
When I started

‘Shit!’ I screeched as I awoke from a deep sleep from freezing cold water being poured over my face.
‘You have fifteen minutes before I want you at the front door ready.’ Dad said as he left the room. I groaned as I sat up and grabbed the nearest clothes to me.
After speedily drying my hair and finishing it off with my straightners I ran downstairs to find my parents waiting in the car.
I saw the school about five miles way when we were driving through a small village. It could be seen perching on the top of a hill in the near distance.
There was nothing around it. No shops, no bars, no houses, kind of like Hogwarts but with out the magic.
We slowly ground to a halt. I stepped out the car kind of expecting to hear a piercing scream coming from inside, but there was nothing. Just silence.
And then I heard a bell ring. Guys started flooding past us all in the same grey uniform.
‘Sean Smith?’ A woman stood nearby asked.
‘Hi, I am Mrs Kendal, the headmistress at this school.’
We were taken on a trip around the school visiting the boarding house and all the classrooms. I also met my future room mate, Matthew Davies. The one thing that I wouldn’t be able to cope with was the lack of girls. I’d seen three all day, and every one of them was over the age of thirty.
It seemed to be that mum and dad had already decided that I was going as soon as we walked out the door. I was told to pack as soon as I got in and I was to ring Ian up when I’d settled in and not before.
And here I am now, sat on my new bed with Matthew helping me unpack.
‘So are you here for a reason? Or just fancied somewhere new?’ he asked.
‘My parents got fed up of me pissing around.’

Matthew’s POV

I must NOT look at Sean’s arse.
I must NOT look at Sean’s arse.
I must NOT look at Sean’s arse.
But my god! He’s so sexy!
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments would be nice :)