The Muse

Chapter two


On my way to the studio the next day, my first single The Heartbreak was playing on the local radio station. I hadn't heard that song in a while, normally radio stations don't play older music. It was the reason I got signed to the record studio. It was the reason I'm driving this Audi.

The day I wrote that song, my previous best friend (before the lovely Harlow) and my previous boyfriend were sneaking around my back. I know, kind of clichéd isn't it? Well, as over-used as it was we were supposed to all hang out at the local coffee shop, but they forgot they invited me. Basically I caught their tongues down each others throats. I was furious at the time and managed to write a KA song (that means Kick Ass) that would haunt them forever. I guess I should thank them for that though, without them I would have never become famous.

I turned the channel away from my song just as I pulled into the studio parking lot. There weren't many cars, but I recognized Amy's Range Rover.

"Gemma!" Amy greeted happily, as I stumbled into the recording studio. It was early in the morning, so much for meeting in the afternoon. I took a long swig off my Starbucks, before yanking off my beanie and tossing it onto the table. "Sweetie, why do you wear that hat in the summer? It's practically steaming outside."

I shrugged and yawned, plopping down on one of the chairs outside the recording studio. I hadn't gotten much sleep last night, Harlow and I spent most of the night trying on different outfits and deciding which ones we'd never wear. "Where's Kevin?" I yawned again, so it sounded like 'Waaas Kivan?'.

"Right here," I turned around the door to see Kevin Jonas, who was smiling huge. "Let's get to work."

Amy stood up, nodded to the both of us before walking out of the studio, locking the door on her way out. "What the hell?" I shouted after her, trying to open the door. "What are you trying to do you crazy psycho manager?"

Kevin laughed from behind me, and I turned to face him. I crossed my arms over my chest and narrowed my eyes. "What?" I snapped, I'm highly irritable in the mornings. Not to mention the fact that he's laughing at me. I hate being laughed at by people who don't know me. Well, mostly I hate being laughed at by anyone who isn't Harlow. Only because Harlow knows the real me.

"Nothing," Kevin smirked, covering his mouth with his hand. I rolled my eyes dramatically and sat back down at the table. Kevin sat across from me and pulled out a notebook and a guitar. He strummed a few cords then rested his arm on the guitar and leaned towards me. "So, I hear you're in a creative funk and I know you aren't big on talking about it. I'm just going to get the awkward part down and ask, why?"

My eyes narrowed and I scoffed. "There isn't a reason, I just can't come up with anything good because my slave driver of a manager wouldn't let me leave the house for two weeks. That's why." I smugly crossed my arms over my chest as Kevin's smile fell…then rose again with a chuckle.

"Maybe Miss Number One Single has lost her touch," I glared. "Just kidding," He laughed and I still glared. "Oh come on Gemma. It was a joke. Plus, we all know you're one of the best songwriters in Hollywood. You're just going through a phase. Once we get this song written, you'll be back on top."

When I didn't reply, he reached across and placed his hand on top of mine, "I promise,"

I took a deep breath as he pulled his hand away, "Okay. Fine." He smiled and strummed the guitar again. "You have any ideas?"

"I've got a rhythm, the music part that is." Kevin replied, getting up and moving toward the grand piano. "You can play, right?"

"Yeah," I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "I've played since I was four."

"Good," He nodded, sitting down at the bench and sliding his hands over the keys. He turned around to face me, "Come on." He patted the seat next to him. I stayed where I was. "I don't bite Kate."

I sighed and moved to sit next to him, I could smell his cologne really strong now. It was a good smell, thank god. I adjusted the way I was sitting, so that our thighs weren't touching, even though I was practically off the bench. He chuckled. "Alright, so it starts off just piano and chimes."

He started to play the piano swiftly, his fingers moving across the keys in a way that I couldn't do. "Then drums and guitar will kick in and we'll have the song." He finished playing and turned to face me, I could see all the freckles on his face. "It's obviously open for creative changes, but it's a start."

We got up and sat down at the table again, pulling out our notebooks. As sorry as I was to say it, Kevin was slightly enjoyable to be around, even if it hurt my reputation to be 'co-writing'. "Let's do some wordplay," Kevin sighed after I didn't say anything to him. "I'll say something, you'll say something back and so forth. I'll start. Heart."

"Red," I snapped back, this was gay. Who does this to write a song? Normally I just have something that comes to me. "This is gay."

Kevin groaned and stretched his arms backward. "Fine, let's trying something else. We'll listen to some music and we'll see if you get an ideas." He walked over to the stereo system and pressed play.

Twenty seven minutes later, I was leaning back balancing a pencil on the top of my mouth and spinning around in my chair. Kevin's face was on the table and he tapped his fingers around. "You know," He pulled himself up. "I know why you can't get anything written."

"Oh you do?" I raised an eyebrow, stopping the chair and folding my arms over my chest. "Enlighten me Jonas."

"I will," Kevin smirked setting his guitar down and propping his elbow up and leaning his head against it. "You can't write because you're too easily distracted, too easily amused. We were on the verge of a break through a few minutes ago and then you discovered that you could balance that damn pencil on your face. You can't concentrate."

"I can too," I snarled and leaned closer to him. "I can concentrate, and I'm not 'easily amused'. There's no inspiration in my life right now! I'm seriously thinking about quitting the music business right now and turning to a life of counting cards while playing Blackjack. I'll probably make a hell of a lot more money."

"And you'll get a lot more bruises from those Vegas thugs. Just take a deep breath. You're Gemma Kate. The Gemma Kate. No one can write a song like you. You're the shit." I'm starting to like this guy a little bit more. He continued, "But if you act like you are, we aren't going to get this song written. So stuff your ego up your ass and lets try this again." I take that back.

"You're a jackass, you know that?"

"No, I'm just trying to piss you off. Hot, angry songwriters are dangerous." Kevin smiled, laughed, and punched me playfully on the shoulder. "Lighten up Kate, it's only life."

I stopped from laughing and my eyes widened. A smile broke across my face. "See I told you," Kevin said.

"No," I shook my head. "That's it."

"What's it?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"It's only life." I bit my lip. "That's our song."

Kevin grinned, "I'm a genius."

"Oh come on," I laughed, "I'm the one who thought of it. You should sat there like a dipshit!"

"But I said it!" Kevin stood up and stood over me, with a grin playing on his face. "It's my line."

"No!" I challenged, standing up to face him. I was tall, so I could look him in the eye. "I'm the one who came up with it! I get the credit. You can have side-mention."

"Side-mention?" He laughed, grabbing me and tickling my sides and I giggled obnoxiously like I always do when someone tickles me. "Side-mention my ass! I want full credit and my face on the cover of the album! And you to declare your love to me on Oprah! Just like Tom Cruise did for-"

"Knock, knock." They door opened, and Kevin and I turned to see Amy and Joe, Kevin's brother, standing in the doorway. I had met the brothers one more then one occasion, but I had never really talked to them all that much. One thing I knew though, was that Joe was the funny brother and the badass of the group. Which meant, he was totally my type and I'd have to avoid him to win the bet with Harlow. "Well, well…" Joe smirked, eyeing the two of us. "Looks like you two were busy."

Kevin dropped his arms from around me and laughed. "Not really, we're just fighting over who gets credit for the song." Amy's eyes brightened and she clapped her hands together excitedly. "We just need to write the rest of the song."

"Yeah," I agreed, feeling like I needed to get a word in. "Uh, let's meet tomorrow Kevin? Same place, same time?"

"Sure, see you later Gemma," Kevin smiled, giving me a quick hug. I could see Joe over his shoulder, smirking at me. I pulled away and hid my blush by grabbing my beanie and bags and walking out of the room as swiftly as possible.
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i loved this chapter. It was really fun to write! And thanks for all the reviews on the past chapter, they really make me want to write as fast as possible. Anyway, comments would be lovely. Thanks for reading! - sam