
one and only

Name: Sella C. Bullens Age: 16 Date: 11/3/05 Date of Birth: 4/3/1988

As soon as I walked into the room I could tell that this was going to be a rather insipid day. I got a call here to be interviewed for a job, or so I thought. Around 11 o’clock am the room started to fill up – they were all teenagers around my age. A girl by the name of Rillo ended up sitting by me. Her perfume diffused throughout the air, making the room slightly more tolerable. Around noon HE walked into the room.

HE wore an ostentatious suit that showed his avaricious taste quality. HE began to drone on and on in a hackneyed speech about useless information we were supposed to know. Before we knew it, we were being herded into another room that was environed by mirrors. HE told us to sit there and wait until he came back. There were ten of us in that room.

We waited for what seemed like hours; none of us was wearing a watch, and our phones were confiscated. When the door finally opened, HE stood there, only now HE was squalid and the frivolity he had heretofore was gone. My interest was piqued; although, I knew whatever HE was going to say next would not be good. HE stepped into the room, had one looked at our confused faces and started to laugh a supercilious, rapacious laugh that reminded me of the Joker.

“Who are you?” demanded an intrepid young boy.

The only thing HE replied with was, “I am HE and that is all you need to know.”

“Why are you keeping us here? Let us go; it’s been hours and we have things to do!”
said Rillo obviously and rightfully impertinent. “Some of us have lives to get back to.”

“My dear Rillo,” HE stated. “Don't pretend like I thwarted any of your plans. We all know that that no one is looking for you. For the most part, none of you have any lives to get back to.”

Rillo shrunk back into the corner; she was clearly abashed by the hurtful words. As HE continued to talk his voice started to get more and more menacing and he started to encroach further and further into our personal space. Any hopes of having my fears allayed were now gone. They were now replaced with an odious hatred towards this evil man. The longer he talked the more I started to abhor this gruesome place.

“I was commissioned by the good citizens of Boston to make sure teenagers like you stayed out of the street.” HE explained. “Thus, I created this room, the room of whimsical imagination. Everywhere you look you can only see yourself in a mirror. Everything you see can be left up to your imagination,” his voice was capricious; one moment it was impertinent the next it was somewhat cheerful.

“I am now the proprietor of this lovely building. Get used to this room, this is now your new home!” he laughed as he left us alone in the room of mirrors.

I am Sella C. Bullens. It is November 11, 2011; it has been exactly 2 years since I got out of that loathsome room. I now live everyday with the knowledge that things beyond the imagination are at work in everyday life. I do not know why I was picked for that experiment, or how HE found me, but now I live in fear of that extent happening again and I circumspect every aspect of my life before I do something. Thanks to HE I will never be the same, most people now think I am mentally insane…
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sorry about the 'big' words... had to do this for my British Lit. class and we had to use our vocabulary words in it.