Status: Due to loss of inspiration, on Hiatus until further notice. Sorry

Here With You

The Elements

“So how was your date?!?!” Mary and Lilly asked me the minute I walked in the door.

“Awesome.” I answered smiling.

“He kissed you again.” Dani laughed.

“How did you know?”

“You are practically floating. You look like you are on cloud nine.” Ashley told me.

“Maybe I am.” Everyone laughed.

“So when is the second date?” Mary asked.

“I don’t know, next Friday.” Everyone smiled and grabbed their stuff.

“Where are you guys going?” I asked.

“They guys house.” They all said as they walked out the door. I stood there like an idiot.

“You coming?” Lilly asked.

“Yeah.” I laughed. At the guys house Lola, Victoria, and Rave were already there. I went and sat down next to Matt. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder which made me smile. Everyone laughed for a few seconds.

“Can’t say that we didn’t see this one coming.” Rave said out of no where.

“It was obvious.” Victoria added with a laugh.

“Guys shut up, they are sitting right there!” Lola said as she started laughing her head off.
“Like we care.” Mary said as everyone started laughing. I noticed all the girls were sitting next to their boyfriends.

“Hey you wanna go up to my room?” Matt asked.

“Um okay.” I followed him upstairs to his room.

“So are you curious about what a vampire can do yet?” He asked.

“Yeah a little bit.”

“What about blood?”

“Not yet.”

“Let me know when you want to go try out your vampire abilities or when you are ready to taste blood.”

“What if I’m never ready to taste blood?”

“You will be.”


“You are a vampire, it comes with being one.”

“How good can it taste Matt? It’s blood.”

“It tastes a lot better than it sounds at first. You are still adjusting to everything Saph.”

“The idea of sucking blood freaks me out.”

“It’s not technically sucking blood, it’s drinking.”

“Don’t you have to suck to you know, get it to come out of the skin?”

“A little, but not much. It usually flows out on it’s own.”

“Are you just telling me that so I calm down about it?”

“No Saph, I’m telling you the truth. Why is it calming you down?”

“Yeah a little.”

“Then I guess I should say it again. It’s not really sucking blood, it more less flows out on its own.”

“You really want to calm me down don’t you?”

“Well yeah. Is it working?”

“Yeah. So what exactly can I do as a vampire?”

“Lots of stuff. You wanna go try out your new talents?”

“In a minute yeah.”

“Nothing bad will happen if that’s what you are freaking out about.”

“Okay in that case.” As soon as we walked into the living room everyone looked up.

“See you guys later.” Matt told them as he started walking towards the door. I followed him. I was waiting for someone to say something, but nothing. Outside the night air felt comforting to me, as if it welcomed me.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“Away from everyone.” Matt answered.


“Well if you want everyone watching through the window or spying on us then we can stay here, but if you don’t we need to get away from the dorm house.”

“Let’s go, I’m nervous enough.”

“Yeah that’s kinda what I guessed.” I followed Matt to the back of the school. It was fairly large area with grass, and lots of plants. There were several trees and flowers around the place that’s for sure.

“I have to admit being able to see this well in the dark is pretty awesome!” I exclaimed out of nowhere.

“Believe me, it is added to the list of awesome things we can do.”


“Yeah, there is a reason we all love being vampires. Where do you want to start?”

“I don’t know, I don’t even know what I can do.”
“You can jump off something that is high in the air and land on your feet. That’s pretty easy to start off with.”

“Okay” I followed him up a ladder that let us get on a balcony two stories up the school building. I was too scared to look down. I was kinda scared of heights. Matt climbed onto the railing and stood up. So I did the same thing.

“Now you just relax and jump off.” He said, then did it. He landed perfectly on his feet. So I did exactly what he said to. I landed on my feet and looked at him in shock. He didn’t say anything, he just laughed.

“Wow, that was wow.” I looked down, not fully believing it.

“You wanna see something really cool?” He asked. I nodded my head yes, still in shock.

“There is a way that you came walk through the night in silence. You won’t make a single word. And you can talk to people by sending your thought into their heads. No one will ever know that you are talking.” I didn’t believe him. Until he did it.

“See, now do you believe me?” His voice said in my head. I once again nodded my head yes. He stopped the silence thing and I could hear him again.

“Now all you do is think in your mind “I am one with night, no one can hear me. I am completely silent.” and when you want to be heard again just think “I am no longer completely silent, let those around me hear me move.” go ahead, try it.” I thought exactly what Matt had told me too.

A new feeling came over me. I felt like night. I felt silent. I felt invisible. Matt’s face changed, like he was in the same shock that I was with all of this. “Matt what’s wrong?” I asked him in my mind.

“Saph, this has never happened before.” He answered which scared me.

“What’s wrong? What’s happening to me?”

“Look in the water.” He pointed to a small pond like thing. I walked over to it and looked down at my reflection. What I saw freaked me out a little. I kept looking for a minute before I could even think.

“Matt what is happening to me?! This didn’t happen to you!” I looked back at the refection. Around me there was like a dark blue almost Sapphire glowing mist. It was all around me, and it almost sparkled.

“I’m not sure. But Saph there is something you need to try okay? Think of fire.” I didn’t question, but I thought of fire. The mist changed from a sapphire color to a blazing red color. I noticed that my eyes were changing with it. As scary as this was, it was pretty awesome! I was still in silence.

“Think of wind now,” I listened to Matt and thought of wind and the mist and my eyes changed to white. “Now hold your palms out towards the water and think of the wind blowing over the water.”

I did exactly what Matt said to and a breeze blew over the water, giving it the ripple affect. I wondered what was going on with me, and why Matt seemed so shocked. “Now think of the earth.” I did.

The mist was now a greenish color with specks of different colors. My eyes matched the mist again. I turned to look at Matt who was shocked but was still smiling “What do I do know?” I asked him, in my mind of course.

“You can let go of the silence now.” I thought what he had told me to, and I felt normal again. Matt and I just stood there for a few minutes before either of us said anything to one another.

“What just happened?” I asked him.

“I’m not sure. But I think I have a good idea. Follow me.” I followed Matt into the school and into the library. The lights were all still on. I didn’t really know my way around in here yet, so I followed Matt towards the back of the huge room.

“What are we looking for?” I asked him.

“This.” He grabbed a book. It was called “Ancient Vampire Abilities.” We sat down at a table that was close by and Matt opened it to the index. I moved my chair closer to Matt so I could see. He turned to close to the back of the book.

At the top of the page it read “Rare Vampire Abilities.” Matt flipped a page, and I realized that there weren’t many listed. He pointed to where it read “Elemental Abilities.” I looked over at him. He smile calmly before saying “Just read it.” We both looked at the page and started to read.

"Although vampires are able to do many things that humans aren’t capable of, there are still rare abilities few vampires have. Abilities that involve elements are extremely rare, and there aren’t many different abilities in the category. If a vampire has one elemental ability then they will have all.

Three elemental abilities are known. One is the ability to vocalize the need or want of element around the vampire, and the element appearing around the vampire. Another is the ability to use the elements to carry messages to another vampire in an emergency. The third ability is the rarest of the three, and is not always able to do even if a vampire has one of the other elemental abilities.

The rarest Elemental ability is to be able to use the elements for what ever they want. The way the ability is normally discovered is by using the silence ability. When the vampire is in complete silence to others and one with night a mist will appear around them. The mist will often glow. The color of the mist changes ever time the vampire uses the silence ability, but the most color that appears most times is a sapphire color.

Only one vampire in history has ever had the ability to use the elements as the please. The ability also enables the use of the other two elemental abilities. But as previously stated, elemental abilities are rare."

“Matt you don’t think that” I started before I stopped.

“That you have the ability to use the elements as you please? Because I’m pretty sure you do. Just one more thing. Call air or wind what ever you want to call it to you.”

“Air I want you around me.” A sudden rush of air surrounded me.

“Call the others.” I did and the same thing happened.

“Matt I can’t possibly have the ability.”

“It says right here if a vampire does a mist will appear around them. Thinking of water will turn the mist blue. Air or wind will turn it white. Fire will turn it red. And earth will turn it green with specks of other colors.”

“Are you saying what I think you are?”

“That you are the second vampire in history to have the ability to use the elements as you please. Yes. Or that you are incredibly special? Yes to that too.” He leaned over and gave me a kiss.