October Moon


Chapter One- Paranoia

Lights flickered rapidly, dimly illuminating the long hallway. Standing at one end was a dark figure, the only visible feature was the faint glow of dark green eyes. Across the corridor was a slightly smaller figure, cowering against the wall, hands held up as if preparing to defend itself. These attempts were futile as the larger figure took a step forward, one long arm outstretched as if to grab something. The lamp, suspended on a chain from the ceiling, swung plaintively back and forth, quickly switching the beam of light between the tow figures. The large one evidently male, advanced o the more feminine figure. He seemed to sneer in ridicule, fingers gingerly brushing against the females bare arm. October jolted, sweat drenched her skin and thin night gown, her icy blue eyes plagued with tears that threaten to spell over at any moment. Gasping for air, she grasped her fingers around her arm, his touch still strong in her memory. Letting out a shaky breath, she carefully swung her legs over the edge of her bed, staring momentarily at the paint scraped walls, watching a small bug crawl over the cracked window. Sighing, she quickly pushed herself up and padded out of the room, her socks making little to no noise whatsoever on the ratty carpet. Making her way thought the living room, she brushed her hand over the door knob, gripping it tightly in her sweaty palms. In one quick motion she unlocked the door and swooped it open, staring down the badly lit hallway in which her dream had taken place.
She frowned, taking a hesitant step out and standing motionless in the hall. She counted silently to ten, looking around her to make sure the figure wasn’t lurking about. Once she had assured herself the dream was indeed a dream, she walked back inside, forgetting to lock the door. She sat down on the torn-apart sofa, sinking into the cushion comfortably before looking at the digital clock on to of the TV. It read one thirty-five am. Groaning inwardly, she new getting back to sleep would be impossible, making the fact she had to wake up at seven am, for work worse then usual. Then again, she was used to this constant waking up due to her insomnia. But every time she would Involuntarily wake up, it would be to the a nightmare. The same one, and she would end up looking for that dark figure in the hallway every time for four straight years. Ever since she moved into this falling apart apartment she had been plagued by dreams of this awful figure, the only feature she could account for was that he was male with dark green eyes. October wracked her brain for years trying to think of someone she knew that fit this description. As she thought of this her eyelids began to get blissfully heavy, and she was asleep within moments.
Again October awoke with a start, glaring around her as the pale moonlight created a beam of dim light filtering through her window. Staggering off the couch, she hesitantly headed to the front door. She hadn’t awoke from a dream, but she was set on the fact she heard a loud sound from outside her door. Opening it slowly, she peaked her head out in the hallway. The empty apartment next door was relatively silent, but she could figure out why the door had been left ajar. It was shut the last time she walked out, wasn’t it? Frowning, she grabbed her key and slipped it into her pocket, walking across the hall. She hesitated, reaching out to shut the door when she heard a shrill sound coming from inside, followed by a series of ’shh’ sounds. Her mind protested as her legs started to lead her into that apartment. At first she saw nothing, but after a few moments of looking around she could have sworn she heard someone saying her name. Telling herself that it was nothing, she began to walk back towards the front door to go back to her own apartment before she heard the curtains rustling in the window behind her. Turning slowly, she met the maker of all this noise, freezing where she stood.
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Okay here's another story that i'm rewritting nothings changed but the names i hope you enjoy it! the next chapter will be up later today!