Liar Liar Pants on Fire


Still trying to put his words in the right state of mind, I walked out side to get some fresh air. i reached into my pocket and got out my keys. Unlocking the car, i got inside and saw some scott eggs on the passenger seat and eat one, it wasn't nice... it was all warm.

I decided i was going to face the music, or in other words... I was going to see Julia

I eventually arrived at her house. I knocked on her door, and after 2 minutes of waiting she answered it. She was dressed, looked like she was going to see someone. She stepped out her flat, and with out a word. she slapped me, then carried on walking towards her car, she got init and drove off.

I just stood there staring at where her car was, grasping my cheek from where she'd slapped me. I walked to my car and sat in it for 5 minutes pondering about what just happened. I drove back to Alex's house. Walked in and there was Alex and Ali watching murder, she wrote.

"What happened?" Alex asked me
"she hit me, well she slapped me" I replied him "Right here, on the cheek and god it fucking hurt, she has one hit. I continued pointing at my cheek where she hit me.
"God, it's red." Ali said "Lol. She must have been angry"
"Anyway, I'm getting a cuppa tea" I said walking in to the kitchen
"Make me an cup of coffe, please" said Alex
"No, make one yourself" i replied
"Please" he said pouting, i hated to see him sad, even if he is pretending
"Fine, I'll make you a cup of coffee, do you want anything Ali?" I asked
"Erm, yeah two cups of tea, please" he replied
"Why two?" I nosed
"One for me, one for harry" Ali said pointing at his girlfriend who was sitting right next to him.
"Oh didn't see you there harry, sorry" i spoke
"It's alright, Ed" she giggled
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