Status: Due to loss of inspiration, on Hiatus until further notice. Sorry

Here With You

The First Day

“So what’s your first class?” Matt’s voice scared me as I walked towards the school.

“Sociology 412. Professor Kimberlin.” I read off my list.

“Sweet, that’s my first class too.”

“Awesome. I’ll know someone!”

Matt didn’t respond, instead he laughed and nodded his head. “Who else has that class?”

“Well it is mandatory here, but at the same time as us. Alex, Brandon, Dan, Hollie, Ashley, and Rave.”


I followed Matt through most of the school until we came to the rooms in the 400s. “The system of the rooms is pretty easy. The first number of the room represents the years a student has been here. Freshman rooms start with ones, Sophomores twos, and so one.”

“And the numbers next to the classes represents the same right?”

“Yeah. Sociology 412 is fourth year twelfth grade.”

“Clever. Easy to understand.”

“Yeah. But after a while you can tell the year a vampire has been here by looking at them. Like most of the new girls wear a lot of color. Most of them think black is depressing. But really it’s a vampire’s color. Mostly because it is the color of the night sky.”

“And night is our favorite time.” Matt looked over and smiled.

“You said our. So I take it that you like your new found species. Or half-species.” We both laughed a little bit.

“Yeah I guess you could say that.”

“Right here.” Matt pointed to a door, so I followed him into the class room and sat down in the chair next to him. “Hey Matt, hey Sapphire.” A voice said. I looked up.

“Hey Alex.” Matt responded.


“See I told you if we didn’t hurry we’d be late!” Hollie’s voice said almost out of breath.

“And yet class hasn’t started!” Ashley argued.

“Hey guys.” Brandon said as he sat down right behind Ashley. Hollie sat down next to Alex.

“Hey.” Matt and I responded.

I heard a loud bell ring before Matt looked over at me. “It’s still a school.” He said.

“Good morning class.” A lady’s voice said. I looked to the front of the class and saw her.

“Morning.” The class still sounded a little sleepy.

“I see we have a new student in the class today. Hello Sapphire, I’m professor Kimberlin.” She looked directly at me. Vampires know too much.

“Hi.” I responded.

“Well let’s get started shall we? Please open your text books to chapter two. You should see the words “The ancient vampire civilizations” at the top. Matt can you get Sapphire a text book?” Professor Kimberlin began before turning to Matt. He nodded his head and stood up. He walked to the back of the class room.

“Do you like him?” Ashley mouthed out at me.

“Why do you ask?” I mouthed out back to her.

“Here you go.” Matt’s voice interrupted.

“Thanks.” He smiled. Okay honestly, yeah I did like him. A lot. But was it that obvious?

“I’m sure as many of you know the fact that vampires actually do exists is now a fact that has been accepted by many places. But it wasn’t always like this. In ancient times we lived in secret. We lived in fear. We were forced to hide exactly what we were.” That had to suck, being forced to hide who you were.

“Vampires were killed just for being vampires. And yet we still survived through secrecy. Even today some people do not like the fact that we are still alive. Let’s start reading from the top of the page.” And so she read for a while, then we answered questions and did the normal work on paper.

“Now a few things that weren’t in the book is that we were feared to the point of being hunted because of our love of blood. They compared us to animals who were starving for blood. This is not true. We do drink blood. But we can control ourselves. Many of you know that and many of you have started drinking blood already. We need it to stay sane. There are human donors that ship blood to us. But we do not attack and kill people for blood. For those of you who haven’t tried blood, then know that it isn’t disgusting. It has a very sweet delicious taste. But we would like to make sure you try it from another student or ask a teacher for a sip. A teacher can get you some from a donor.” The loud bell sounded for class to release.

“I will see you all tomorrow.” Her voice said as everyone stood up and shoved the textbook into their book bag for homework purposes. I walked out of the class next to Matt.

“Have you tried blood?” I asked looking at him.

“Yeah.” He answered with a smile. I didn’t say anything. “It’s a lot better than you think.”

“Okay she’s coming with you.” Mary’s voice broke in.

“Yeah she has the same history class time as us.” Lilly added.

“So tell her goodbye.” Dani ordered with a laugh.

“Okay, okay. See ya later Saph.” Matt told me.

“See ya later.” I smiled back. After that the three of them told me to follow them.

“How do you know that we have the same history class?” I asked.

“We looked at your schedule while you were in the shower this morning.” They all said.

“Oh I see.”

“So Matt already has a nickname for you huh?” Dani asked

“I guess he does.”

“That’s a good sign.” Lilly laughed.

“No great sign.” Mary corrected her.

“What are you three talking about?” I asked looking completely confused.

“Do you like him or not?” Mary asked looking at me.


“We think he likes you.” Lilly informed me.

“So basically we think you like him and he likes you. We just need someone to confirm our theories. And Jimmy said he is going to find out if Matt likes you.” Dani continued.

“And you should tell us if you like him because we have no one to ask if you like him besides you.” Mary added calmly.

“Will you guys tell anyone if I say I do?”

“No.” They all said.

“Maybe a little.” I answered as they turned into a room.
♠ ♠ ♠
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