Status: Due to loss of inspiration, on Hiatus until further notice. Sorry

Here With You

Star-view Academy

When the plane landed I jumped up a little too quickly and since I was still a little sore, I regreated it immediately. I grabbed my carry on bag and looked at Cynthia. "You ready kid?" I noticed her shaking hands.

"As ready as I'm going to be. I get nervous when moving to new places."

"California is amazing, you'll love it." And with that said I grabbed her arm and led her off the plane. Inside the airport was busy with people getting off flights and waiting for loved ones.

My eyes scanned the waiting area looking for my mom and aunt. I knew they were around here somewhere. My eyes spotted a lady who I looked like a lot. I almost ran over to her. "Mom." Was all I said before she pulled me into a tight hug.

"Sapphire! Sweetie! I missed you so much!" I liked the tight hug, but I couldn't breathe. So I was happy when she loosened her grip. My aunt Cari was hugging Cynthia, and after the four of us had lunch we all headed off our own ways.

I watched out the car window as my mom drove. I wondered where home was going to be, and I wondered what awaited me. I was so happy to see the sights of Huntington Beach again that I could almost jump out the minute my mom parked and kiss the ground. No I'm not kidding when I say that. It was a Saturday which meant I would probably start school Monday.

"Uh mom, where are we going? Aren't these almost the outskirts of Huntington Beach?" I asked as I began getting confused.

"Home. The house is out this way. We are almost there." She answered with a smile. I watched, waiting to see where we went. I saw a large size building ahead. It looked like a mansion, with a lot of smaller (but still pretty big) houses around it. My mom stopped at the gate.

"This is home?!" The words flew out of my mouth making my mom laugh. I looked at a sigh that said "Welcome to Star-view Academy" In fancy white writing against a night sky.

"Mom why does it say Star-view Academy?" I asked

"Sweetie I'm a head teacher here. I live on campus, and you will be attending the school." I looked at her in disbelief.

"I don't belong here."

"You'll see that you do. Give it time. You'll love it." She pulled up to a large house that was hidden among trees with one identical to it about 20 yards away. I looked around at this amazing place.

"I have to warn you, a few girls live in the house already. But I'm sure you'll get along great with them. I don't think they are home yet." My mom said as she unlocked the door.

"Who lives there?" I pointed to the other house.

"Ah, that would be five of the boy students." I shrugged and looked inside the house as the door opened. It looked really nice.

"Come on, I'll show you your room." I followed my mom upstairs and she opened a door. The large room had a twin size bed with a black bed skirt, and white sheets, and a black comforter on it. The computer desk was black with a computer at it. A t.v. stand with a t.v.positioned on it that was also black, a black night stand, and a small black dresser.

"You can decorate it however you want. The black furniture is standard in every room here at the academy."

"Okay." I was still shocked.

"Sweetie, you can go explore anywhere you want to. The main school is open, and you can go get your schedule if you want to. There aren't any classes until Monday. But I'm sure some of the students are wondering around."

"Thanks mom." I hugged her tightly, and then said I was going to go explore. This place was amazing. As soon as I walked into the large main building I was blown away. It was lit with purple lights mostly, and red every so often. The main lights were dim and I saw a lot of black, purple and red.

It didn't feel like one of those stuck-up schools, but it didn't feel like a public school. I felt like I would like this school. I watched the numbers and names above the doors, until I came to two large French glass doors. Above the door it read "Main Office" I opened the door and walked in.

A lady sat at a desk filling out paper work. "Excuse me?" I asked. She looked up and smiled.

"Can I help you?" She asked.

"Um yes, I'm Sapphire Madison. My mom said that I could pick up my schedule here?" It was around that moment that it hit me, something was very different about this place.

"Ah yes. Sapphire, we've been expecting you." They'd been expecting me? Well I'm sure my mom told them I was coming. She handed me several papers stapled together, and a separate piece of paper.

"Thank you." I smiled at the lady.

"You are very welcome Sapphire." I turned and left the office and walked away from the room. I finally stopped and looked at my schedule. I had to blink a few times and look at it again to make sure I was seeing right.

I had a Sociology class, a History class, Music, Drama, Literature, and art. And the teachers were listed as Professors. I was a little confused,so I just kept walking. I came to a coke machine, and decided I needed some water. I pulled a dollar bill out of my pocket and tried to get it to take it in.

"Come on." I sighed out loud as I tried again.

"It won't work." A guy's voice said. I spun around.

"Hi." He said.


"Here, let me." He took the dollar bill, hit where the money was supposed to go in and placed the dollar bill in. It took it in, and he kicked the side of the machine. I heard it dispense the water bottle.

"Here you go." He took it out and handed it to me.

"Thanks." I was consumed by this guy. He was gorgeous.

"I'm Matt." His voice interrupted my thoughts.

"I'm Sapphire."

"Well I guess I'll leave you alone. See ya around. And nice shirt." I remembered I was wearing a Guns N Roses tee shirt. I watched as he walked away. "Say something!" My mind scram at me.

"Thanks! But you don't have to leave." I replied. He turned around and smiled.

"You are new here aren't you?"

"Uh yeah. And I have no clue where anything is. I'm supposed to explore."

"Come with me. I'll show you around."