t start kissing you while I was wearing it.” I laughed and he closed the door.

“I’m going to go let my mom know we are going okay?”

“Okay.” I told my mom and then headed back over. Matt was in his room and was grabbing his keys when I walked in.

“You ready?” He asked.

“Yeah.” He walked over and kissed me.

“You smell good.” I told him.

“Thanks. So do you.” He laughed. The movie was pretty good, but after it ended we ended up at the beach. How I’m not exactly sure.

“So have you figured out who that mystery girl from your dream is?” Matt asked as we sat down in the cool sand.

“Uh no. I’m still clueless.”

“Oh I thought maybe you might have remembered something.”

“I wish. But no.” I moved closer to him and rested my head on his shoulder.

“Do you miss being just a human. Or at least thinking that’s what you were?”

“No. Because if this wasn’t who I was and knew it I would have never met you.”

“I’m glad you moved here.”

“Me too.” I felt his arm around my shoulder.


“Can I ask you a question.”

“No Matt you can’t.” I said sarcastically. “Of course you can silly.”

“Is there anyway that I could scare you away?”

“No. Why would you even ask that?”

“Just making sure.”

“Well it was a stupid question.”

He laughed and a silence fell over us. I wondered which one of us would finally break it and say something. Or what either of us would say. But I wasn’t in a hurry for the silence to be broken. It wasn’t awkward. It was oddly comforting.

“Saph, I love you.” And that was exactly what broke the silence for a minute. He had said those three little words that I’d never expected to hear tonight. My head moved from his shoulder so I could look him in the face.


“I shouldn’t have said anything. Just forget that I even-” I cut him off by pressing my lips gently against his.

“Matt I love you too.” I whispered.