Out of the Ordinary


Have you ever felt so abnormal? So out of place?
Wishing everyday as you walk through high school that
you could have some kind of normality? In my world,
being human is far from being normal.

My name is Erin Warren. I go to Winchester High, s high
school for any thing you think is mythical:from fairies to
werewolves and gnomes to witches. You'll have your
regular human classes just encase you'd like to interact
with them or live in their communities. And then you have
classes like Witches Brew 101 or Pixy Dust:The History of
Pixies. But of course most classes usually only accept
students from that species, since it pertains only to their

Especially Morphing 200, strictly werewolves only. Just
because fairies can do almost anything they think they can
morph into a werewolf. They are the tiniest creatures so
ever if they could morph, they wouldn't be so scary. They
are banned after one fairy hid in one of the werewolves
hair. Something with pixy dust and he had no fur on his
head whenever he morphed.

Middle school was a piece of cake. There were still some
humans, like me, who hadn't yet become something. All
the species can live together peacefully, so sometimes you
have a full family of werewolves and out comes a fairy.
She probably took after her great great great-to whatever
degree-grandmother. And so, you aren't always sure what
you'll be.

You could wake up floating in the air, you know you're a
witch. Or your just itching to be in a tight space, of course
your a genie. Tons of fur, werewolf. If you wake up three
feet shorter then you're a gnome. But most of the time you
are what your parents are, no need to worry about being a
gnome in a family of witches.

But as for me, I'm still a human. All of my friends have
become what they are from our last year in middle school
till just last year, our junior year. They still say 'hi' and talk
a little, but they now fit in with their own kind and they love
that feeling. I don't blame them, no one really wants to
hang out with the humans, especially when she's been
one for almost eighteen years.

I hear my parents talking and they think that I'll never
become anything. In the human world that's a harsh thing
to say to a child, but in my world, it's sad, for everyone.
They think I'll stay human and do human things, and be
friends with humans.

Humans are the most hated species, we don't let them
know what we are, most of those in my world can
transform into a human, or already look like one but have
extra powers, like a witch. We do not tell for fear of being
ridiculed or killed. They just don't understand anything or
give us a chance to speak. Nothing else matters to a
human, they are just vile, selfish creatures who kill
each other, they should be the real monsters.

I got up from my bed and headed towards my window. You
could see the ocean perfectly, see the peaceful, calming
movements of the waves. Watch the seagulls on our dock
picking at their feathers.

My family was made up of five mermaids, so we had to live
near the water. They can take their human form but it tires
them out, makes their magic and healing powers weak. I
had the house to myself for days, sometimes when I had a
lot to do for school they'd be gone for weeks, three at the
most. And this was the first time they were gone for almost
a month, the longest I've been with out them. And I was
sad and lonely.

They weren't a bad family, the ocean is what they need, it's
a necessity for them, that's where they belong. And if I was
one, we would all be gone and stay in the sea for years,
never returning to land until it was a new year for us.
That's how it was, New Years wasn't January first for us,
we didn't age, or my family didn't age, until four years,
every fourth Halloween. That's when you have to return to
land, and find that person you love, sometimes it takes
long, my mom once told me. It takes long, but eventually
you will find that mermaid.

I could drive and I could cook, and the fridge was always
full so I could take care of myself, I was almost eighteen,
just a month away,on November first. But it was times like
this, when I had the house to myself and could really think
about anything. I would wonder to myself if I would be the
monster, if I would remain a human.