Status: Due to loss of inspiration, on Hiatus until further notice. Sorry

Here With You

A Change to the Night Sky

I walked towards the cafeteria with Matt, Brandon, Ashley, Alex, Hollie, and Victoria. The first half of school had went smoothly, thankfully. After getting our food I followed them to a large table where everyone else was sitting.

Mary and Lilly looked up at Matt and I and laughed to themselves while Dani smirked at us. I sat down next to Matt. “Hello Matt. Who is your new friend here?” A high pitched voice asked, which made everyone stop talking and look up.

“What you’ve never saw a beautiful girl before?” She asked flipping her platinum blond hair, which almost made her hair look gray. That’s how blond it was.

“Go away Heidi.” Matt told her.

“You aren’t beautiful, you are a slut. Plain and simple.” all the girls told her.

“Don’t you miss me baby?” She asked looking at Matt.

“No. You tried to bleed me dry of blood remember, while you were screwing around with what’s his name behind my back.” Matt growled. She turned around and left.

“Who was that?” I asked.

“Matt’s ex-girlfriend. She wasn’t popular when she got here, but then she changed.” Mary told me as everyone else nodded in agreement.

“That’s not the one we sat him up with that tried to bleed him dry if that is what you are thinking.” Lilly told me, which I was thinking oddly enough. Everyone started talking to each other except for Matt and I. We just sat there in silence.

“You okay?” I asked breaking the silence between us.
“Oh yeah, I was just thinking.”

“Oh okay. Just wondering. You got quiet.”

“Yeah I just zoned out thinking about some stuff.”

We went back to eating and pretty soon lunch was over. Matt said that we have the same Literature class time, so we walked together. “Your mom is a cool teacher.” Matt said out of no where.

“Sweet. Matt are you sure you are okay?”

“Yeah, it’s just Heidi doesn’t go away.”

“What happened?”

“I just got here and she was cool. We liked the same stuff and I don’t know, kind of hit it off. Then she got me to let her drink my blood and she tried to bleed me dry. After that she started cheating on me with some guy that was popular. Two chicks here have done that, I guess something is wrong with me.”

“They are just stupid. Don’t pay attention to them. Did you taste her blood?”

“Heidi’s? No. I wasn’t ready for blood at that point.”

“Oh okay. Just wondering.” We came to a class room and went inside. I sat down next to Matt and pulled out my notebook.

“What are you doing?” He asked.

“Just getting ready. I love reading, so I’ve always like Literature classes.” He just smiled at me.

“Does anyone else have this class?” I asked.

“At the same time? Out of the group? Nope, just us.”

“Okay.” It wasn’t long before my mom walked into the class room. The whole lesson was based around early American Literature during what is known as the romantic period. The main author of the day was Washington Irving.

I had already read Sleepy Hollow and was working on Rip Van Winkle, so I knew some of the stuff before my mom even said anything about it. I really liked the class and was a little sad when it was over. I stood up and followed Matt outside.

“You have art next right?”


“Well Mary, Lilly, Dani, Victoria, Rave and Lola all have that class too. I’ll show you where it is though.”

“What class do you have?”

“Sports. We are playing basketball.” He smiled and showed his dimples. His smile made my stomach drop to my feet and it made me get butterflies. Which is something no guy had ever done before. I was really falling for this guy.

“Right here is the art room. I’ll see you later Saph.” He said, and then did the last thing I expected, and hugged me.

“See you later.” I smiled as he walked off. I walked in and saw Mary and Lilly standing up. So I walked (okay I felt like I was floating) over to where they were. Dani, Victoria, Rave, and Lola were all sitting in the same row as Mary and Lilly.

“Some one is happy.” Mary said with a questioning look.

“Yeah, very happy.” Lilly laughed.

“We saw Matt hug you.” Dani informed me.

“And we saw how much you enjoyed it.” Rave added with a laugh.

“You were practically floating in here.” Victoria chipped in.

“Someone really likes Matt.” Lola said with a grin. Well my secret was out.


“I give it a week before he asks her out.” Mary said confidently.

“How do you guys even know if he li-” I was cut off by a teacher walking in the room.

“Hello everyone.” She happily said.

“Hello” The class echoed.

“Today I want you to draw a color drawing of the night sky. How ever large of a moon you’d like, how many ever stars you’d like. But I always want to see something that represents something you love. A symbol of that one thing. Now let’s get started.”
I started and added musical notes into the night sky. Music was something that I really loved, so I thought I’d draw the music notes. But as I drew my mind kept thinking about Matt and how I liked the way it felt when he hugged me.

But it was nothing. He was just hugging me because he is a nice guy. And he told me earlier he made sure I knew that he classified me as a friend. So it was just one friend giving another friend a hug.

It didn’t take long for me to finish the drawing. I looked at it and made sure I liked it. I looked around and noticed that almost everyone was done.

“Art isn’t something that has to be perfect. What counts in art of any kind is that you have a love for it, that you like what you are doing. When we like something we put our hearts into it, and with our hearts backing what ever we are doing we can succeed.” Professor Brighton started talking. She was making perfect sense to me.

“Here at the school we encourage everyone of you to follow your love for something. We want to help you accomplish what ever it is you dream of doing. And everyone knows that vampires are very creative. So I’m sure most of you have a passion or love for something creative.” The loud bell sounded. Drawing must have taken longer than I noticed. I spent almost an hour on a drawing with out noticing it.

“I will see you all tomorrow.” The professor told us as she sat down at her desk. I walked out of the class room with all the girls but we hadn’t gotten far when Matt showed up.

“Come on Saph, I want to show you something.” He said.

“Okay.” I turned to follow him as everyone watched us, smirking. I followed Matt outside the school. I wasn’t sure what we were looking at yet though. All I saw was the dorm houses and the night sky.

“Does it look any different to you?” Matt asked

“Does what look any different?” I was confused.

“The night sky. The moon?”

“Yeah but I can’t describe it. What’s different?”

“No one knows, but as soon as you embrace being a vampire you take a love to the night. And then something seems different about the night sky but no one can ever describe it.”

“Wow, that’s cool.”

“I like you.”

“Sapphire, I like you. A lot. Do you wanna go out with me Friday night?”

“I like you too. And yeah I do wanna go out with you.” He smiled before kissing me. When he kissed me something changed inside of me and I felt different. I felt happier than I had in years.

His lips felt nice against mine. They were soft and he was gentle with me. He wasn’t an asshole who didn’t care, I could tell that he did care. In all honesty I didn’t want this moment, or the kiss, to end.