In A Heartbeat

Chapter Five

"I put your two weeks notice in for you at the department." Nikki told me as he wrapped the burns on my arm and stomach.

"No you fucking didn't. I swear to god, Nikki, I'll kill you."

"Okay, I didn't. But I want you to quit."

"I'll quit the department when you lay down your bass and walk away from Motley Crue and Sixx:A.M."

"I'll call them right now."

"You're a lying sack of shit, too." I said smiling, despite the tense argument taking place.

"I just don't want to lose you, Avery. " He said pulling me backwards against his chest and wrapping his arms around me. "I lost you once because of my stupidity and I don't want to go through that again. You're the only thing I have left, Mini Me."

"I know, Nik, but you know as soon as Gerard pulls around I'm going to quit to start getting ready for the tour. You're asking me to give up my life until then."

"It just scares me. Just be careful, okay?" He asked.

"I will, Nikki."

"Alright. Let me get you finished up so Harley and Mac won't have to wait."

He finished wrapping my burns and kissed my forehead before leaving me in my room. I pulled my shirt down and sat on the edge of my bed, staring down at my floor. A million things flooded into my head at once, promising a headache later. I had a few minutes to think, so what the hell?

My life had settled down somewhat after my accident. I was still recovering from the burns caused by the lightning, but I was doing great. It turned out that Frank had been the agent that was interested in looking at us. Apparently he liked us because he had signed us on to his label and we were going to be touring with them later -- if there was another tour.

Gerard was still in a coma and showing no signs of waking up, thought the doctors said that it could just happen. We were all growing more nervous by the day, but we were trying to stay optimistic. The record lable had parked their tour bus in a vacant parking lot in town for fans to leave things at. The collection grew more every day. It really was an awesome sight to see.

"You alright, Little Nikki?" Tommy asked sticking his head in my door.

"Yeah. Just thinking."

"Want a beer to help you think?"


He walked in and sat down beside me and handed me his open Bud Light Lime. I took a drink of it and laid my head on his shoulder.

"What's up?" He asked.

"What am I going to do about Nikki and him wanting me to quit the department?"

"Nothing. He knows that's your life and he knows that you aren't just going to give it up. It just scares him. It use to just be the fact that your office was a burning building, but now you scare him too."

"How so?"

"Because you're fearless and, you think, indestructible. But you're still human just like the rest of us. And it's people like you who usually end up six feet under way before their time. That's what scares him."

"Do you think Gerard will ever wake up?" I asked.

"Yes. Because you were his paramedic and got his heart beating again twice. If he was going to die, he should have died in the ambulance."

I didn't say anything, but took in his words. What he said did have some truth to it, but that didn't mean anything. Gerard could go at anytime. He was already practically dead. The only things keeping him alive was a ventillator that was keeping his heart beating.

"You have too much on your mind, Little Nikki. Go out with Harley and Mac and have fun and don't think about anything but having fun. Go crazy and buy anything you want. Here." He stood up and took his wallet out of his back pocket and gave me one of his many credit cards.

"No, Tommy!"

"Take it. Even if you don't use it. But if there's anything you want, get it. Hey, I'm your uncle. I'm entitled to buy you things, right?"

"The girls are here, Mini Me!" Nikki yelled from downstairs.

"Go have fun." Tommy said pulling me off the bed.

I took another drink of his beer and handed it back to him before hugging him. I grabbed my hoodie and left with Mac and Harley to go to the mall. As soon as we found a parking spot and headed in, my cell phone rang. It was Frank.

"What's up, Frank?" I asked.

"It's Gerard."