The Morbid Chronicles of Camp Lame


Dear "Diary," June 12, 2008

Mom's looking for Dad's old trunk out in the storage shed. Too bad for her that she doesn't know it's in the attic piled under the christmas tree box... har har.
If I really go to this camp, then I'll leave June 17th. That's five days away!
Eckkkkk, I'm really not looking forward to this.

I talked to Dad on the computer today; he's safe and all that. He kept asking me about this camp, like if I knew where it was, and if I had any friends who are going,and if I'll be sleeping in tents and a bunch of other questions. I'm like, "Dude, I don't know any more than you!" Then he was all "well fine, let me talk to your mother" and I'm like "fine. Love you. Bye" and then I screamed for mom who was humming and cooking horrible french toast for lunch.
But anyways, my point is is that I was kind of wondering those things, too, but I don't want to ask Mom. That would make her think that I might actually want to go, -which I really do not.
Urgh, Mom's calling me to come and vacuum.

~Lotty M.

Dear Stupid butterfly book, June 13, 2008

Four more days until camp.

Today I went to the pool with Glenda and Ashleigh.
I told them about how horrible my mom was being, making me go to camp and all, and Glenda said that she went to the same camp last summer and it was fine. Then I asked her all the stuff Dad asked and she told me that they slept in cabins, the food wasn't poisoned, she only saw one snake and it was a pet, and that the counselors were really nice. I asked why she wasn't going this year and she said because she's getting a job.

When I got home, I asked Mom if I could get a job instead, but she just shook her head 'no'.
I asked her "why not" and she just shook her head again.

I really hate all of this camp business. I truly do.

~Lotty M.

Dear Diary, June 14, 2008

Today Mom invited Stupid Stephinie, Ashleigh, and Glenda over for the night wihout even asking me. I don't mind -truly- because I know she's just trying to cheer me up. (But I did mind about Stupid Stephinie coming over.) Deep down, way, way deep down, I think I'm kind of scared. I mean, I've never been away longer then a day or two, so four weeks is pretty extreme -even though we get go home for the weekends. Staying day and night with complete strangers and not knowing anybody (with the exception of Stupid Stephinie) kind of freaks me out.
Well, I gotta go and clean my room because I've got two guests and one Stephinie coming over in two hours because I'm pretty sure they don't want to sleep on dirty clothes and anything else that's on my floor.

(Three more days until camp.)

~Lotty M.
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I know that it's fairly boring; just stay with me, okay?