In A Heartbeat

Chapter Six

Hey Ave!" called Frank's hyper active from the darkness. "He's almost awake see? The doctor said that this little thing means he's going to wake up! The doctor was right, wasn't he?"

A tinkling laugh bounced joyfully in my head. "Yes Frank, the doctor was right. Thank God."
THe voice nagged at my memory, I couldn't quite place it.
I opened my eyes about a milimetre, unsure if I wanted to see who it was, because if my deductions were correct, the mysterious voice belonged to that assasin girl who had some vendetta against rockstars, of that tv series Mikey watches religiously. In my oppinion it was hardly appropriate veiwing material, sends out the wrong kinda message to kids, expecailly after the BB Gun episode.
I hate BB Guns.

Anyway, judging by the apparent lack of green leather, it wasn't the assasin girl, so i braced myself and opened my eyes fully. There she was, standing by my bed facing the moniter with the heart thing that has lines and beeps and stuff, which kind of led me to think I may have been in a hospital. Everyone else was watching her point at it and explain stuff. She sounded like a doctor but she didn't look it. She looked... Attractive. Not that doctors aren't allowed to be attractive, but they're generally not my type. She was deffinately my type. She was... Beyond beautiful.

Another reason why she couldn't be a doctor is that Bob is scared of doctors and refuses to talk to them, yet everyone, even Bob, seemed to be getting along with this mysteriously attractive person just fine. Plus she wasn't wearing one of those white coat things.

"The confusing thing is though, he should have been awake at least a minute ago." She turned and looked at me.

She paused.

"Oh my God! Gerard! You're awake!"

Well, she seemed to know who I was. That was kind of worrying, cause I had no idea who she was. What if I had amnesia and we were engaged and I completely forgot everything about her? I checked my hand for a ring of any kind and I was relieved that I remained jewelleryless. There was always the possibility of her being my girlfriend or my having lost my ring in whatever incident put me in hospital, but i think I'd remember if I'd have tapped that ass.

I decided to take a stab in the dark and assume that I haven't met her. If I have, then lets just put it down to purposeful dramatisation.

"Oh God. I can't believe... Well, I'm so sorry! I guess this is my fault right? Yeh, well. Sorry."

"Uhn. No offence, but Frankie... Who the fuck is this exactly?"

"I'm right here you know."

"I'm fully aware of that. But I'm talking to Frankie right at the moment, you can wait just a little while."

"You know your nothing like the hero they make you out to be."

Frankie jumped in between the two of us. He smelt a fight, and he would do his best to avoid it. He doesn't let me argue with anyone, but he'll let Mikey watch violent, green, strange vendetta ladies everyday at noon. "So. Uh, Gerard. Uhn. this is Avery and-"

I honestly didn't care what he had to say.

"What do you mean by that Avery?"

"Well really, everyone only had nice things to say about you, but I'm guessing that's because you were on your deathbed rather then any attempt at honesty."

"Excuse me?"

"Quite frankly, you're a bitch."

"Well, you're not exactly all that and a skittle tree yourself!"

"What the fuck did I do to you?"

"I have no idea who you are, yet you're inside my hospital room, and you look as though you've been here a while, I don't know why I'm here, and in all honesty, I wouldn't be suprised if you put me in here in some kind of wierd plot to have my babies. If you're some kind of freaky stalker chick, I'm telling you right now, you're not my type. Deffinately not my type."

"How's that for an ego trip. Like I would want anything to do with you."

"And why not?"

"Because you're ugly as sin you arrogant bastard!

"Well you're beyond ugly slut!"

She opened her mouth to say something but Mac and Harley grabbed a shoulder each and whispered what I assume were calming words into her ears.
She stared at me for a moment and simply turned around.

I got up and left. Simple as that. Well actually it was quite melodramatic. It's just something I have a flair for, like netball. Oh yes, I play netball, and I play well.

But anyway, back on topic. I hate her. No matter what I said before, that chick was going down.
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Hope you like the chapter guys^-^