In A Heartbeat

Chapter Seven

"Well you're beyond ugly slut!"

I was about to start screaming. This whole thing had went down the drain so fast that it wasn't funny. I guess I should have kept my mouth shut whenever he first woke up and let Frank explain, but I had to be a smartass.

"C'mon, Ave. Let's just go. This isn't Gerard." Mac whispered in my ear.

"Definitely not. He doesn't remember anything and he doesn't know what he's saying. Let's just let him cool down." Harley added.

I stared at him for just a second more and then I turned around and walked out. I nearly ran into Bob on the way out. I jumped out of his way quickly and then punched the wall. I was furious. At myself mostly though. I should have kept my distance.

"What's wrong?" Bob asked. "Did he wake up?"

"Oh yeah." Mac said.

"You have three seconds to tell me who the fuck you and what you were doing in my hospital room or I'm calling the cops." Gerard said from the door.

"What the fuck are you doing, Gerard?" Harley yelled.

"One. . ."

"I'm the beyond ugly slut that saved your ass twice! I'm the slut that had no interest in you like that, but was simply worried about you. Sorry that took over three seconds. You can call the cops if you want."

"You're a fucking liar! You're not a doctor. How could you have saved my life twice?"

"She's an EMT, Gerard, and yes, she did save your life twice." Frank said from behind him.

"Why don't you go back in and let Frank and Avery explain everything, Gerard? You're making yourself look like a dickhead." Harley said.

"C'mon, let's go." Mac said taking his arm and walking him back in.

"I'm sorry, Avery." Frank apologized, now on the verge of tears.

"Don't be. It was me."

I turned around and walked off and made my way down to the first floor of the hospital. We were all lucky to not have been kicked out of the hospital but I wouldn't have to worry about that anymore because I wasn't coming back. One of these days I would learn to listen to whoever was telling me not to do something because apparently I lacked good decision making skills.

I started walking home not bothering to call Tommy or Nikki to come pick me up. I didn't really feel like explaining to them what had happened. I'm sure they would find out from Frank sooner or later, but I would deal with it then.

"Where are you going, pretty girl?"

I kept walking ignoring Matt's voice. He was seriously asking for an ass kicking right now and I would be so happy to give it to him.

"Fuck off, Matt."

I felt a pair of arms wrap around my neck and a hand was placed over my mouth. Was he seriosly trying this now?

"Not today, bitch. I'm going to make you see that I still love you and want you."

He dragged me off into an alley where his truck was parked. My struggling slowed him down a great bit, but he was determined today. He threw me in the backseat and got in, driving to my house. I was just about to tell him that he was fucking stupid because Nikki and Tommy were there but they were gone now.

"The less trouble you are, the less painful I'll make this." He snarled.

"Fuck you!"

"No, babe, I'm about to fuck you."

He pulled me out of the truck and wrestled me up to the front door. As soon as I was inside and he had let go of me to lock the door, I took a swing at him. He wasn't expecting it, but he rebounded quick. I ducked to miss his punch and threw another at his stomach. He doubled over for a second and then stood up grabbing my throat and slamming me against the door. I told myself not to panic as my air intake became very limited.

"I see you haven't been to the gym in a while. You're weak now, Avery." He smirked.

"You. . .better be g-glad."

He threw me on the ground and grabbed my head hitting it against the hardwood floor just hard enough to almost knock me out. I couldn't fight back anymore and that's what he had wanted. He ripped my clothes off in a hurry and entered me roughly. I didn't scream and couldn't fight back. I just gave in and cried silently as he raped me.

The worse the pain became the darker my world got. Right before I gave in, the door was busted open and Mac and Harley came running in screaming my name. Harley kicked Matt in the face and pulled him off of me while Mac drug me away from the fight. I watched through blurred vision as Harley kicked Matt's ass with no problems. I remembered that Frank had said she was a boxer or fighter or something. She was damn good.

"We have to get you to a hospital." Mac said.

"N-no. I don't w-want. . .t-too. Just c-call my b-brother, p-please?"


I tried to stay awake, but I couldn't. I fell into the darkness just wanting to get away from everything that had happened today.