
A Tap Dance

"Favorite band?"



"Why not?"

"Just answer the question, fuck…."

"Because the lyrics are so real and the music is so beautiful."

"Favorite color?"



"Why not?"

"Answer the fucking question."

"Because it means loyalty. And it's so pretty, so duh."

"Favorite car?"

"What the hell kind of question is that?"


"I know, I know. Answer the question, right? Sweetie, I'm a girl. I don't give a crap about cars. As long as its cute and it gets me where I want to go, I'm good."

"Favorite subject?"

"Don't you think it's weird we're just doing this now and we've been going out for over a year?"

"Don't make me say your full name."

"Okay! Geez…asking me all these questions and I can't ask one back. I like world history."

"Eww, why?"

"Just do. Learning about the past makes us smarter for our future."

"Favorite food?"

"You should know that, it's pizza."

"Favorite flower?"

"White lilies. Or daffodils. It's a tie."

"Favorite memory?"

"The day I met you."

"Favorite gum?"

"5's Rain. That shit is awesome."

"Favorite cuss word?"


"Favorite thing to do?"

"Kiss you."

"Thing about me you love the most?"

"Your eyes."


"They make you look like your mom."

"The thing you hate about me the most?"

"When you hit me."


"Are you kidding me?"

"Answer the fucking question."

"Would you want to get hit by the person you love?"


"Don't 'babe' me. Why don't you answer my question for once? Do you want to get hit by me every single day?"

"Babe, I swear…."

"You hurt me. Then you lie to me and say you'll never do it again. Then you say you love me. What kind of sane person does that? It makes me…it makes me think that you don't love me and never have. You just want a dog on a very, very, very short chain."


"Baby, don't make your mom."


"Don't be like your dad."

"What the hell?"

"Don't beat me to the point where I have no choice but to leave. I don't want to be like your mom. I don't want to suffer for years. I don't want to leave the people I love. I don't want to die."


I took another shower.