Status: Due to loss of inspiration, on Hiatus until further notice. Sorry

Here With You


The plan for Saturday had been that we were all going to the beach to hangout. But then we woke up on Saturday morning with a change of plans. “Great.” I mumbled to myself when I looked out the window. The sun was setting but you could hardly see through the thick rain clouds that blanketed the sky. Well there went the beach.

I quickly took a shower before getting dressed and going downstairs, not even thinking about what the day would now have in store. All the girls were gathered in the living room talking as the room grew darker at a rapid speed. “Hey guys.” I told them as I went into the kitchen.

“Hey Sapphire since the plans got messed up we were thinking of having a movie day. You in?” Sarah asked as she followed me into the kitchen.

“Yeah sure. That sounds cool.” I agreed as Lilly walked in.

“Good then eat something se we can go rent some movies. I think the guys are coming too.” Lilly chipped in. I laughed and ate two poptarts before quickly drinking a glass of milk so we could go.

As it turns out everyone else wanted to stay behind and get everything else sat up before the guys came over, leaving the three of us to go get movies and the always important junk food. Lilly was driving and I’d called shotgun before Sarah could leaving her in the backseat. “I didn’t know it was supposed to rain today.” I commented as I looked up again at the sky that was now completely dark. I couldn’t even see any star twinkling in the darkness.

“Yeah I guess we are going to have to learn to check on the weather before we make plans to go to the beach days in advance.” Lilly commented a slightly aggravated tone to her voice. I looked out the windshield to see what had her upset. I saw Heidi’s car going back towards campus with the drivers’ side window rolled down, revealing her glaring at Lilly and I. “Dumb bitch.”

“”Come on, it is California. We expect nice weather and there usually is. And yes, yes she is.” I looked back out the window on my side as Sarah cracked up and Lilly let out a laugh too. It only took a few more minutes to reach Blockbuster and when we did we all got out to go inside.

“So many movies, so little time.” Sarah mumbled to us as soon as we walked in.

“Only if they have al the movies you want.” I reminded her.

“I guess it’s a good thing we didn’t come for a special movie.” Lilly laughed.

After renting a few different movies we headed off on our junk food quest before heading back. When we drove back onto the campus it was starting lightly, To be honest the place looked eerie. The school itself had very few lights on inside since it was Saturday, most of the dorm houses were lit up in several rooms, the clouds were still blocking the moon which left the rest of the campus lit only by the lamp posts. The light wind was swaying the trees and bushes around, casting strangely shaped shadows onto the grass and gravel where the lamp posts were lit. “She is outside somewhere.” I whispered as Lilly drove towards the dorm house.

“Who? Who is outside Sapphire?” Sarah asked.

‘Medea.” The moment I spoke her name I saw a lightening flash in the distance.

“Can you see her? Sapphire where is she outside?” Lilly asked me as we came closer to the dorm house.

“No, I just feel it.”

“Lets just get everything inside at once and stay there.” She suggested.

“Agreed “.The frightening scene outside was melted away the second we walked through the door, finding everyone sitting in the living room talking about different subjects. Matt looked up and smiled when he knew we were inside, relaxing the rest of the tension I felt from the odd feeling away.

15 minutes later we all sat gathered in the living room trying to get settled in for the movies. Matt and I had half of the couch and Lilly and Zacky had the other half, the guys claiming that we get it since they’d sent us out to get stuff. Sarah took one look at the fact that she’d be stuck with the four of us, rolled her eyes and claimed a huge beanbag chair. While we were gone they’d moved a futon into the living room and had it set up in couch form as well, Jimmy, Dani, Brian, and Mary were currently occupying it. Johnny and Victoria had one of the oversized chairs claimed for themselves, Dan and Rave had the next one, and Brandon and Ash had the last one. Alex and Hollie had the two giant beanbag chairs that sat next to each other and Mar had the last one.

“Everyone ready?” Matt asked, his finger hovering over the play button on the remote.

“Yup.” Came from everyone in the room quickly causing Matt to press play before sitting the remote down on the end table. The movie started and filled the previously blank screen with color and life. As the movie’s opening scene began to play my head found it’s way to my favorite spot for time’s like theses, Matt’s shoulder.

Halfway through the movie I suddenly got a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach. I wasn’t sure if it was a warning of some kind like earlier or if I’d just had too much junk food so I ignored it. Or at least I tried to ignore it by tuning myself into the movie to avoid thinking about it. I was so deep in concentrating on the movie, which I wasn’t even sure what was going on in, that I didn’t feel Matt move slightly regardless of the fact that I was curled up against his side. “Saph? Saph are you okay?” His whispered voice finally brought me back.

“Huh? Yeah I’m fine.” I answered back in a whispered. He nodded once and his hand gently rubbed my arm in a comforting way. The move had quieted down a bit and I heard the sounds of rain falling harder outside and knew that the storm was beginning. Matt’s hands was still moving up and down lightly on mine and judging by the look on his face I don’t think he realized he was doing it. Not that I minded.

When the movie ended the lights came back on and everybody stood up to stretch before the next one. I didn’t move much, just enough to let Matt up. Of course he was the first to notice and didn’t move either, then everyone else looked over. “I’m going to go get some air outside on the porch.” I announced as I stood up.

“Okay we’ll save the next movie until you get back.” Lilly and Sarah responded with a yeah or yup from everyone else as a back-up.

“Nah go ahead and start it, I won’t stay out too long.” I heard Matt stand up the second I turned the door knob and I knew he was coming with me. Once I was outside I sat down on the swinging bench that stayed dry before of the porch’s roof. The rain was now pouring down into the black night, shining in front of the lamp posts light in places. The dark clouds were still thickly blanketing the sky, making it a starless and moonless night.

“So are you going to tell me what is wrong?” I looked over and sighed as Matt sat down next to me.

“I don’t know. I have this weird feeling in my stomach and I don’t know why. At first I thought it was the junk food but its not.”

“Do you think it has something to do with Medea?”

“I don’t know what else it would be. I knew that she was outside when Lilly, Sarah, and I came back but that was a different feeling.”

“You don’t have to think about it right now Saph.”

“I already tried to not think about it and it is impossible.” After I said this we both feel silent and just watched ass the rain poured. The sound of the raindrops hitting different objects was comforting to me as it mixed with the fresh smell.

“You wanna go inside?” Matt asked as he changed the subject.

“You go ahead, I’ll come inside soon.”

“I’m in no hurry, I’ll just stay out here with you Saph.”

“I kind of just want to think though.”

“Okay then I’ll think too.” I laughed and we sat in silence for what felt like a long time. My thoughts drifted to trying to figure out what the feeling could mean.

“That is it, I’m going inside.” I stated jumping up, tired of trying to figure it out.

“Okay I’m right behind you.” When we walked in the movie was already playing and everyone was watching it contently. Matt and I took our spots back on the couch to settle in for the movie. We’d just gotten settled in when the thunder began rumbling outside.

The feeling was getting more intense as the minutes passed and it was becoming all I could think about since it was unavoidable and unable to be ignored now. I was looking at the movie that was playing but I wasn’t watching it. I was sitting in the room but it didn’t feel like I was really there, it was like I was somewhere else.

A shiver ran up and down my spine as lightening struck outside flashed into the room through the thick curtains and more thunder rumbled outside, slightly shaking the ground with it. My vision was starting to blur a little so I blinked my eyes hard several times in an attempt to clear the blur away. I suddenly felt cold even though it wasn’t at all cold in the living room. “Saph?” Even Matt’s voice sounded far away.

“I’m okay. Just watch the movie.” I whispered as I looked back at the screen. I wasn’t going to say anything to him about what was going on since I couldn’t explain it. I could still feel his eyes on me as I drifted off more.

I tried to stop it but I could. I had no control over the situation and that made me feel panicked. I felt helpless, powerless, and useless. I could feel Matt’s eyes on me as I began to shake lightly, a sense of fear setting in deeper, chilling my bones to their very cores. My heartbeat was becoming faster and my vision kept blurring. I felt myself go into a cold sweat and opened my mouth to speak, just to ask what was happening, and no sound would come out.

Matt was whispering in my ear but I couldn’t make out any of his words, they were just mumbled sounds to me. I could feel his grip around me tighten and I knew he’d bring this to the attention of the others in a matter of seconds. But I couldn’t stop it. I couldn’t stop anything at this point.

Suddenly I didn’t feel like I was here anymore, I felt like I was somewhere else, somewhere far away. I couldn’t hear anything anymore. The blur in my vision worsened to a point were I could no longer see anything. I was freezing and sweating at the same time, and the fear was deep inside me.

Then everything went black, and I let out a ear piercing scream.
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Thanks to everyone who reads/comments/subscribes!! Sorry this one took so long, but don't worry the next one will be out soon!! But what do you guys think of the new layout? I'm not so sure about it....