The Point Between Life And Death That Connects Us All With A Thread Before Falling Into The Lonely Depths Of Darkness

The Beginning of The Darkness

She lay on the soft ground, wind rustling her thin cotton-like hair. A trickle of blood dropped from a deep gash on the side of her head. Bonnie Vadette had awoken, in a strange forest, to the sound of birdsong. The events of the past day were hazy.

She could faintly remember a party, her party in fact. There had been large tankards of alcohol for anyone who wished to drink it. But not Bonnie. She was too young, at the age of 13. Then she remembered everyone leaving. It was just her mother, father and self. The next few hours were blank, as if a large piece of her memory had been torn out.
She remembered being sound asleep, when she was rudely awoken by shouting. Her mother. Her father. They sounded as if they were in danger. She ran downstairs, a baseball bat clenched tightly in her hot hands. She opened the door to where the shouts had been coming from. Inside, a surprise laid waiting for her.
Her father was sprawled on the floor in a small pool of blood. Her mother was backing away from a strange creature. At first glance, it seemed to be human. Bonnie, walked further in the room. She was scared for her own life, but she wanted to save her mother. But as she proceeded, the woman crouched in the corner shrieked,
“Bonnie! Get out of here! Save yourself!”
At that moment, the creature turned around and stared icily into Bonnie’s eyes. Her insides writhed, her head filled with ghastly images of her mother, her father, herself, all dieing, all in pain. She dropped the bat on the floor. Her muscles seemed paralyzed with despair.
Fear struck as she realized that this creature were not human. Its red eyes flickered, like the fiery depths of hell, the sleeves of its large black leather cloak were pulled slightly up, revealing a pair of scaly claws. They reminded Bonnie of the dragons in the books she loved to read so much. But the most scary parts of this beast weren’t visible until it spoke to her. Most of his teeth were so short that you might have thought there were none there.
“Your family owes me much. Your parents lives are enough for now, but I’ll be back. Just to be certain that you wont forget the debt you’ve been left in, I’ll give you a little…reminder.”
And with that, it lunged at Bonnie, its canine teeth had grown to an unnatural size. She was sure it was going to rip her apart, but neither of them had remembered the bat on the floor. The beast (which Bonnie now thought to be a vampire) stumbled, giving her the time to take her mother’s advice.
As she ran, everything started to spin. She felt beads of sweat drop from her forehead and land on her night dress. But looking at the bead of sweat, she realized that it was in fact blood.

Her head hurt as she sat up, trying to recall what had happened after. But it wasn’t possible to remember anymore. The vampire had slipped and his tooth had scraped the side of Bonnie’s head. That was why she couldn’t think straight. She had lost a lot of blood. But it still didn’t explain why she was lying in the middle of a forest.
Cautiously she got to her feet and looked around. She recognized this dark place, but she didn’t know where from. The birds still sung high in the trees and the wind gently rustled the crunchy brown leaves on the floor. There wasn’t much light in the forest, but in the distance she could see an opening.
Scared of being alone in this creepy place, she ran as fast as she could towards this one opening, this one chance.
The light burned her eyes. People were staring at her. Perhaps because of the blood on her face, or maybe because of her muddy clothes. But she was used to this treatment because she was an immensely pretty girl. Her thin blonde hair bung low past her waist, her blue eyes shone ferociously, her small button nose was perfectly formed. Her expression was mostly dreamy. There was only one word to describe her - beautiful.
Bonnie only had one thought in her head - I must find my parents, see if they are ok. So she went on a search for any signs that might give away her whereabouts. The young girl strolled down several roads before something caught her eye. The news report on the TVs in the shop window.
“Two dead in brutal murder. Garry and Susie Vadette were discovered by their postman when he noticed the lights were on. He knocked to find no answer. The police were called immediately. They were announced dead at the scene-”
Bonnie felt a guilty chill run down her spine.
“-We are still searching for their 13 year old daughter, Bonnie Vadette. If anyone sees this girl-”
A picture of Bonnie flashed on the screen,
“-then please contact the local police. She is believed to be alone and vulnerable.”
Bonnie shook her head vigorously.
"No, this cant be…" she thought eagerly, "They must be another Garry and Susie Vadette. They aren’t talking about my family."
But no matter how much she wished it to be true, she accepted the fact that she couldn’t run away from the truth forever, and that indeed, her parents had been killed.
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This was something i wrote a LONG time ago. i think it was 3/4 years. I havent written anymore yet, but hopefully i will soon! Enjoy! :)