Status: Due to loss of inspiration, on Hiatus until further notice. Sorry

Here With You

The Warning's Message

When I woke up the next morning my head had cleared out, and I could think. I knew that the dance was coming up and whoever this girl was and what ever she was going to do would be bad. Which meant there was no time to waste. We needed to know as much as possible.

Thankfully Matt came over soon after I woke up so we could begin trying to find some clue in the warning from the dream. I wrote it down and laid it on the table in front of us.
“Just remember that I am capable of more than anyone but you knows. Danger is lurking around every corner of this place and everyone is under my control. That danger is waiting for you Sapphire, so watch your back. You don’t know when it will come for you. And with that danger may very well await your death, along with your little friends.” She laughed evil and then added “Just remember there is danger around every corner now. They are on my side, under my control. Watch your back.”

“Okay so I guess I’m going to know something about her that no one else does. But what?” I asked.

“My guess is that it would be some form of ability and since you can see the bad in people that will probably be how you figure it out.”

“Danger is lurking around every corner of this place and everyone is under my control. Okay well pretty much everyone knows that with what I can do it isn’t wise to mess with me, so she has to be able to do something to make them feel like I’m not a threat. Is there any sort of ability to minimize the power of mine?”

“I’m not sure, but I will check into it. But you’ve gotta be right about her being able to make them feel like you wouldn’t be a threat.”

“Unless she isn’t talking about the other students. What if she is talking about something else? Some other form of danger?”


“Well if I knew we wouldn’t be sitting here. Maybe it is something to do with her ability? I don’t know.”

“I’ll check on that too then.”

“The That danger is waiting for you Sapphire, so watch your back is pretty self-explanatory. I’ll have to be careful around here when she shows up.”

“You don’t know when it will come for you, says that you don’t know when it will come for you, but that means that it will come for you.”

“And with that danger may very well await your death, along with your little friends. That means we will need to figure this out so you guys know what you are dealing with too.”

“Just remember there is danger around every corner now. They are on my side, under my control. Watch your back. She warns about the danger a lot that’s for sure. Who is this they though. I mean if it is something to do with her ability then it makes no sense for her to say they.”

“Shh!” Matt looked confused as I closed my eyes to remember what I had saw the night before. When she walked in everyone was amazed with her. The whole school. Everyone, them, they, amazed by her. Fooled.

“Matt!” I gasped as my eyes flew open.

“What is it Saph? What did you remember?”

“The school, that’s the they. Everyone except us will be amazed by her. She’s going to fool them! Everyone!”

“Calm down. It’s okay. We will figure this out. We will.” His hands gripped my shoulders as I tried to calm myself. I got up and went to the couch in the living room and turned the tv on. Matt came and sat down beside me like I knew he would.

I moved so that I was wrapped in his arms with my head on his shoulder. I didn’t want to think about any of this right now, but I knew I had to. I didn’t like that idea but then again since when does life ever go how you’d like it to? This sucks.

“Don’t worry about the research I’ll do that part.” Matt offered.

“Thanks Matt. But why?”

“Well in all honesty, Saph I’m not sure that you could handle it right now. You’ve got too much to deal with as it is.”

“Thanks. Some second most powerful vampire in history huh?”

I heard Matt mumble something into my hair but even with my vampire hearing I couldn’t catch what he had said. But after he gently kissed the top of my head I didn’t really care anymore. I just wanted to stop thinking about what was coming. At least for now, and just spend sometime with Matt.

Sarah came in at the usual time, but she was alone. Matt and I were still watching tv and she just plopped down on the smaller couch and looked at the tv screen. “Where is everyone?” I asked her.

“The guys’ house like always.”

“I shoulda known.”

“Yeah Saph you should have.”

“So we figured out some of the warning today.”

“Really?” This caught her attention so Matt and I told her what we knew so far. “Well that’s frightening.”

“Tell me about it.”

“Matt I’m here now, you can leave.”

“And if I don’t want to?” He asked.

“Do you ever leave my sister’s side?”

“Not until I have to.”

“Oh brother. If you two start kissing I will be sick.”

“Shut up Sarah!” I threw one of the throw pillows at her.

“You shut up!” She threw it back at me.

“You know you like more romantic things than I do.”

“Ha! You two kissing isn’t romantic. It’s sickening.”

“Drama queen.”

“You are the drama queen.”

“Am not.”

“Are too.”

“You can tell you two are sisters. Always fighting.” Matt laughed

“We aren’t fighting.” Sarah added.
“Yeah we are just goofing off.” I laughed.