Status: Due to loss of inspiration, on Hiatus until further notice. Sorry

Here With You

Exactly What Is Needed

As I walked with Mary, Lilly, Ashley, and Hollie I realized we were going to the dorm house next door. That is where Matt said he lived. They didn’t bother knocking, they just went inside.

“Come on Sapphire.” They all said without even looking back. I followed them inside. They all went to one of the guys that was sitting in the living room. Suddenly Matt walked in.

“Hey Sapphire.” He smiled at me.

“Hey.” I looked over and noticed that everyone was looking over at Matt and I. “Everybody this is Sapphire.” Matt told them

“We know. We all like in the same dorm house, remember?” Mary popped up

“Oh yeah that’s right.”

“I’m Dani. I live next door too.” The who who was sitting next to one of the really tall guys said.

“Yeah Sapphire that’s Jimmy, Brian, Zacky, Jonny, Victoria, Alex, Brandon, and the rest of the gang will be here soon.” Matt pointed to everyone.

“Brian is my boyfriend.” Mary happily stated.

“Zacky is mine.” Lilly added.

“Hollie is my girlfriend.” said Alex

“Me and Brandon are going out.” Ashley added in.

“Victoria here is my girlfriend.” Johnny chipped in.

“Fine, no one let me say anything about me and Jimmy!” DanI said. Every started laughing.

“You can sit down you know.” Matt’s voice cut in.

“Okay.” Wow I sounded like a blabbering idiot!

“But you should sit by me.”

“Oooooh.” Came from everyone.

“Okay.” I don’t even think anyone could hear me.
“Just shut up.” Matt told them.

“Aw does little Matt have a crush?” Dani asked with a laugh

Before Matt could say anything else the door opened and another guy and girl appeared.

“That’s Travis and his girlfriend Lola Sparxx. This is Sapphire.” Matt said right away.

“Hi.” I said.

“Hey.” They both said as they sat down.

“So when did you two meet?” Mary asked looking at Matt and I.

“I showed her around the school earlier.” Matt answered before I did.

“Oh, we see.” Lilly added in.

“What were you doing in the school on a Saturday?” Victoria asked him

“Yeah, what the hell were you doing in there on a Saturday?” Dani looked at him with a questioning look. He just shrugged.

Everyone went back to talking between themselves. “They are weird.” Matt leaned over and whispered, making me laugh.

“Is this everyone?” I asked. Matt shook his head no.

An hour later the place was insane, there was yelling, video games, junk food everywhere, and of course loud music. Two other guys had showed up, Dan and Marc. Matt had told me that him, Brian, Zacky, Jimmy, and Johnny were in a band called Avenged Sevenfold. And Alex, Brandon, Dan, Travis, and Marc were in a band called Atreyu.

I thought it was pretty cool how they were all in bands. “Hey, whoa no! You are not going to win this one!” Jimmy said as he and Zacky played a video game.

“Yeah right, we will see.” Zacky told him.

“Do things always get this crazy?” I asked looking around the room. Matt laughed before answering.

“This isn’t crazy, this is calm.” He answered.

“Sapphire over here!” I heard all the girls saying. I looked over and saw they had all stood up. I started walking over towards them.


“Come with us.” Mary grabbed one arm, Lilly grabbed the other, and Dani pushed me forward and into the kitchen of the house. Victoria and Lola followed us into the kitchen.

“So what exactly is going on between you and Matt?” Mary asked me.

“Nothing. He’s cool.” I answered.

“Uh-huh. He’s cool.” Lilly laughed.

“He’s been talking to you all night.” Victoria chipped in.

“Yeah he has.” Lola agreed.

“So you don’t like him at all?” Dani asked.

“Define like.”

“Like like as in this that he is hot.” Everyone said at once.

“Oh uh…” I trailed off “I don’t know.” They all laughed and rolled their eyes.

“Come on, he’s probably lonely.” Dani said as she laughed.

It was around midnight when everyone started leaving. I guess that was curfew around here. The night was calm, and you could see the stars in the sky and the full moon that shined brightly against the pitch black sky.

“So what are the classes here like?” I asked as all of us walked back.

“They are cool, it just takes some getting used to.” Victoria answered.

“Yeah it can be a pretty big change.” Dani agreed.

“It’s easy to adjust to though.” Mary turned around.

“Correction, most aspects are easy to adjust to.” Lilly chipped in.

They all nodded their heads in agreement. We opened the door and went inside the dorm house. We ended up watching t.v. and falling asleep in various places in the large living room. And so that night was the beginning of a lot, and it was definitely a start of exactly what I needed.