Status: Due to loss of inspiration, on Hiatus until further notice. Sorry

Here With You

A Plan

“Saph are you okay?” Matt asked, meeting me at the bottom of the stairs.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I just needed to clear my head. Can you get all the guys together at you guys’ place in an hour? We need to talk, all of us. And we need to do it where no one can hear us.”

“Yeah, of course. But not even your mom?”

“Not yet.”

“Okay I’ll go let everyone know. Are you getting the girls to come?”

“Yes. I mean all of us. We all felt it today at lunch.”

“I’ll see you in an hour.” Matt quickly kissed my lips and then disappeared. I knew that I could count on Matt when I needed him and smiled before continuing into the living room. Everyone looked at me the second I entered.

“Okay everyone meet at the guys’ place in an hour. We need to all talk about this and make sure we all felt the same feeling at lunch. Can someone call Hollie-Ann and Ashley?” I cut to the chase.

“I’ll call them.” Mary offered and pulled out her cell phone.

“Thanks. I’ll see you guys in an hour.” I started off towards the door and Lilly and Dani hopped up to follow me. Once outside I asked why they were following me.

“Well I’m going to go find Jimmy. I haven’t saw him since school got out and I don’t trust the evil bitch. See you in an hour!” Dani turned and went towards the guys’ dorm house with a wave. I can’t say that I blamed her.

“I’m coming with you.” Lilly announced.

“Okay but I’m just going to spy on Medea and see if I can discover anything.”

“That is exactly why I’m coming. Mary would have too, but she wanted to call Ash and Hollie and make sure that everyone shows. We are right beside you. And we don’t give a damn how violent it gets!”

“You two are always ready to kick some ass aren’t you?”

“Always.” We didn’t manage to find her, but we did spot Heidi. She was talking on her cell phone and looking down at her nails. We didn’t have time to stick around and find out what she was saying though and ran to get back to the guys’ dorm.

“You tell us to be here in an hour and then you are late?” Brian asked the minute we walked through to door, an annoyed look on his face.

“We have an excuse to be late Brian. We were looking for her. I don’t know what she is up to yet, remember?” This seemed to be a good enough answer for him and he settled down and back into the sofa calmly.

“So what are we going to do about her?” Jimmy inquired quickly.

“Yeah what are we going to do?” Dani agreed.

“Well I don’t know yet.” I sat down on the arm of the chair Matt had claimed.

“Yeah she’s one hard evil bitch to track down!” Lilly fell into Zacky’s lap as he laughed and wrapped his arms around her.

“So she really has the ability to perform mind control?” Hollie-Ann asked from her spot by Alex.

“And she’s completely evil?” Alex chipped in.

“Do you know who is going to be on her side?” Ashley and Brandon didn’t beat around the bush with their question.

“Do you know how to stop her?” Victoria’s question was one that I actually wanted to answer with a yes, but it was the one

“Can’t you just use the elements and take care of her?” Lola’s question would have been another good one for a yes.

“How powerful is she?” Rave’s question needed an answer badly. This seemed to be the end of the string of questions that had flooded towards me. I wondered why though, I’d been expecting more. Then I looked down. Matt was the reason they’d stopped. He had that look that meant he wanted everyone to knock it off.

“Matt you don’t have to protect me.” I told him, catching him off guard. I hurried on before he could protest. “Yes she really can perform mind control, she is completely evil except for a tiny spot of good, I don’t know who will take her side but I have a bad feeling about it, I don’t know how to stop her, I don’t think I can, and I have no idea how powerful she is yet. Did I answer all questions?”

“Not all of them.” Matt’s voice almost scared me since I didn’t expect him to speak.

“What did I miss?” I didn’t look down at him.

“I want to talk to you alone.”


“Sapphire please.”

“Fine” We walked into the kitchen I had a good idea where this was going. “What did you want to say? And what question did I miss?”

“You missed what I didn’t ask. Why are you going to put yourself in danger with that thing? Why do you feel that you have to?”

“Because I do Matt. If I wasn’t supposed then I wouldn’t have saw everything before she came. If I wasn’t supposed to then I would have this feeling in the pit of my stomach that is saying I have to.”

“I don’t want to lose you.”

“You won’t.” I placed my hand on his cheek as he sighed and closed his eyes. And if you do lose me you’ll find someone else. I know you will I thought to myself without adding it in aloud for Matt to hear.

“I’ll believe that when all this is over.” I barely heard Matt’s final statement as he whispered it. It was hard to image Matt having this side when you first met him, until you got to know him.

“It will work out. I promise.” I felt that I needed the final word in this. I don’t know why I did but I did none the less.

“Are you two done in there yet?” I had to laugh when Zacky’s voice broke the silence between me and Matt. I knew that the following day would suck and for once I was 100% right about something.

All of us were once again seated around the usual lunch stop as we ate. It could have been a typical and average day, except for the fact that Heidi strolled into the place right beside Medea. They were both wearing smiles and waving every guy in the place while flashing flirty smiles. “I think I might be sick.” I looked down at my food to avoid the scene they were causing.

“I agree.” Lilly agreed looking down as well. I heard mumbles from everyone else but I was too wrapped up with the feeling I’d suddenly got to pay much attention. Then I heard it and nothing else matter for that moment.

“This is Matt. He used to be my boyfriend but he turned into a loser and fell for that thing.” It was Heidi and she was standing right next to Matt.

“Talk about Matt or me like that again and I’ll burn you to a crisp.” My eyes were already red as I felt the mist trying at appear. I was only fighting it so I wouldn’t hurt Matt, who I was only sitting inches away.

“Well I’m Medea.” She held out her hand towards Matt as he looked at her with a glare that frightened even me. “You are supposed to kiss it.”

“How about you and the slut at your side just walk away right now?” I’d never heard Matt’s voice take on a tone like that, especially talking to a girl. It didn’t matter if he hated them he was never that mean to them.

“Excuse me? I could beat her into the ground. You are hot enough to be my boyfriend. Be honored.” So her true colors show soon.

“I’m only going to say this once. Leave or you won’t be able to walk away.” I stood up to face her.

“This isn’t over.” She warned before leaving. It was after school and I was in my room when the knock came.

“Come in!” I called wondering who it was. Matt opened the door and I smiled. “Hey Matt.” I was glad to see him.

“Hey. You okay? You haven’t seemed the same since lunch.”

“I’m still pissed. That’s all.” I went over to hug him but he gave me another one of those kisses that made me forget everything else for a while too. “I needed that.”

“I know I did.” He laughed as I stood there hugging him.



“I love you. A lot.”

“And I love you a lot too Saph. Believe me, I love you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to everyone who reads/comments/subscribes! It means a lot!