Status: Due to loss of inspiration, on Hiatus until further notice. Sorry

Here With You

New Friends

“So you’re new here?” Matt asked after he showed me around the school.

“Well would I have been looking around in amazement if I’d ever been here before?”

“I guess not, but actually I meant new in the city?”

“Oh, uh yeah. Well I lived here until I was too. Then my jackass dad somehow got custody because he got the best lawyer in the state and moved me to Miami.”

“So you live with your mom now? Well when you aren’t at the school I mean.”

“Yeah, but I live with her here too. She’s a teacher here.”

“Who’s your mom?”

“Professor Heart.”

“So you live in the house next to me.”

“I uh guess so.”

“So why’d you come to live with your mom? “

“I’d rather not talk about it yet. It just happened.”

“Okay. I’m sorry for asking so many personal questions.”

“It’s fine, that’s the only way to find out things about a person. So how long have you been going to school here?”

“Since Freshman year.”

“Oh wow.” We had made it outside now. Matt put on the dark sunglasses he had with him right away.

“Well if you want I can walk with you to your classes. The first few days are confusing.”


“No problem. So have you met your roommates yet?”

“Not yet.”

“Well I guess I should let you go meet them.”

“See ya around okay?”

“Okay. Bye.” I went back inside the house and saw my mom sitting on the couch.

“Sweetie can I talk to you?”

“Yeah” I sat down and sat the stuff the lady at the office had given me.

“There is some stuff about yourself that you don’t know.” Well this had an interesting start, which wasn’t exactly a great thing.

“Like what?”

“Well um you are half vampire.” My jaw dropped before she explained every thing. She was a vampire, Mike wasn’t. So I was half-human, half-vampire. Which explained the school because every one here was a vampire.

Half an hour later my mom was finishing up when we heard the back door open. “Those are the other girls who live here. Why don’t you go upstairs to meet them?” My mom suggested.

I was still in complete shock as I walked up the stairs. Who wouldn’t be after discovering that you weren’t what species you thought you were?

“Hey, you must be Sapphire.” One of the other girls said.

“Yeah that would be me.” I responded.

“I’m Mary, that’s Lilly, Hollie, and Ashley.” She pointed to the other three girls as she said their names.


“She must have just found out.” Lilly said.

“That was my guess.” Hollie added in

“She is standing right there, she can hear you.” Ashley chipped in.

“How long have you known that you are a vampire?” Mary asked.

“About thirty minutes.”

“No wonder she’s in shock!” All of them said at the same time making me laugh.

“Yeah after every thing that’s happened in the past week my head is still spinning.”

“Hey we are going to hang out with the guys tonight, wanna come with us?” Mary and Lilly asked at the same time.

“Yeah that sounds cool.”

“We don’t bite you know? You can actually talk to us.” Hollie laughed.

“Yeah, well we might bite. But not you.” Lilly chipped in.

“Yeah miss I will gladly bite Zacky any day of the week.” Mary said looking at over at Lilly and laughing.

“Oh like you won’t gladly bite Brian?”

“You know what, shut up.”

“You guys are scaring her!” Ashley cut them all off. I started laughing.

“They aren’t scaring me, it’s funny actually.”

“Great! You’ll fit right in with all of us!” Mary happily said.

“Yeah, you know you-know-who doesn’t have a girlfriend.” Lilly’s voice chirped.

“No! You two don’t try and play matchmakers!” Hollie snapped.

“Yeah, don’t you two remember last time?” Ashley asked.

“Hey, he liked her!” Mary defended herself.

“Yeah, and she tried to bleed him dry, remember?” Hollie told her, even though she was looking at Lilly.

“Well we will be leaving for their dorm house in about 30 minutes.” Mary turned to me.

“Sweet.” They all disappeared into their rooms to do stuff.

“Sapphire you can come talk to us you know?” I heard them all say, which made me laugh. Little did I know who the guys were, and what exactly I was getting myself into…