‹ Prequel: Starving For His Touch

The Hunger In My Heart

A little over six months has passed and Frank Iero is ready to leave the eating disorder clinic and head back to New Jersey. However, having had no one contact him during his recovery he remains unaware to the new lives his band mates and ex boyfriend, Gerard, have built for themselves.

How will the now healthy Frank cope when he realises Gerard has truly moved on and his life contains two shiny new accessories that he and a special someone wear with

This is the sequel to starving for his touch, it will make more sense if you’re read that story first, however you don’t have to if you don’t want to. Oh, and the beginning of starving for his touch is quite poor quality because it was written a long time ago but it gets better several chapters in.
  1. One.
    A young man with a fresh mind and a troubled past, waits patiently by the reception area of a clinic most people would dread to have to enter. For a little over six months, this exact clinic, Abbeymoore, was home to none other than Frank Iero.
  2. Two.
    Sometimes Gerard’s voice spooks Frank’s mind, it sounds perfectly clear as though the pale faced male is conversing with him at the given time; oh how the young man yearned for it to be the real Gerard not a dulling memory.
  3. Three.
    Franks stomach twists when the smell of food tingles within his nostrils, it’s one of the things that’s stuck with him even after his recovery; he always feels a little apprehensive and nauseous when he knows he needs to eat.
  4. Four.
    Gerard doesn’t move an inch from his position even though he can feel all but Frank’s eyes glancing from him, to Maria, to him again. It’s almost like he believes if he sits still enough he’ll disappear
  5. Five.
    It’s not only his ex-lover who and band mates who has reinvented themselves, no, Frank too plans to become a whole new person. He swallows his pain and manages to pull off an honest face.
  6. Six.
    Frank’s mother has been going out of her head with worry, seeing as the guitarist refuses to tell her what’s wrong and why he returned from Gerard’s place in such a state. There was no chance in hell that the short haired Frank was going to tell the
  7. Seven.
    He remembers locking himself in this room at sixteen when they broke up, tears running down his face from her hurtful words. It was the first time he’d ever felt heartbroken- it was the first time he’d ever given his heart out.
  8. Eight.
    “I told you, I want to make things better again. I can‘t stand seeing you like this…I just want my best friend back.” Gerard thinks back to the hundreds of times Frank stood by his side when he was battling with his own problems.
  9. Nine.
    He’s fully aware of how dangerously empty his stomach is, he knows he needs to regain the few pounds he’s lost or else he’ll start wasting away once more.