Beaten Up In My Pajamas!

First and last part..

I never thought I would be in this position. It's one of the most difficult things I've ever had to decide. Not only will this change my entire day, it will say what person I am. I mean, a banana or an apple? I want both. I could eat both, but I'm not that hungry! Then I would be full. I don’t like to be too full. The banana is soft and gentle to my mouth, but the apple is fresh and crispy. I'll leave it for now. Maybe one of them will be eaten soon. So then, I'll have no choice.

She were walking around in her pajamas, she liked her pajamas. It was blue with tiny cookies on it. Her butt looked good in them to. But she couldn't wear them to school. Or maybe she could. As the morning grew brighter and she had molded the thought in her head for a while, she didn't change into jeans. She coamed her hair, she liked her hair flat. And curly, but today was a flat hair day.
A t-shirt with a sassy saying prouncing across her chest, pajamas bottoms, a big rough bag, with books and some stuff that just end up in the bottom of your bag with time, she walked down the street. Her headphones blasting some tune to the world. Today it was something you wouldn’t expect her to listen to. It was very poppy; which was her word for the bubblegum pop stuff. She didn't care if people were surprised. Not like she ever did anything to be the freak that listen to metal. That was just a phase. She was past that now. Every other person in her school had fazes to, but they weren’t marked thereafter. She was, but it didn't bother her too much. The weather hadn't decided if it was going to be happy or sad. It was just hanging in-between. The weather was "Shappy". Yes, that was the word she made in her head. The town was waking up, people that didn't have school were turning on there lights and walking drowsy onto the porch were the sloppy paperboy had thrown the paper at one flowerpot, creating a chain reaction of flowers falling. She wondered why they didn't move the flowers, but no, they had to curse at the paperboy at breakfast. It was a part of the day. It happened in every house.
All the houses were in different colors, but they all matched somehow. She could hear the discussions going on inside one of the houses: "I thought you were gonna carry out the trash!" But then a new song started, and she left the fight at that.
Lilly was humming loudly, she turned a corner and came in sight of the school. A feeling of anger filled her right away. Not because she was seeing the school. She liked school, she had good grades. The thing, or the troll, making her mad was Lindsay, which was the evil girl. You know, that girl that every school has. The one that walks around, like she owns the place. Lindsay had picked Lilly up on her hate radar ever since Lilly said she didn’t like Lindsay's new jeans. It was stupid. Lilly only told the truth, she didn’t bother to lie to a girl that never cared if Lilly had new jeans. After that episode, Lindsay had fun sticking her foot out, whenever Lilly would walk by. All her BitchTrollFriends would laugh so loud. One of these days Lilly were gonna kick her! Well, that is what she played over and over in her head. But Lilly never hit or kicked anybody.

"Uuuh, it's Loopy Lilly!" Lindsay said it, and her friends joined with oo's and uu's.
Great, there were no teachers here yet, that meant Lindsay could do whatever. I could try to walk past her, but they are standing in front of the gate. Think, think. These girls will beat me up if I walk near them.

Without thinking anymore Lilly ran! The opposite way of the girls. She was scared, Lindsay was a strong girl, and she went to all those karate things. Lilly was tall, but not very strong. She could hear thumping behind her. Lindsay was coming. Her breath gurgled, Lilly had asthma. Rasping and stumbling up hill, she would collapse soon. She had to find a way out of this mess, but it was hard thinking without air and a psyko, possible killer running after you! Lilly came to a halt, unable to run any further. She had to take it, whatever was coming. She threw away her bag, tried to stand up tall when Lindsay reached her. If she had her inhaler, she could fight, a little bit.

Lindsay was coming towards me. She was walking now. Knowing she had ran me into a corner. She was big, tall, not fat. Just big. Scary. A monster.
An evil smirk landed on her face. Was this the way my life would end? In a backyard? With some psykofreak kicking? It felt like it. The pain in my chest was mad, like claws scraping the inside of my lungs. And my mouth full of sticky sludge. I knew Lindsay could see my pain. If I could die now, and not feel her first hit. I tried to fall over, but my legs would not listen, like my body was saying, fight! But I couldn’t. The seconds between Lindsay and me was slow, dragging by. I could feel her breath now! It was calm. She talked; you know, Lilly? I go to karate, and I thought I'd show you some moves, but I see you already know one of the ground rules. You're already bowing you're head. She paused. What was this shit? Was she trying to stall it? I could barely stand, and yes, my neck was lowered. She talked again; I hate you Lilly. I don't know why. But when I see you, I wanna smash your scull.
What did I ever do to you? The words came out before I felt them hit my tongue. When the first kick hit my legs I thought they broke, right of. Like matches. I fell to the ground, I felt the dirt fill my mouth. Now it was even harder to breathe. Something warm and sticky was running from my lip, blood. I felt the taste. Lindsay kicked me in the back, she knew were to hit, my lungs were unable to draw any air what so ever. Three kicks followed fast. It felt like my back was broken to. I was curling up, dragging my knees up under my chin. The tears just came, from the pain, and because I was scared. I couldn’t scream. My voice was gone. She took my hand, and folded it out on the ground. I didn't do anything to stop her. I saw her pull her leg up, I saw the shoe come smashing down. I heard the bone break. This time she broke something for sure. If I could scream, it would wake the world. They would hear it in China! She bent down, looked into my face and whispered; Feel free to tell anyone.

Lilly stayed on the ground for many minutes. How many she couldn’t tell. All her body was aching. She needed her asthma medicine. She spat it didn't help. She rolled over to the side where her arm was fine and slowly got up. Her voice was back. She cried so loud. She hated her life! This wasn't going to be her life! She was strong! One day she's gonna change the world. Lindsay had to watch out for her! One day! One beautiful day she would make Lindsay feel like this. Not beaten, but ashamed. Lilly was mad, she wanted to break Lindsay's life!
The tears fell. All the things she had been feeling for so many years came out. It felt good. It gave her new power to take the leap to stand up. She spat again. Lilly didn't care how awful Lindsay's life was; she didn't care if Lindsay's father was a drunk! Lindsay was going to pay for this one day. Just because your life sucks, doesn't give you the right to beat people up. The anger Lilly felt gave her all the power she needed to walk to her bag and get her medicine. She emptied it. Fresh air filled her lungs. It felt good. Lilly stumbled down the same road she had been running up. Across the road, to the school. It was all quite. All the students were in the classrooms. Lilly walked up to the office. The stairs hurt like hell, but she did it, with a lot of effort. Then she came to the desk, were the nice clerk sat. She looked up and gasped.

A couple of days later, when she was walking up the street on her way home, she stopped outside one of the houses, it was so different than all the other houses, someone had painted flowers in crazy colors all over. There was wild grass growing everywhere. The people living there didn't own a lawnmower. The front door was bright yellow. Someone had painted a happy family in the front; it looked like they were standing on the porch. They were all holding hands. Funny, the father in the house was wearing pink pants. But there weren’t a man in this house. She had never seen one in there. She knew the woman living inside that house. She was what the other kids called "crazy". Lilly knew her story; she had heard it a few times. The woman, named Sandra, got in a car crash. After that her mind wasn't right.
Lilly stepped on to the sidewalk when a car came by, it was Lindsay, with her boyfriend. She didn't care she didn't need a boyfriend. But if one came along she wouldn't push him away. Lilly decided she would walk up to the front door and have a closer look at the happy family, which was new of the day. Somebody had tried to paint the grass. It looked like the grass was purple. Purple grass probably taste good, it seemed tasty.
She was standing on the porch now. She could smell the new paint. A bug had flown into the wet paint and was fighting to get loose. It grew more attached to the wall. Lilly smacked it with her hand! Her hand was pink now.
From inside the house she heard weird sounds. Someone, Sandra, was singing a jolly tune. The same one Lilly had listened to this morning. She opened the door, as quite as she could. Sticking her head inside. Sandra was standing by the sink, doing the dishes. Lilly screamed! Loud as she could! Sandra dropped the glass she was holding! Turning her head, looking at Lilly.

Lilly! You are home! I missed you! Very nice scare, that's one point for you. I'll cross it of on the blackboard. Sandra jumped over to the fridge were the blackboard hung.
Lilly smiled, her mom was in a good mood. This week they were scaring each other. The one who loose, have to do a dare.
Her mother was very scared when she found out about what had happened to Lilly. She had to explain, when the hospital called home. Lilly didn't tell anyone who had beaten her. That was what Lindsay wanted.
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i'm proud of my also true.. this is something that have happened to me..

Hope you like it!