The Black parade

Welcome to the black parade Part 2

My father cleared his throat, his back was kept towards me. He had always done that when he was about to tell me something that he was reluctant to tell me. Like when he had to break the news to me that my puppy had died from an illness, or that he couldn't come to my school play.
I hated it when he did that, and I hated it now, but I was ready to listen.

"Years ago, back in the war, after I stepped on that landmine in Khe Sahn, I nearly died. Nearly is an understatement, I flat lined twice, and they had to revive me twice at the MASH unit. During my operation, I kept seeing this strange looking woman standing next to me. She told me her name was Mother War, that she visits all of her children before they die. She told me that she had been there for my own fathers death back in World War One. I never met my own dad because he died overseas before I was born, your grandma didn't find out she was pregnant with me until two weeks after he was shipped out. So I never got to meet the man."

I listened intently, leaning forward in my seat.

"I told Mother War, that I wasn't ready to die. I told her that I had a beautiful wife back at home waiting for me, that we wanted to start a family. She struck a deal with me, saying that I could live until my oldest sons' 15th birthday. After that, I had a year to kill myself. So, as you know, I killed myself by hanging, you boys found me unfortunately, and I'm sorry for that."

"Go to hell dad! Like you give a shit!" I spat at him.

He smiled, he actually smiled at me!

"Well, I'm already there, so what else can I do for you? I'm already dead too. But can I continue?" he said with a smirk.

I leaned back in my chair, "Yeah, go on."

"After I died, You were to die within two years of my death, in a car accident, in the summer, Mother War predicted it, she said that you would die in the blazing car. But you didn't on that summer day because you weren't ready. Mother War was wrong about how you would die, she later predicted Cancer. The cancer was my fault son..."

I couldn't believe it, how was my father responsible for the cancer that killed me?!

He went on, "While I was in Vietnam, I was exposed to small levels of Agent Orange. Myself and other soldiers had no idea that we had been contaminated, and when we got back home, we contaminated our babies. Most soldiers children came out deformed or mentally retarded, but you came out perfect. Nothing was wrong with you, not yet at least. The cancer didn't show up on monitors until you were 22. The rest is well...history..."

I stood up, tempted to cold cock him straight in the face, but the better half of me only turned away, biting my lip hard to keep from screaming.

"I told you about all of this when we went to the parade that one day in the city. I wanted you to know that I would be leaving you one day. I wanted you to know that I would be sending a phantom to lead you when you died. I know that is hard for a 10 year old boy to understand, and I didn't want to scare you, so I kept it simple and unclear so that you wouldn't dwell on it. I take it, you've met the phantom?"

I turned to face him, gritting my teeth, "Yes, I've met him."

"Good, well then you'd better get back to him then, don't want to keep him waiting right? You should just carry on with things." he said flatly, turning away from me.

I nearly leapt at his throat, but I choked it down, "Fine father...I'll be going then.."
And with that, I turned and left, leaving him alone in the auditorium.

I stepped out into the city streets again, the crowds were quiet. They watched me descend the steps and take my place next to Virgil.

He gave me a long hard look, then a gentle pat on the back, "I regret that one. That was your easiest trial my boy, all you had to do, was meet with your father and talk to him. If it's any comfort, you passed it."

I shook my head in indifference, "C'mon Virgil, let's keep going. I'm done here."

"As you wish! Call to arms! Forward.........MARCH!"

The parade started back up again, but only the bass drums and snare drums played. It felt like a funeral march.


"Yes boyo, what is it?!"

"Who are the broken, the beaten, and the damned?"

"Why, we all are, every single one of us here fit into that category. Why do you ask?"

I shrugged, "No reason, just curious."

A carriage drawn by black horses pulled up next to us. The doors flew open, and out stepped a regal looking man with slicked back Grey hair, deep sunken eyes, and a walrus like mustache.

He climbed on top of the carriage, cleared his throat, "Greetings! You've made it this far, and you have been doing well on your trials! We, the people of Necropolis city would like to give you this medal to commemorate your induction amongst our ranks the great BLACK PARADE!!!!"

The entire city went crazy, cheering, "WELCOME! WELCOME! WELCOME!"

Virgil lifted me up with his long gangly arms, so that the prestigious looking man could hang a heavy bronze medal around my neck. Everyone cheered and clapped.

"Who is this guy? What is the big deal here?!" I demanded.

"Oh silly boy! That man is the Governor of Necropolis city! He has just awarded you for doing well on your trials, and for being the latest member of the BLACK PARADE!!"

On hearing "Black parade" shouted, the city went mad again, tossing those black roses and the band playing loud booming music.

I looked over at Virgil, overwhelmed with the scene before me.

He smiled and curtly tipped his hat to me, "I understand how you feel, we all do!"

He removed his hat and placed it on my head, "Welcome to the black parade young master...welcome indeed!"