In A Heartbeat

Chapter Four

Well, not only was it majorly creepy to see two of the greatest people in the world in hospital beds next to each other, it was really, really depressing.
My immobility only accentuated the fact I could do nothing to help, except request that they let Avery be in Gerard's hospital room, for the familiar surroundings when she woke up, I could do nothing to increase Gerard's comfort when he woke up, there was nothing familiar here except myself, the rest of the boys from MCR, the girls and possibly Avery.

So for an entire week I sat in Avery’s favorite chair, where she would sit and talk to me about her plans and dreams and favorite soda, waiting for one or the other to wake up, so that I could be there to help.

Today, though, was even more anxious. The doctors had told me, assured me, that Avery would be awake today, thus the reason why Mikey was trying to wrestle my sixth cup of coffee out of my tightly clasped hand.

"OH shit Frank. Now it's all down my front."

My wide nervous eyes twitched backwards and forwards between Mikey's face and his now brown shirt.

"Well, I'm sorry. But you shouldn't have taken my coffee. I need it to calm down."

Mikey sighed and gave up on arguing with caffeine fuelled, nervous, and slightly insane version of myself, yet still threw the half full cup of coffee into the trash.

I swore lightly under my breath and plastered my happy, welcome-to-the-awake-world smile back on my face and turned towards Avery's hospital bed, just in time to see her already awake for the first time in a week and giggling at my behavior.

I almost had a heart attack.

"AVERY!" I yelled, as soon as I recovered.

"FRANKIE!" She yelled back, laughing at my reaction.

I jumped again.

"Let me guess, the nurses let you have caffeine."

"Yeh, but Mikey took it off me."

She looked over at Mikey and the coffee stain on his shirt.

"Hey there Mikey, I'm Avery. Nice too finally meet you."

"Hey, it's been a wait for me too; too finally meet the girl who saved my brother's life."

I sighed relieved that they were getting along. Honestly, that was a worry for me, after seeing that concert of hers, and my planning on asking her to tour with us, I really wanted her and the guys to get along. Not to mention the fact that she was already a fantastic friend.

An hour or so later we were chatting about how our touring arrangements were going to pan out, Avery's band would share our bus, mainly because Avery objected to the cost and trouble it would cause us to hire two. They would play every show we did as our new opener and we were going to organize a few concerts here and there to showcase their own band, which we could watch. Overall everyone was happy with the arrangements, and with the remaining details such as bunks, etcetera, could only be sorted out when the tour started itself, all that remained was for Gerard too wake up and I only pray that he would soon, we all missed him.

The positive side of this was that everybody loved Avery and the girls positively adored her. Mac and Harley seemed to enjoy the added female company. I never really thought about it, but it must be hard to hang out with us boys all tour, especially with Harley and her kids. This was going to work out just fine...

A week later all of us were sitting around the hospital room. Avery was laying on her bed with her hands behind her head, though it technically wasn’t her bed anymore, she had been discharged so we were only here for Gerard. It had become a min ritual, coffee and breakfast were picked up on the way too the hospital, and then we talk and keep and eye on Gerard until five, when we would pick up Burger King, and reluctantly leave for our assorted hotel rooms and apartments.

"I'm serious Ave; I really think it would look lovely on you."

"Purple hair Macintosh? Are you high?"

"Not last time I checked, but I do see your point. Anyone up for takeaway?"

Bob's head jerked up, "Hell yes Wendy Darling."

"Good thing Peter. You're buying."

Avery looked confused at the, well, confusing name change. I giggled; I forgot she wasn't used to this stuff yet.

"Wendy Darling is the full name of the girl in Peter Pan; Wendy is also Mac's first name... Bob calls her that because he thinks he's funny today. Usually it's just Mac, or Mac Darling. He gets in these moods sometimes. I think he really only calls her that cause he's the only one she won't beat up for it, and Bob's very caveman like and feels the need to mark his territory in obscure ways." Supplied Mikey. Avery laughed and continued watching Mac and Bob's entertaining conversation, which somehow evolved to arm wrestling.

Avery smiled and giggled.

"I don't know what you think, but I think I'm going to love it here."

I, for one, definitely agreed.
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In Frankies POV guys!
Does love Frankie