Under Cover of Night, All Manner of Sin

Under Cover of Night, All Manner of Sin are Commit

The thick winter darkness swirled through the castle. It was the dead of night, and the school was sleeping. All, except one person.

The cold air felt thick and heavy on her bare arms and legs, leaving intricate icy patterns on her skin as it blew past her. Her fingerless gloves did no good, leaving her fingers feeling colder than they otherwise would have. She sneezed and shivered again, against the cold.

She reached up and let her long ebony hair fall over her shoulders, giving her a little extra warmth.

She was bare foot, her toes pink from the icy floor, but silent in the night. She was wearing a white silk night dress and had a black lace shawl pulled around her. As she walked she hummed to herself, a high haunting melody that would have spooked anyone who heard it.

She pushed open the heavy oak door and stepped into a dark room.

‘Are you here?’

A boy stepped out of the darkness and smiled. ‘Of course. Why wouldn’t I be?’

She smiled, ‘Well, I wasn’t sure that you would come. What reason did I have to know that I could trust you?’

He laughed, his eyes twinkling in the darkness, ‘Why, I didn’t say I could trust you did I?’

This time, her smile was short and didn’t extend to her eyes. ‘Why won’t you let me see your face?’

‘Why won’t you let me see yours?’

‘Trust is a two way street, so if you light the candle, then we shall both be trusting each other. However, I think, you know who I am already most likely.’

He laughed shortly. ‘Yes, I do. So you see, there is nothing in it for me, if I should show you my face.’

‘Oh, isn’t there?’

‘No. There isn’t.’

She frowned into the darkness in the direction of the lovely velvet voice. Oh, so he thought he had the upper hand, did he? He would see.

She turned to leave, ‘Goodbye. I don’t really want to see you anyway- you don’t seem to me to be a nice person.’

His laugh was loud and abrupt- it startled her. ‘Well, at least take what you came for.’ He strode across the room and caught her arm. His strong hand caught her arm and pulled her further into the room, closer to his body. He thrust a brown paper parcel into her hands. ‘That is all you came for?’

She nodded silently. He was so close that she could feel his sweet hot breath on her skin, on her face. He stepped around behind her and slid his hands around her waist. She tried to pull away but he wouldn’t let her.

‘Is that all you came for? Or did you want rather something more?’

She growled a quiet but threatening sound in the pit of her throat. ‘Get off me.’

He pressed his face into her hair, his breath tickling the back of her neck, ‘But don’t you want to see my face? Get to know me better?’

She wrenched out of his grip, ‘No. I don’t. Take your filthy gift. I want nothing to do with you.’

He laughed softly, as the brown paper parcel fell to the floor at his feet. He advanced on her again; she was trapped in a corner; he knew that she had left her wand upstairs by her bed- it had not been in her dress- he had felt nothing but a pocket-less silky nightgown.

She backed away, her breath quickening as she felt the wall behind her. There was no further to go. She was at a dead end.

He reached out and pulled her to him, his hands running up and down her body. She groaned into him. The darkness felt tight around her now, as he caressed her. The anonymity of their encounter seemed too much to bear, but at the same time, the perfect cover. She could feel her defence slipping away, her resistance fading. She felt like she was melting. He rubbed the soft skin of his cheek against her face and she shivered.

He pulled her tighter into him again, until it felt like their bodies could barely get any closer. She could still feel his breath tickling her face, but now it felt nice.

She sighed as the last ebb of her resistance faded into nothing. He smiled and pulled her chin up to him, and as their lips met she groaned, a deep longing filling her. She was no longer cold, but boiling, boiling hot. She felt feverish with excitement. As she slid her hands under his shirt, feeling the muscled planes of his chest, she pressed herself to him, making her intentions clear. He whimpered; her power over him was great now, as she had intended no doubt. He pulled the shawl from her shoulders and slid the thin straps of the silk gown off her shoulders. Her fingers didn’t fumble once as she quickly unbuttoned his jeans and pushed them to the floor. She kicked them away and kissed him hard. He was there against her leg, begging for entrance, but she was slow now, drawing out his painful joy.

She pulled away for a second, leaving him blind and panting in the darkness.

She slid off her knickers and felt for him again in the darkness. They were against the wall, breathing heavily. She slid down, her hands on his sides, on his hips until she reached him. She flicked out her tongue and took him into her mouth; he shook, shuddering with pleasure. She slid her plump puckered lips around him, up and down his length. Again, again. But suddenly she pulled away and was back at his mouth now, pleading him to enter her, make her happy. She gasped as he pulled at her hips, pushing himself so deep into her that she thought she might be in heaven. Her eyes rolled up as he thrust and thrust, deeper and deeper. She was on the moon, higher and higher as he caressed her breasts. Suddenly he pulled away from her and this time he crouched down. He pulled her down to the floor with him, and lay her down. He took his wand from his jeans and pushed it inside her; she shivered with anticipation, knowing what was coming next. He whispered a spell, and her back arched as the wand shuddered inside her, she groaned and gasped, crying out as the pleasure filled her up, taking her to places she had never known and suddenly he was in her again, heaving back and forth, in and out her body felt like an earthquake, as it shuddered and quaked around him. He was heavy inside her, filling her up. She felt like she had never been alive before, never quite lived before this.

He groaned in her ear, as her heavy breath tickled his face. She was wet around him, making him feel so warm and so gooey. His insides felt like they had disappeared. She pulled his hips down on her again and again. He groaned, could life be any better? He felt like he was flying, his pulse hot in his ears, his heart thudding as he gasped suddenly. The pleasure was so much that it hurt and he quickened, faster and faster, her back arching as the pleasure for her too, maximised and she screamed out loud with surprise as he bit hard down on her lip. But it was so good that the pain made it nicer. He swore as she pushed him harder and harder. He felt so hard that he would never come back down. He felt that he could go on forever, forever, forever. He groaned as her hair fell forwards onto his face. She arched her back again and he went deeper again, deeper this time that ever before. Her lips lingered on him as she whimpered her pleasure so high that she felt she might die. She groaned into his mouth, warning him, it would end soon, surely it couldn’t get better, surely they would reach the top of this pleasure mountain soon, and suddenly, suddenly their bodies mingled so close that they practically became each other, their shrieks echoing in the halls as they came, him filling her with a lasting reminder of their night of anonymous intimacy. She fell onto him, sweat dripping from her face, her hair matted around her face and her eyes wild with desire.

‘Oh you, whoever you are, never leave me. Never let me go.’