Status: Due to loss of inspiration, on Hiatus until further notice. Sorry

Here With You

Chapter Six

The smell of coffee drifted into my nose. “Move over.” I heard Lilly complaining.

“You have that half of the couch.” Came from Mary.

“I’m trying to sleep over here!” I heard Dani say.

“Yeah I’m trying to sleep over here too!” Victoria chipped in.

“Can’t you guys actually be stop complaining in the morning?” Hollie asked.

“I think you mean girls Hollie. They guys aren’t here.” Ashley corrected Hollie.

“Whatever you say. Same difference.”

“I repeat I’m trying to sleep over here!” Dani repeated.

“Ow did you have to kick me Lilly?” Mary asked.

“Sorry, my bad.” Lilly replied. I opened my eyes and looked around. It was hard not to laugh at the current state of the living room. Mary and Lilly were fighting over the biggest couch, and each of them had half. Dani was asleep on the smaller couch. Victoria, Hollie, and Ashley were all asleep in chairs. And I was in one of the chairs as well.

“I smell coffee” I heard Victoria say.

“So do I. What time is it anyways?” Dani asked.

“It’s probably like 10.” said Mary.

“Or 10:30.” Lilly added.

“Who cares?” I heard Hollie say.

“Yeah who cares? But that coffee does smell good” Ashley added to the conversation.

“Sapphire are you still alive or did you die?” They all asked me at the same time.

“I’m still alive.” I yawned and took a deep breath of the coffee smell.

“Actually you guys are all wrong. It’s 11:45.” My mom’s voice floated into the room.

“Professor Heart you’ve got to be kidding.” Ashley was the first to reply.

“Yeah you are shitting us right?” I heard Mary asked.

“No, it’s 11:45.” Lilly stated as she looked at the clock.

“No shit?” Dani looked at her.

“She’s not kidding.” I added looking at the clock.

“She speaks!” They all yelled making me laugh really hard.

“Yes she does. So what do you girls have planned for today?” My mom sat down on the last chair in the living room that was free.

“We are supposed to go to the mall with the guys.” They all answered before a chorus of “Shit” and “crap”.

“We’ve gotta go get ready!” Dani was the first to say.

“Bye Natalya.” They all said as the ran out of the room. Mary and Dani came back and each of them grabbed one of my arms.

“Come on Sapphire!” Lilly said from behind them.

“Yeah you’ve gotta go get ready.” Mary told me.

“I’m going with you guys?” I asked like an idiot.

“Well of course you are. Now go get ready!” Dani told me since by now we had made it to the stairs. The next 15 minutes were a blur of noise, water running from every bathroom, and the sound of music playing. After everyone was ready we headed to the mall where we met up with the guys. There was another girl standing next to Dan today.

“Rave this is Sapphire. Sapphire this is Dan’s girlfriend Rave.” Matt came up as he walked up to me right away. All the girls looked over and laughed before going to their boyfriends.

“Hey.” She said.

“Hey” I responded. As we went inside I noticed that everyone was wearing dark sunglasses except me. Well I was wearing sunglasses but mine weren’t as dark as everyone else’s.

“Hey uh Matt what’s with the really dark sunglasses?” I asked as we started walking through the mall.

“Doesn’t the sun bother your eyes?”

“A little, but my sunglasses don’t have to be that dark. Why does the sun bother my eyes anyway?”

“You are a vampire, remember? We can tolerate the sun, but we don’t particularly like it. I’m shocked that you don’t need darker sunglasses to protect your eyes.”

“I’m half-human could that have something to do with it?”

“Probably. I wouldn’t know, both my parents are vampires.”

“Is every-one full blooded?”

“Everyone here? Yeah except you.”

“Great I’m already the freak.”

“You aren’t a freak.”

“I’m definitely different though.”

“We are all different. Look around. We are different from most people.”

“What are you guys talkin about back here?” Mary asked dropping back.

“Yeah what are you guys talkin about?” Lilly echoed Mary.

“Uh, fine I’ll be the one to cut to the chase, Matt when are you going to ask the girl out already?” Dani said as bluntly as possible.

“Stop being nosey, you have no idea what is going on!” Hollie, Ashley, Victoria, Rave, and Lola told them before pulling them forward.

“That was random.” I stated.

“They are always random. Wait until you see the guys in random mode.” Matt laughed. Both of us obviously trying to avoid their sudden questions.

“Hurry your asses up!” Zacky complained.

“Yeah you two are taking long enough.” Brian chipped in.

“What are you up to Matt?” Jimmy asked looking back. Matt gave them all a shut up look. And they all laughed.

“You three are trying to piss him off aren’t you?” Alex asked looking at the three of them.

“Of course they are trying to piss Matt off. Aren’t we always trying to?” Brandon laughed. Matt and I quickened our paces to keep up with them. That evening I looked at my schedule to make sure I was right about everything. Sure enough, classes started at 5 p.m.